Joe Rogan on Hypocritical Actors During the Harvey Weinstein Scandal


6 years ago



Joey Diaz

65 appearances

Joey Diaz is a stand-up comic and New York Times bestselling author. He's the host of the podcast "Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz," co-host of "The Check-In" with Lee Syatt, and author of "Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage."


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Hello freak bitches. Where you saw a lot of the hypocrites was in the first few days of this Harvey Weinstein shit. Oh please. Yeah. Nobody wanted to see shit. This is embarrassing. And you know what man, at the end of the week they're all fucking disgustos. Cause they all fucking knew about it. Oh they all knew about it. They all knew about it for years and now they all want to raise their fucking head. But you know what bro, when Harvey was giving them movies, nobody was complaining. Yeah well I've heard that argument. Nobody was complaining. I heard that argument from a girl. She was saying that Harvey Weinstein gave them all careers. I was like wow, that's a crazy argument. The two of the chicks tanked them in the Oscars. Now you're gonna kill, listen leave me the fuck alone. The ones that really need to smack them out are the guys that came out. And said I got molested once. My dick got touched on a party one time. We live for that shit. We live for somebody to touch our fucking dick. We're not gonna go to therapy. We don't say nothing. Somebody grabs your dick and you just fucking smile and go. What if it's a little gay guy? Whatever, everybody needs a break from time to time. You know what I'm saying? You never let a gay guy suck your dick with ice cubes in their mouth? No, how do I? It's a party. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. I don't know. But I had a friend one time that he let anybody suck his dick. Anybody? Anybody. Anybody. Anybody wanted to suck his dick could suck his yum yum stick. Really? And one day he was telling me about fucking getting his dick sucked by a gay guy with ice cubes in his mouth. I nearly fucking died. And he just let the guy do it? Yeah, he goes fuck it. It was tremendous. What was the conversation? He was telling me how his mouth was cold and all this shit and I was fucking dying. I couldn't believe it. Did he look at the guy while he was sucking his dick or he closed his eyes? I didn't ask him. Listen, I don't want to know about that shit. I would want to know. But you wanted to know about the guy getting his dick sucked by a dude with ice cubes in his mouth. I mean, why not know whether or not he's watching it? First of all, when he told me this story, I was young. I had never heard that story before. I was like 18. He goes, I let a fucking guy suck my dick with ice cubes in his mouth. One time. But if it was so good, why not keep going? Yeah, it's tough to find somebody who will suck your dick with ice cubes in their mouth unless you give them the small 50. I think once you put it out there, you put that flag up. I knew that was the funniest thing with that crazy bitch from Superman because she popped up like eight days later. Harvey took his dick out one time. I told him put that back in your pants. Crazy chick from Superman. Which one? What's that chick that's crazy? Oh, the one that was hiding in the bushes when they found her. She had no teeth. That one. What the hell is her name? What's her name? The Superman with Christopher Reeve, right? No, the other one. Was it Superman with Christopher Reeve? The early Superman, right? Yeah, it was the one with Dean Kane. Who was the crazy... Oh, Dean Kane. Who was the one in there? Margot Kidder. Margot Kidder is crazy, right? Yeah, yeah. No, this was the other one that came out. The other one. You're talking about the one who was in Superman with Dean Kane, the TV show. Yeah, maybe. Was that really Pretty Girl's name? Terri Hatcher. Terri Hatcher. Is that her name? She was on the TV show. You got to talk in the mic, buddy. She was on the TV show. She was in Desperate Housewives too, right? Yep, yep. Yeah. No, it wasn't her. I had an ex-girlfriend that might get so mad when I was talking about how pretty she was. This is the Margot Kidder. Missing Superman actress found frightened in the bushes. Yeah, that was a 96. Margot Kidder, yeah, she went crazy. 