Joe Rogan & Neal Brennan on Micro-dosing Mushrooms


6 years ago



Neal Brennan

11 appearances

Neal Brennan is a stand-up comic, actor, writer, director, and host of the podcast "Blocks." Catch his new special, "Neal Brennan: Crazy Good," on


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If life wasn't real it'd be the craziest psychedelic trip ever - Joe Rogan


What? You're full? That doesn't give you that part, you know? Yeah. What was the, so you had gone through a series of ketamine therapy. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I did the TMS, because I was looking at the last time I was here was late last autumn. Was that transdermal magnetic stimulation? Transdermal magnetic stimulation. Okay. Which worked. And then the problem was, and I think, I don't know if I talked about it on here or not, but someone gave me some HGH, did I tell you that? Human growth hormone. Yeah. Basically, so I did TMS, which is transdermal magnetic stimulation, 45 sessions, it worked great. Like it literally stopped taking, it takes like 35 minutes. And they just put like electrodes on you or something? Yeah, I think I have video. They put video on. Chris Rock sends me every single rape thing. Oh my god. Everything that comes out? Every page six. Literally, he sent me probably 25 of these. I don't know, it's just like a thing now, because then we go like, it's just like a ticker, just so photomotic. There's so many guys. Mario Batali. Yeah. And by the way, the more salacious they can make these stories, the better. They were talking about some room that Mario would take people up to on the third floor was the rape room. Yeah. Like, what in the fuck? Oh, there you go. You know what makes me laugh? Oh, you have it. Yeah. The, you know what makes me laugh is the pictures of Louis got progressively worse and worse. Oh, the ones they get fine? Yeah. Like the New York Times, I was waiting for them to just put up a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald. I fucking, you don't have to find the shittiest, the guiltiest looking picture. Well, there's so much video of him beating off, like air beating off, you know? Play that video. Like, is this you going through the last time I was here or this is on line? Yes, from last time you were here. Wow. Look at that, man. Give me some volume. They probably haven't talked about it. And then I went to this. Whoa, dude. That sound is like an MRI sound. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah. Yes. That's right. We talked about it the last time we were here. Yeah. But, okay, so then the problem was after that I did HGH. Someone gave me some HGH. And I was like, yeah, I'll fucking take it. I don't want to give a shit. Yeah, I'll take HGH. I'm always looking for an advantage. And I started having panic attacks. From HGH? Yes. Which is a, it's a narrow side effect, but it's one of the side effects of HGH. Basically it like supercharged my whole system. I started having panic attacks on stage. Whoa. I had a panic attack the night before I taped three mics. What? I couldn't go on stage. Spade was supposed to bring me on and I told Adam, I was like, I can't go on. I literally couldn't breathe. Whoa. Yeah. The night before you fell in. What a mother fucker. And then I just, I thankfully didn't. But you killed it. Yes, I thankfully didn't get one that night. Oh my gosh. Dude, trust me. And then I had anxiety for months. Literally like just like when people say I have anxiety. I'd never had anxiety. I was like, I'm not an anxious person. I wouldn't even know what that's like. It's fucking miserable. To me it was worse than depression because you're agitated and like you just feel like static. It just was like a static over your body. It was like you just have like this like cortisol snow in your, and it sucked. So I went back on Zoloft and then it ended the anxiety. No, but you were trying to get yourself off of that stuff. So now I'm going to go, I'm back on, I just stopped taking Zoloft like two weeks ago. How did you feel? I feel actually really good because, oh, here's what I didn't say. I also micro-dosed while I was on Zoloft. I micro-dosed shrooms like three times, which is actually like pretty fun. It's super fun, but it's like not daunting. It's not trippy. You're not like, whoa, yeah, you just feel good. I did that three times. I did LSD once and I'm thinking of, so now I'm going off. Interesting happened when I micro-dosed, I got significantly less angry just as like an operating principle. I was just like, oh, I'm less angry. I just didn't feel as like snappy and shitty for a long, for like over a big period. I got a buddy of mine who's a world champion kickboxer. He micro-doses and he fights on it. Fights high on mushrooms. Do they test for it or it's just? Nope. That's funny. Fucking people out while he's on mushrooms. That's great. I mean, better than he's ever looked in his past. He said he could see things coming before they happened. He said he literally feels like he's got some sort of psychic ability when he's sparring, like he sees what guys are doing. If you watch