Joe Rogan on Socialized Education and Healthcare


6 years ago



Gad Saad

10 appearances

Gad Saad is Professor of Marketing at Concordia University, and an expert in the application of evolutionary psychology in marketing and consumer behavior. He is the host of "The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad" podcast, and the author of "The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life" available in paperback on May 14, 2024.


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that you guys have... Lower tuition. Yeah, way lower. Healthcare and students... We pay for it with taxes, right? Yeah, but it's worth it. I mean, I've said time and time... Look, I believe in a hybrid form of governing, in a hybrid form of culture. And I think that I've supported a lot of socialized ideas. And one of the reasons why is because I see socialism work with the fire department, with the police department, with things that we all agree that we're gonna chip it and pay for. And the fact that we don't do this with healthcare, that if my neighbor gets sick, the community has to chip in. God damn it, that guy's been paying taxes his whole life. He's a viable part of the community. We should be taking care of our own. This should be a primary thing. Like to strengthen our community, to strengthen our civilization. One of the primary things is we should be taking care of each other physically. But it should be like above all, right? Education. You shouldn't have to fucking be in debt a quarter million dollars if you get a fucking education. Don't we want less losers? Don't we want more people to have education? Don't we want more people to have some sort of pathway to success? Wouldn't that just logically lead to a stronger economy, a stronger community, stronger civilization? Wouldn't it? Wasn't that logical? Let me give a devil's advocate answer. To the extent that there are now no longer any barriers to entry to get into university, certainly in Canada, at least not a financial one, you get, I think, a misallocation of talent and resources where everybody feels compelled to go to university, where in reality, many of the folks in question, and believe me, I'm the last guy to argue against education, right? I'm all about lifelong learning, but it doesn't have to be through the formal channels of getting a degree. Right, but it's not compulsory. Well, it is compulsory unofficially in that it is now no longer acceptable to not have at least some entry-level degree. Well, then we should concentrate on that as an issue. Right, okay. That should be the issue, not this idea that somehow or another, education should be expensive, so it should be difficult, so it should be something that's only sought out by people who really deserve it. Fair enough, fair enough. So I agree, the barrier to entry shouldn't be that, it's the finances that don't allow you to pursue your interest. But I know, I mean, just as a professor for 25 years now, there are students that I see very early in a given semester that I know they're not there for entrance, or they're not there for intrinsic reasons. They just don't have the spark on their eyes, and no amount of coaxing on my part is ever going to bring them out. I mean, I try, I think everybody's redeemable, but you can tell that they're there because they don't have it. Maybe those people would have had a much more lucrative trajectory where they pursued trade school. So I think we have to also be careful about how to allocate the talent that we have. No, that absolutely makes sense, and I think that is most likely played out over the difficulty of pursuing an education, just like it is with everything else. Everything else, like whatever you want to be, a stand-up comedian. So not everybody gets to do Carnegie Hall. There's a weeding out process of the difficulty of achieving success, and there's a lot of people that fall by the wayside and don't make it, and this is just natural. It's a natural part of the process. But if you say, not everybody's a comedian, that's true, but open mic nights available to everybody, and that's why there's so many comedians that actually are good because they do find it through because there's no financial barrier to entry. If it cost $35,000 a year to pursue an education in comedy and you had to be $200,000 in debt before you could make a living on the road, there wouldn't be a goddamn thing to laugh at. There wouldn't, it'd be none of us. There'd be zero of us, and that's not a good, it's not a good example because obviously comedy is one of the rare things, is a self-educated process. You're self-taught, there's no other way. You just have to pursue it. But I think the rigidness of university studies, the rigidness of courses, of determining what people should and shouldn't learn, what they should and shouldn't be educated in, who, and also the randomness of the professors that you get, you could get you and get a wonderful education, I'm sure. Or you can get some dipshit and get taught about how gender is a social construct. And you're sitting in class all baffled looking at your penis going, what have you done to me, you fucking monster.