Joe Rogan Analyzes the Controversial Tyson & Douglas 10 count


6 years ago



Felipe Esparza

1 appearance

Felipe Esparza is an actor and stand up comedian, who won Last Comic Standing in 2010. Check out his podcast called "What's Up Fool?" available on Spotify.


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I mean dude, do you remember when we used to think that nobody could beat Tyson? Yeah, remember dude. We were little We're young We thought I think it was like when did he lose 86? Did he lose in like 1986? Yeah, what year was that? Google that He moved he did it why it was I was definitely doing comedy at the time and I definitely Saw it with my friend Ron after the fact February 11th 1990 1990 damn So from that point on we knew he could lose before that every Tyson fight like man I'm not gonna bother watching why people won't even want to fight that guy. They're just getting killed What were the odds of him winning like 40 to 42? I think 42 the one somebody got paid somebody got paid some crazy number. I think it was 42 I think it was one of the highest underdogs ever that won 42 42 and he won by knockout Buster Douglas was fantastic back then man. He fucked him up, huh? Well, dude Buster Douglas is a crazy example of a guy who always had a tremendous amount of talent He was always regarded as like people that were in the know in boxing I'd you know heard them talk about him and they would always talk about how smooth he was in training and when he's at his Best he's literally like a world championship fighter But he never totally put it together and far as far as his discipline and training camp but then his mom died and He decided he was gonna fuck Mike Tyson up for his mother And he trained really really hard. So it was a perfect storm of Mike Tyson being king in the world, you know, he's just Fucking everybody up doesn't even feel like he has to train anymore. He's just Just being he's just being the world heavyweight champion That's what that's what they're like the reason why they become that guy in the first place because they have this ability to indulge and excess and go crazy he's buying tigers and Lamborghinis and shit and Along the way Buster Douglas for that fight trained like a demon and still almost lost still almost lost That's how good Tyson was when Tyson was in his prime as a knockout artist He was so lethal that even though Buster Douglas and him Fought and Buster Douglas eventually wound up knocking him out He knocked him out after Mike Tyson knocked Buster Douglas down and had him hurt and Don King after the fight even Protested and said that the count was more than ten and that when the Buster Douglas was down The referee gave him extra a couple seconds to recover that he shouldn't have had I remember that was like a big protest after the fight But even then I mean we even with shitty training, you know But not taking this guy seriously at all Even then Mike Tyson still knock Buster Douglas down and almost knocked him out with one punch. What round do you knock him out? But the Douglas Not the longest not the longest Tyson fight he ever had, right? No, he's had decisions. He had decisions. Yeah, I think he had a decision against bone crusher Smith video here as both both knockdowns Simultaneous so you can see like the different ten counts. I guess okay. Let's see it Boom he clipped him in an uppercut, right? That's three four He's only on three on the left. He's like I'm five or six on the right. Oh, that's so different. Oh That's so different He was counting a rolling number. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man. It was the end of the round Yeah, it was the very end of the round. So Buster got a break So look that that's that's just how go go go to the very beginning again Go to the very beginning again so I could see the punch here. It is right there. Yeah Boom, look at that uppercut. That's a beautiful uppercut Tyson nailed him with two two three four five six seven eight Nine ten you're out. You're out Buster. Yeah, he's only on eight on Buster there. No, he's out. He's out Do that again? That seems like he's out right doesn't it? Yeah, let's try again ready boom. He goes down one two three four five six Seven eight nine Ten he's out someone distracted him on number eight. Yeah, does that stop the count? Is that how that works? It was a longer call the pause It's second when you turn the running away Seven eight on Mike Tyson here. There's five six Seven eight just like nine ten Yeah, that guy's way quicker. Is that the same guy? Yeah. Oh, that's ridiculous. Dude. You suck at counting You're coming in Spanish the other one That's a fucking crazy hard job, man. You're in the middle of the moment, you know, there's all this hype going on I pay the lease fuck out. Yeah, but it's the same guy because it's the same fight So how how does the same guy count? real slow for Buster Douglas and way faster for Mike Tyson The description of the video says this clearly demonstrates that he gave him both the exact same amount of time. Oh Let's try that again, let's try that again. Let's count for Tyson We'll count for Tyson first ready Tyson goes down boom what a combination two three four four five six Seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen Forty got knocked on around around 50 on the on the clock on the screen. You can see it and how many seconds was it? He picked him up at 38 Right there one. Okay, like 13 seconds. Yeah Five six seven eight nine They're both out. Yeah The the counting is definitely Slower on Buster Douglas, but they're definitely both out But either way if you said seven I bet but instead of you know Four if you sped the count up by a second, you don't think Buster Douglas could have gotten up quicker I bet he could have I mean he was waiting for the guy to hit eight so