Joe Rogan on Barry Seal and the CIA


7 years ago



Joey Diaz

65 appearances

Joey Diaz is a stand-up comic and New York Times bestselling author. He's the host of the podcast "Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz," co-host of "The Check-In" with Lee Syatt, and author of "Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage."


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I got a little apartment with some stash there. You have a couple safes. If the cops ain't gonna let you deposit it, you gotta be fucking creative. If you read all these guy's stories, the hardest... Joe Rogan, you ready for this expression? The hardest thing is what to do with all the cash. Think about that problem, Joe Rogan. It's a real problem. Think about this room filled with $100. What was the movie I just watched? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I just on a plane. When you're on a plane and Tom Cruise is on, you gotta get him to the better for the doubt. I got an edible in me. I watched the Barry Seale thing. How was it? It's not an Academy Award winner, but it's very interesting when we're just burying money, Joe Rogan. Four million in a shot. Like me and you are in the yard. Burying money, like a suitcase with $100 bills falling out of it, and you don't give a Frenchman's fuck. I always wanted to know this. Snopes this. Did Barry Seale die with George Bush's phone number in his pocket? That's what they always said. And he died. They shot him on the way to the trial with George Bush's phone number in his pocket. Bro, he was Tom Notts, that guy. He had it all. He seen it, bro. He took pictures of them loading a fucking plane in Nicaragua with Escobar and the top eight in Nicaragua. They had him by the fucking balls. No matter what, how you... That took balls. Fuck yeah, dude. They fucked him in the ass. They told him that they wouldn't release the pictures. Then they released the pictures with his douche, and that's why the guy got shot. That fucked up. They should have taken him and hidden him. He fucking... Interesting, though. They assassinated that guy. That's a 100% assassination in connection to some sort of illegal government. It was the fucking ground. On the ground. That was in me and Arkansas, right? No, but here's the problem. This is where Eddie Bravo comes in. They were landing in those Everglades, and don't quote me on this. Eddie broke it down for me, and somebody else broke it down for me, to be honest with you. And they were allowing that on your boy's clock, Clinton's clock. Clinton. That's the theory. That's what Joey Diaz drops out. I don't know nothing about that. Let me tell you the truth, because the truth is fascinating. The truth is, two boys were murdered, and the coroner, the official report they gave to the parents, was that they had fallen asleep on the train tracks. So the parents pay for some sort of an autopsy, and it's revealed that the kid had been stabbed, and that one of them had been stabbed. And then they find out that around that same area was where those guys would drop their drugs before they landed. They would parachute down their drugs, and they would land. And these guys, they would drop points where they would put their shit, and then someone else would come by and pick it up on the ground. Yeah, you got coordinates. Right. And these kids apparently saw something they weren't supposed to see, so they fucking murdered these kids with knives. And then the coroner was all in on it, so they had to conduct some sort of independence. So that is what got this whole Barry Seals thing going. It was this lady trying to figure out, this parent trying to figure out what happened to their kids. You know, Jerome, you have to imagine, okay, that these guys were getting, you know, let's just draw a number. I mean, I'm just an idiot, but let's just draw a number. They were probably getting $4,000 per kilo. What would they put on those planes? And they were sending five of those planes over a day and dropping them in the Louisiana. Listen, I told you a thousand times on the podcast, in 83, they found a bear dead next to a duffel bag filled with cocaine in Aspen, Colorado in the mountains, because they were dropping the fucking coke in the mountains. And the bear ate the coke, and he fucking old beat. His heart blew up. Oh, what does this say? Okay, Barry Seal. Seal had organized a sting operation where he managed to get photographs of Pablo Escobar helping Nicaraguan soldiers to load 1,200 kilos of cocaine onto a C123 military plane. Soon afterwards, Reagan went on television with a photograph to denounce Sandinistas as drug smuggling corrupting. Dot, dot, dot. That's how much he was getting for that fucking load. $4,800,000 for one load. And he was for one fucking load. Now, here's the tricky thing. God damn. Here's what really pisses me the fuck off, that I see narcos and I see everything. But now, this is your Uncle Joey talking to you, Joe Rogan. Can you show me the good side of Pablo Escobar? No, no, no. I'm not going to know. There's no good side to Pablo Escobar. This ain't Lee Harvey Weinstein. This is a story that we have never brought up. But you have to assume, okay? You see all these shows and the whole fucking thing, and they were in bed for sure with Nicaragua. Yeah. Now, who else was in bed with Nicaragua? Let me ask you this. Do you think that it is the actual CIA, or is it people? Or if it – let's not even say CIA, DEA, FBI, made a bunch of fucking letters, put them together. Is it the actual organization, whichever one it is, that's bringing it in? Is it complicit, or are there just cowboys? See, the theory's always been that there's been these few cowboys, corrupt guys. Maybe they get too close to drug deals, too close to the drug deal, and then sometimes they get seduced. Like, there's many, many stories of undercover cops getting seduced by the actual lifestyle of being a criminal. Young kids, they probably did a little crime themselves here or there. They see some cops doing some dirty shit. They see them some – you know, there was that thing that came out about – was it Baltimore? What is the city where cops had – it came out in trial they had kept toy guns on them to plant at the scene of a crime? Like, if they just decided to shoot someplace, they'd plant a fucking toy gun. Okay, this is the – we're talking in the big picture, the big world picture, as an intelligent individual as you are, it was plain and simple. The CIA wanted a piece of their action, and the DEA was tricked into going down in a really controlled award. You can't be this – I'm not saying you. As an American, you can't be this dumb. So what do you think – All the research that we've done, all the research that we've done with General Nordt, he was in on the package with Barry Seale, the whole fucking thing. And here's what gets even deeper. Let's talk about the deepness of it that nobody ever even looked at. And you have to think of it, because I heard this story a thousand times. There was a guy by the name of Carlos laid there that he got crazy. You know, they show him getting his dicks up on the radio in Columbia and everything, and all these TV shows. No. He was on an island, snorting coke with long hair, talking like Jim Morrison, and having fucking threesomes, and the fucking – the own cartel gave Ladera up to the La Rea to keep them off their back. It was five partners. It's me, you, Jamie, and Red Band, but fucking Red Band's out there doing videos of him snorting coke with a fucking pigeon on his head. We can't have this. They gave the DEA fucking Carlos that calm things down for a while. In 83 and 84, when Reagan sent his troops down there – don't quote me on the dates here – but I will tell you as a professional cocaine sniffer, what was going on. In 85, the price of cocaine went skyrocketing, and it wasn't – I'm sick and tired – it wasn't because of cocaine skyrocketing. It was because the cocaine was coming in, but the toughest part was getting the ether alcohol into Columbia to process it. The Colombians had got a tip that the troops were coming down to raid their jungles. Now, what they had not told you in all these shows and research – but this is where Uncle Joe is going to drop on you – is where do you think they took one other – they took some labs to Nicaragua, and they shipped cocaine out of Nicaragua. But guess who else partnered up with them, too? Your buddy Fidel. Fidel was shipping it in – yeah, he's going to be on the podcast in three weeks. Can you imagine having Fidel on your podcast? No, you didn't shit. You and Fidel. You were translating. Oh my god. This whole block would have snipers and fucking everybody. Fidel just walked in with his suit, and you had to teach him like a UFC move and shit.