Joe Rogan on Working with Andy Dick on News Radio


5 years ago



Nick Kroll

1 appearance

Nick Kroll is an actor, comedian, writer, and producer. Check out the new season of his animated series "Big Mouth" available now on Netflix.


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There were no kids on news radio, right? There were no, were there any lifetime, there were there like, no, they were all adults. Yes, all adults, except Andy Dick. Andy Dick's just whatever he is. Yeah. Have you had him on recent words? Yeah. I had him on once, I'm like, that's enough. Yeah. Yeah, I ran him at the comic store the other day. He, well not the other day, he's banned now. Is he banned again? He licked Earl Scagel's face. And he's just, there's drunk Andy, and when drunk Andy's around, you just gotta get the fuck out of there. You know, you can tell the difference. It's two different guys, man. He's very aggressive, he gets like, bangs in the car window, and you're like, oh no, it's drunk Andy. Yeah, and so brandy's a fucking sweetheart. Wonderful guy. And so funny, man. He's a hilarious guy. We did scenes together where we had to do the take five, six times, cause I couldn't stay straight. I kept cracking. Well, you can't stay straight with Andy. Yeah. But he is, he is, he's so funny, but I had, I did a, I did a, early, one of my first things, I did a voice on American Dad, and I did, they had me do Andy Dick. And I was so psyched to get a gig, you know what I mean? I was like, my favorite thing is not doing other comedians. There's some weird kind of code that I don't know what, you know what I mean? Yeah, I know, he's feeling a dick. You feel like a dick, I try not to talk shit about comedians. It's just, it's like, I don't know why. But I did, it was one of my first gigs, it was like, oh cool, I gotta be on American Dad. I did Andy Dick. I was, looking back, I would not probably do it now, where, you know. Did you do it over the top? I don't know, I just did Andy Dick. I don't know, I mean, isn't Andy kinda over the top as he, you know what I mean? I did not mean, it was not being like, oh, I'm gonna go fucking get Andy Dick. But anyway, when I saw him, since then, I've seen him over the years, and I like him, and I think he, when he's sober, he's like, you know, I saw your impression of me, and he's like, and he's kind of like, it's funny, you know? And then I've seen him drunk, and he's like, zow, you know, it's like a very different, it's a very different version of it. And I'm like, but you know, but I get it, man. If someone did a fucking impression of me on some animated show, I don't know, I probably, I'm like, no, I'll do the impression of me. Let me control my narrative here. I think you gotta take your lumps. I guess so. If you dish them out, you gotta take your lumps. Yeah.