he stands up Right, which what you do you take as much time as you can especially after you got legitimately hurt like that You're supposed to do that So the question is like would he have been able to if the guy had counted a little quicker and you know eight came where? Seven was or six was what he would able to I think he probably would have The question is would have Tyson have been able to get to him With one punch before the bell that might have knocked him out. Yeah, you know, okay fight You get him back up again and it's three extra seconds It ties storms forward and connects with a pun. I think it's two head shots to the face. Oh, dude crazy shots There's this guy right here. Watch this white glove. Is he the official counters? They're free the official count this guy. That's the finger, bro He's his name is his nicknames the finger really he counts way faster watch. Let's watch the finger one two three Four five and that's why I see him but seven eight nine Ten oh, yeah by the fingers count that dudes out there both out cold. I'm going with the finger forever Captain white glove Michael Jackson of the accounting Michael Jackson. Yes. We'll go with Mike magician Yeah, man, that's uh, that was a insane fight though because you couldn't believe Mike Tyson could lose even when I watched it I remember I heard about it first and then I watched it and they still remember thinking I can't believe what I'm watching He's gonna get up and he's gonna knock this dude out for sure believe he lost It was like it's over then you couldn't believe that he could lose That's people don't understand today. There's never been someone that was as dominant for like a scary moment in like Boxing history than Mike Tyson because even though you knew Roy Jones was gonna fuck up whoever he fought The way he was gonna fuck off you need knocked him out with one punch. It wasn't gonna be this horrific Storming by a destroyer just coming after your soul Roy Jones would box your face off hit you with lead lead left hooks and straight right hands that are way faster than anything You can duck he would fuck people up But you fuck people up with a certain style and movement and speed whereas Tyson would just Hitting you like mugging you at the same time man. It's like all anger So far the hood in you and he was solid like sledgehammer 220 pounds but moved like 160 pound guy like you couldn't believe it at the time There had never been a heavyweight like him before there was heavy weights that that moved amazing like Ali Ali had the most amazing footwork of anybody just smooth and flowing and change what the game was was in front of people The ropey dope there's a crazy video of Ali that someone had on their Instagram page one of those boxing pages Where he's fighting someone and the guy throws Two three four punches in a row and all he's got his hands down and just barely moving his head away with each punch Just like bitch. You can't hit me He just had a there was a magic about what he was doing that you were like, how was a heavyweight moving like that? You know Tyson jab to Tyson was a totally different kind of strategy You know and there was those strategies will be argued to the end of time like what would have happened if Mike Tyson had a thought Muhammad Ali both in their primes what would happen man? What would happen? It would have been fucking crazy I'll tell you that if we had Mike Tyson in his very best before shit went completely crazy He started giving out Rolls Royces the cops and walking around with his tiger at his underwear before all that stuff Before by the year hot. Yeah before for sure before bite nears the bite nears thing was when you know Evander was you know When Evander beat him in that first fight no one could believe it no one could believe it Even though Tyson had lost to Buster Douglas Everybody assumed that Tyson lost because he hadn't been training and he really hadn't been been focused and then when he went to jail He came out of jail and he looked jacked. Remember? Yeah way more jacked Hit a ridiculous six-pack. Remember that shit tattoo on his face son. No, he got the tattoo on his face afterwards, right? Yeah after jail I Think he got the tattoo on his face in jail, right? I don't think so. I think he had mouth tattooed on his arm What does it say here Mike Tyson opens up oh that was when he got arrested by that Joseph though Joe our pile guy had to do time in that Arizona He was living in Arizona for a while and he had to do that Joe our pile shit when they make you wear pink Yeah, can't cuffs on and Dude Mike Tyson though when he was in his prime like that was when he just got out of jail That was the Mike Tyson fresh out of jail like just jacked Does 95 first fight after release that was against Some unfortunate white fella that looks like he would be what was his name Peter McNeely? Peter McNeely Tough guy just wasn't the video of him talking. I've up the fight is hilarious. Yeah, go watch it now No, he's hilarious. He was like a guy who'd be carrying the money bag He'd be a guy that you'd say bring him to Peter and Peter would break your face. Hey you owe money fuck boom He was a Guy give me some volume Jim gray looking young and dapper for just a moment before you go out into the ring your thought Look at him. You're Joey Tyson My grandfathers My grandmothers my father my mother curly My three brothers last but not least snobby Mr. McNeely what was it that you told your son? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, and last but not least Medfield Medfield mass is in the house. That's that is a guy from Medfield that If you've ever been to Medfield, Massachusetts, no disrespect that makes sense Fucking In the house Dorchester That's a lot of money hilarious low Tough. Yeah, Lowell Lowell's a big one man. Both hardcore Mickey Ward