47-year-old Canadian-born actress, best known. You know what? That's the thing. Once you hit, like, late 40s and you're one of those actresses and they stop calling and you are already crazy and the pressure builds up, she'd cut off her own hair with a razor blade and attempt to alter her appearance. A Glendale police sergeant, Rick Young, said... Oh, boy. She was taken to Olive View Medical Center for a 72-hour psychiatric evaluation. They could have spared 71 hours and 50 minutes by just bringing her to me. I was like, yeah, that bitch is crazy. What happened here? They were Corey Feldman though. I don't know. He apparently got arrested... Did you insult them? Oh, that thing. Yeah, I just made a joke. And people got mad. They got mad, but it wasn't them getting mad. It was me getting mad at myself. What was the joke? He was wearing a really small jacket while he was doing this performance at, like, a minor league baseball game and he was doing, like, this Michael Jackson thing. But the jacket was so small. I go, is that a jacket he was wearing when he was getting diddled when he was a little kid? Oh, okay. And I was like, why did I joke around that? It was just trying to make Greg laugh. I said something that I was... And then afterwards, when I saw it, especially out of context, I was very disappointed in myself. He wants 10 million? The fucking exposed pedophilia? I saw that. He's out of his mind. I think... I don't think... First of all, he never said that Michael Jackson did anything to him. He said Michael Jackson didn't. But he said that there's a lot of pedophilia in Hollywood and he wants to make some sort of a movie on it. Which I'm sure there's a lot of pedophilia in Hollywood. But, like, this idea that people are trying to kill him, he was saying people are trying to run him over. Isn't that what he was saying? Yeah, yeah. I watched the video for like 10 seconds and I felt bad for him. I think the drug was caught up with him. Yeah, if they wanted to kill him, he'd be dead. Yeah, two trucks tried to hit him. That's not real. See, this is like weird, paranoia shit. Let me tell you something. If they want to kill you, you're dead. And it's not going to be trucks trying to run you over. It's going to be a guy out of nowhere, shoots you in the head and gets in his car and no one's going to know who he is and no one's going to catch him because they're going to hire a professional. Like this idea that someone's going to like miss him with a car and then they're chasing him, running him down. I find that very, I mean, it's possible, but I find it very hard to believe. I always think that like if someone is a very powerful man, like, like, I don't know if the Clintons ever whacked anybody, but if they did, they whacked those fucking people. Like that one guy that was the big, the big conspiracy theory about the guy who released all the stuff to WikiLeaks, the DNC guy, Seth Rich. Yeah, they killed that motherfucker. Whoever did it, whether he was killed because some random person decided to shoot him in the back in the middle of the night and not steal his watch or his phone or his wallet, whether it's that or whether it's what Julian Assange from WikiLeaks said is that there's consequences to leaking information to WikiLeaks because that's what they were saying. And people were saying, look, this is another one of the Clinton body count people and then there's, you know, giant conspiracy theories about how many people the Clintons have had killed. I don't know if that's true or not. I have zero information, but I do know when people want you dead, you're dead. When they're real people like that, that are real killers and evil fucks. There's a lot of people that have been killed like Putin. If Putin wants you dead, you get shot on TV in front of everybody and nothing happens. No one goes to jail. No one gets caught. You're just dead. That's the type of people we're talking about. So this, you know, I just have a hard time believing that like someone's getting like barely missed by a car. That's like some movie shit like they were coming after me, but I jived through the bushes at the last minute and now I'm hiding in a motel somewhere and I can't tell you where, but if you give me $10 million, I want to make a movie. You know what? I feel bad for Corey from when you see that, when you see that performance. I mean, I bet he's a nice kid and stuff. You could see Hollywood's just fucking made a mockery. Like they just beat him up though. Well, he grew up on TV in the movies. They beat him up. If you grow up in the movies, you, you know, you don't have a childhood. Who the fuck do you know who at name one that made it through that meat grinder of growing up famous. That completely fucking crazy name one name one. Look, Miley Cyrus might've got out of it better than any of them. She's like her new albums are really good. She's a musician. She's great, bro. Don't ever. You ever see those ones that she's up on the hill in Tennessee with a little band and they're singing outside in the mountains. You ever hear cover of Jolene? Yeah. Jolene Jolene. That whole thing on there. She's great. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch. I'm a little bit of a bitch.