Joe Rogan on the AIDS Epidemic


6 years ago



Felipe Esparza

1 appearance

Felipe Esparza is an actor and stand up comedian, who won Last Comic Standing in 2010. Check out his podcast called "What's Up Fool?" available on Spotify.


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Attributed or some people at least are attributing that to Genghis Khan killing some somewhere in the neighborhood of 10% of the population on earth Damn one out of 10 he killed more people than AIDS Yeah, definitely right how many people did AIDS kill if you had a guess? Someone was just talking about that recently and say no one should die from HIV anymore. No one should die of AIDS It literally shouldn't have to happen anymore Isn't that crazy? Just take medication now We were kids everybody was terrified of AIDS a Descent while eating Twinkies terrified of AIDS while eating the thing that's slowly killing you Terrified against maids one little kid gets it everybody's gonna go to school no more remember that one kid Yeah, they stop going to school. Yeah, the magic got in there, but they were though, right? Magic got it. I remember being in my car. I was in my car. I was living in Revere, Massachusetts Revere yeah this Apartment complex and I was Driving my car and I was on the high I was on the road listening to the radio like you know You see where the traffic lights are you see you see you remember it's like burned in your brain like ah Magic Johnson has AIDS what in my car what? What I remember thinking like it was a scene in a vampire move a monster movie or something like a zombie outbreak Like oh my god now. It's it's reached one of the greatest basketball players of all time This is insane are people gonna start dropping off like flies now Start you thought we're in condoms right away afterwards. I don't think so me neither you know Animals bro There's savage I mean it's a reason why there's seven billion of us we stop people need to stop pretending that when they're you know Full fully aroused that they're thinking straight Like you you're operating at about like 10% of your normal resources. You're like AIDS whatever who's got a You still got a little bit with a code Well, they you know it's crazy that it was just primarily Gay people and drug users that were getting it. It's what a weird disease man That's a that's a weird one, man That's a strange thing that you're you when your body starts weakening and shutting down like whoa But when you really think about the actual danger and death Like I think even while AIDS was in its height of killing people I don't think it was killing people as much as the flu was right the numbers. I'm finding now are Depending on worldwide or us so worldwide tuberculosis is now killing more people than AIDS Mmm, but this says that only 1.1 million people today in the US are living with AIDS And I think I saw but living with AIDS is like you're at the border of getting AIDS is that what it is It's like yeah, you have H supposedly this is again. I'm not a doctor right supposedly It's like you have HIV your immune system gets weakened You catch AIDS which is acquired immune deficiency syndrome Which means your T cell levels have reached a certain count where they identify it as AIDS, right? Yeah, it actually did type in AIDS and this is going to HIV so so there's That's they're definitely connected. So it's not people that also their immune system fails. That's outside of HIV Yeah, this so I clicked on this. I'll show you what I clicked on So I typed in that in and this is showing this it says at one point two million people have received an AIDS diagnosis since the early 80s since the early 80s Okay, so one million people and there have been 12,000 in 2014 there were 12,333 deaths due to any cause of people with diagnosed HIV infection ever classified as AIDS and Hmm. What does that mean? Yeah, then it's six. That's a weird way of saying it with people Well, I'll say it again. It says there were 12,333 deaths due to any cause of people with diagnosed HIV infection ever classified as AIDS Isn't that a strange way of saying that? Yeah With I don't know what that means you can lose the classification if your immune system gets strong enough I don't know it says with diagnosed HIV infection ever classified as AIDS Okay I don't know Maybe I'm too stupid for that because what I also saw was that a million people died last year from it But that'd be worldwide and this then contradicts because it says a million people have only been diagnosed And this is only in the US and that other numbers worldwide. So it gets really sketchy and it says 6,721 deaths were attributed directly to HIV. Yeah So it seems that they they definitely think it's still killing people Definitely still is but so Berkey losses. Oh, yeah, but what is How many people died from the flu every year? What would you think would be the most the root most ruthless normal killer would be the flu the flu would kill the most people 36,000 Way more way more people got jacked by the flu every year Every year and what was the number that from the AIDS number was total right? How many of those people got flu shots, though? What is it? In 2014 so it's a third or so So what's a third? AIDS to the flu AIDS is about one third of the deaths of the flu per year ish. Yeah on average I don't know not interesting. It's like we are not scared of the thing that kills us way more We're really scared of the thing that kills less people because it kills them through butt sex It Has to be we're terrified that it kills people through sex Because like the flu it seems is like we should really be concentrating on that thing that things killing way more people People not washing their hands. Mm-hmm But they're like look we can't stop that but we can't stop all this butt sex weird, right It's weird like when we maybe it's just