him fight, he just looks way sharper than he's ever looked before and homeboy's doing mushrooms. Yeah. I've stopped taking Zoloft because you can't be on it and do Ibogaine. Oh, interesting. You risk serotonin syndrome, which is like too much serotonin in your body. Yeah, too much serotonin. Well, you were the first guy to tell me about 5-HTP before we even started selling it at all. Yeah. Before we started having a new mood, you were telling me about 5-HTP. Yeah. Sandy Danto told me about it. No shit. He sold me some ecstasy and he was like, yeah, and also take this the next day. Then I researched it and I was like, oh, I should just take it. So I still take that. 5-HTP, I think it's good for weight loss. Really? When I take 5-HTP, I'm just not hungry. That was the other sort of weird side effect of the microdosing. My appetite went down significantly across the board. Wonder how much of the appetite is not really how much food you need, but rather you need something to do. Yeah, or it's just at this time of day, I do this. But I ended up losing 10 pounds. That's interesting. Me. You're a thing guy. Like from 150, I've lost 12 pounds from 159 to 147. Wow. Yeah. But it's not starving myself or anything. Right, you didn't feel uncomfortable. No, not at all. So I was like, yeah. Do you monitor your diet? Are you eating healthy? Yeah, like I got my blood tested probably three months ago and everything was good. Are you eating sugar and bread and things like that? I've stopped. I used to be a big dessert person and I kind of just like, I think the mushrooms might have made me just go like, eh, you don't need that. You don't. You really don't. And sugar, you know the thing with sugar is you don't need it for three days if you don't want it. Right. Like your body doesn't like, you got to fucking get us some sugar. You're just like, eh, I'm good. Once you cut free. Yeah. And especially if you're really conscious about what you're eating in terms of like probiotics and things that sort of help the landscape, the biome landscape and make sure you've got healthy things in there. I think that's so significant and the more researchers that I talked to and the more people that are nutrition experts to start talking about your gut biome and how important it is to take the proper probiotics. I think it affects your personality. I think it affects your immune system. And I think it affects virtually the path of your life that you take depending upon what foods you eat. It has a different effect on how you live your life. Well that's meditation does the same thing because you're like, you get a feeling from meditation and then you're like, do I want to spoil this? Right. With like garbage thinking or behavior. Like let me just try to bring a bit of that into my every day. Yeah. I mean, that's the tank for me. Yeah. The tank is to me. I forgot about tanks until you and I'm like, I live like a block from float lab. You gotta go. Like I went, I went, I think you must, how long you been doing this? 2002 was the first time I got one. When did you start doing the podcast? I think you told me about it. You told me about it. I went to float lab, had the thought in the, in the tank, you gotta love something. Literally that was thought I had. And then I got a dog. Literally like, I was like, I fucking, yeah, like that, that I like that shit. Like, and I just forget that it exists. The tanks. Yeah. I think they're giant. I think it's like one of those, it's one of those things that requires you to block off a chunk of your time. So if you're a busy person, it's hard to, it's hard to pull that off, but I think it's like one of the most important things you could do. How often do you do it? Well, I haven't done it a long time because I took the one out of my basement and I had it installed here. Got it. So it took me a few, a few times off and we just got it put in two days ago. So I haven't even been in it. So I haven't been a tank at all in three months. Oh wow. Two months, two months, someone like that. How often do you think you'll do it now? Couple days a week. Couple days a week is good. If I can give myself two days a week, I'm happy. Do you ever go in and just think about your daughters? Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. Like is it so it's not. I don't like have a plan. Right. Sometimes I have a plan. Like maybe I'll have a bit that I'm trying to work out and I just like this bed is just clunky. There's a part of it that's clunky. I'll smoke some pot and climb in that tank and think about it. There's a in the in the there's like a pre fucking syllabus for the Ibogaine and it's like you need to come with questions for Ibogaine. For sweet lady Ibogaine. And it's I'm like I have to and then a friend of mine was like, can you ask a question for me? It's like, no, I don't think that's legal. I keep it like, hey, so well, Lucy needs advice. So news is about what's going on with her feet. Yeah, but I'm like looking forward to asking asking big questions. Although I got to say the last year has been very revealing for me in terms of like what what's important.