Joe Rogan & Mike Ward on Joke Stealing


6 years ago



Mike Ward

1 appearance

Mike Ward is a host and comedian, who performs in both French & English.


1 appearance

Pantelis is a comedian and podcaster.


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shit could get ugly hey Joe this off topic off topic of the fires but cuz I was taking a bullet but I didn't think of it that way but um yeah it's the subject's beaten down too much you know we're going through it now that's why us on our end now we have the the people who are making money by stealing jokes you have that going on in France it's actually a French guy was doing it's not in it with a French comedy oh yeah yeah it's not in in Canada but it's in France and there there was a I own a club in Montreal and I banned a guy this summer he's um he had stolen a bunch of material he there's a thing called the jamel comedy club that it's basically like how even when you say comedy club when you're saying something in French first you have to see comedy club yeah yeah yeah sorry okay cuz that's the way you say it in front yeah this guy he had stolen pretty much everything from deaf comedy jam and they did it there in France and just did it with French yeah and not even with black dudes like if you're gonna steal deaf comedy jam give it to French black dudes like there are black dudes in France but it was all these Arab guys so whenever you see like for 10 years in France whenever you saw an Arab comic they were all like like Dave Chappelle so if there was yeah there was something very fucked up and this summer there was the guy was in my club and then I found out and I fucking lost my mind I just I tweeted my door guy and I was like get him the fuck out everyone he's with you throw him out I don't want him in the club it's dangerous thing yeah with comedy yeah you're trying to create things and some basically a criminal can sneak in the middle of an artist colony and just start profiting off of your work yeah and intimidating you and making you work for them essentially there's something that sucks that people don't know and that's what you went through with what when when you called out Carlos no one cares no one cares like they do now they do see the thing is they don't know your situation up there is different but the only reason they do now because it looks good but if it didn't like like like banning Carlos now like Carlos Mencia can't work anymore that it makes them look like we respect comedians but they don't really respect comedians I don't think well who's they and what they see sound like your conspiracy theory they don't respect us man no but they're trying to get it like what whenever whenever I've called out joke thieves to festivals or networks they're like okay yeah yeah we're gonna we're gonna do something about this and then as soon as it blows over they don't do anything about it yeah well you're talking about festivals right you know I think clubs would be much more likely to ban people especially if someone who they're stealing from also works there that's that's more likely to happen especially if the you know when in best case scenario the person who's getting stolen from is already established and successful so they could say something about it the worst case scenario is someone who's established steals from open micers yeah which fucking does happen and you know if there's anything that you get someone to quit comedy that might be one of them well you know there might be one of them might be especially in the beginning having your only good jokes stolen yeah by a person who does it on television and then you have to watch it on Comedy Central a couple days later you're like what and you remember that that guy had been in the back of the room a couple weeks ago and watched your act and yet and then you're like what like you can't even believe it there's a comic in France named Gadell Malay who's a he's in New York now and he's he works a lot in English he did he has these rumors and I'm gonna say allegedly because I don't want to get into the he I know that he he's taken a couple at first he took a couple bits from American Comics then he got caught so he started stealing from a French Canadian comics and the last thing I heard he did was he had this contest for open micers and he was like my next comedy tour send me your three best minutes on tape and the best comic I'm gonna book to open for me and then he started stealing from those open micers which is a that's such a garbage move it's a wacky move that's a yeah well I'm a good person yeah I don't like that's what I heard I'm not sure it's true but I saw him do a show once in in France and he was a like he's a rich dude he's he's got his own private plane and yeah he's got his own private plane he was he was married to the Princess of Monaco so he's got a lot of money and he was doing he was doing a bit about like he's just a cop he was doing a bit about how he can't afford an air conditioner in his apartment and I was like motherfucker you have a kid with the Princess of Monaco I can afford like multiple air conditioners fuck you well you know it's not good you think though the people care like there are people do care some people care here's the thing the problem is saying they don't come okay they don't yeah it sounds like saying black people are like this all white people are racist yeah like it's it's you can't say it yeah like I know the whole thing in France a lot the new generation of French French comics are really angry about this and there's a guy there's this YouTube channel that you talked about here when you had I think it was a Tom Papa that was on it's called copy comic and they take like bits that they'll take a bit from a comic from here and then they just to show that what's going on but someone stands yeah just educate the people yes yeah