because it's a new thing that was killing people because it didn't exist then it did exist That's probably what it is, right? Like yeah, because it came out of nowhere because it was in like what was it and during the 80s? Yes, yeah, and the Eddie Murphy said and you walk around that AIDS on your lip Oh, was that was that delirious? Do you remember Sam Jensen's bid on it? He goes they say Sam shouldn't make fun of AIDS AIDS Sam is a communicable disease straight people can get it, too He goes name one name one fucking guy It's not our dance he had this Crazy dangerous bit about it and like way back then like whoa It's like a zero and around like 1980 I don't know if that's accurate but so 1980 was the highest peak maybe it's in thousands So yeah, it's usually low. So it seems like it seems like late 70s, right? Is that somewhere on 1980 the one thing too? I read that there was around 300,000 total deaths and a third of them were in New York Three hundred thousand total deaths a third in New York and the flu this is all told ever Again, these stats are all multiple pages. So I think but here's how many of them see I get so confused about all this shit because Some people believe that a lot of these people also are shooting heroin A lot of these people are also doing a lot of drugs I would wonder you know if they're really partying hard and they also get AIDS I would always wonder like how much of you partying hard is Destroying your immune system to like if you're if you have a disease like say you have cancer And you're struggling with cancer and you just decide to hardcore start smoking meth and then you die from the cancer Like is it isn't didn't something else kill you too? Right not saying that the cancer is good for you cancer certainly bad for you But if you have cancer and you decide to go on a meth binge and destroy your immune system It's gotta contribute to your health, but we don't consider that well consider Oh the fucking cancer got him cancer got him it did get him It definitely did get him but he was also smoking meth all day feeling good doing robberies Robberies with fucking skulls painted on his getting bites at 7-eleven. Yeah, man. He was amped dude It was amped with cancer. That's that's also I mean if he dies of a heart attack I call the cancer game a heart attack. Yeah, probably that probably had something to do with it. Definitely was not good It's definitely not good to have cancer, but it's also not good to be smoking meth while you have cancer Smoking bad bad. So how many of these people that got AIDS were like Extremely healthy folks they're like, you know jogged on a regular basis and ate a lot of fruit and vegetables Hard to get that data. I know I would like to get that data. This is not like a prejudiced perspective I'm just as a curious person. I would like to get all that. I would like to know what is it that actually does it? Is it is it the meth that kills you? Is it a disease that kills you? Is it a combination of all these things? We always want to tribute death to one thing But I would imagine that With all the people that have died of the flu there's certain there's a number of deaths We look at the flu you like man that the flu could just catch you The flu could just catch you and you know catch you when you're already weak, too Maybe you're you're run down you've been working too much and then the flu hits you when your immune system is devastated It gets deep into you and gets you Everybody's vulnerable. I mean the thing about disease is that so strange to me is that some of them are associated with certain Certain groups of people like AIDS like AIDS is one of those ones is just so Associated with gay people that it's like a really politically charged disease and we concentrate on it like really heavily But I think it really think it wasn't just the gay thing was also that it was it was new new There was a new thing that was killing people that we were always worried about that right? There's always these pandemic movies or some new crazy disease Bricks loose just runs rampant We don't have an immune system for it people who start dying and they need to get the medication to the people and get it to the baby quickly We made people you know saw a subways. Yes. There's always some shit like that We're always sorry of some new shit. That's gonna get us swine flu. You're checking flu so that was so AIDS had a dual Disadvantage one that is connected to gay people and people like oh, what are they doing over there? What are they? I'm gonna get it. I'm lucky. Yeah, exactly. There was that and then there was also well blood transfusions car accident That's right, right people were worried about getting from blood transfusions So that means back then they were never they were like they were just letting random people don't have blood without checking it I don't think they had a test for a while. I think for a while They didn't have a test for it then they have to find like I guess they have to find like antibodies in your blood or some shit like But it's so weird that while this is all going on how many people were dying from cancer every year just from smoking cigarettes It's fucking crazy numbers crazy numbers people dropping like flies and No one thinks about that when you see a guy smoking a cigarette, you don't think that guy's killing themselves Oh guys outside in front of the restaurant having a sick normal shit No guys that guy's poisoning himself like a guy who we glivers But it's just strange to me like we get really specific about what fears we have in terms of what way we die And when a new disease comes along that becomes like one of the most specific ones But while you're indulging in all these behaviors that'll also kill you in way larger numbers than diseases It's fucking weird man. It's very weird human beings me included were so strange