Joe Rogan - Kyle Kulinksi on What the Democratic Party Needs to Do


6 years ago



Kyle Kulinski

6 appearances

Kyle Kulinski is a political activist and commentator. He's the host of “Secular Talk" on Youtube and co-hosts "Krystal Kyle & Friends" with Krystal Ball on Substack.


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Said all right everybody. I need you to pokemon go to the polls And then everybody in the audience was like yeah, did she you never saw that no now you're you're you're a progressive But you're not necessarily a Democrat well I mean you're not necessarily like in support of anyone who's you're not a loyal Democrat So I described myself as populist left. That's how I would describe myself populist means You know I support the policies that would help ordinary people And I vote based on the issues and so if there's a politician that's for the policies I'm for that's who I'm gonna support and that's who I'm gonna argue for so I'm very very critical of what we call corporate Democrats which are Democrats that represent Wall Street and represent Big Pharma and the military industrial complex and for-profit health insurance companies and Super critical of the Republicans also so you know that's why I co-founded a group called Justice Democrats and the whole idea was to basically do a Populous left takeover the Democratic Party where you get rid of the corporatists in the party and you have people who will represent the working class and We've been pretty successful so far. There's still 26 Justice Democrats were in the running and they can get elected and There were here's an amazing fact there were four politicians in the House of Representatives That didn't take any corporate PAC money. There's about to be 40 And that all happened because of Justice Democrats our revolution, which is Bernie Sanders group the P triple-c Which is another left-wing organization and basically what's happening is? People on the left who actually care about the substantive issues are Standing up and saying we're not going to take it anymore And we're tired of being lied to by politicians and we want people who are going to actually represent us and represent working people Yeah, that's I love that and I love that approach and there's so much partisan politics And there's so many people that are just married to the idea of being connected to the Democrats that they're willing to Overlook some really heinous faults any old blue just won't do Nina Turner says that and I love that phrase Yeah, it's a great phrase because it's so just hacky and partisan to be like no I'm on your team So are you gonna vote for me here? Let me do some platitudes and some cliches about how we're stronger together And we're gonna break down the barriers and you know it's like well. I don't Overtly hate minorities so vote for me. It's like oh what a low bar give people something to vote for That's a great point. Yeah, I felt a lot of that during the Hillary Clinton campaign It was like anything but Trump, so we're gonna vote for her, but boy if you let's just be honest if you had a viable Like Tulsi that's right Tulsi Gabbard great candidate If you had Tulsi Gabbard and she was running for president And she's also a woman and she's also left wing but she cares about the issues she cares about the issues And she's earnest yes like when you talk to her you can tell she just isn't I mean She's careful with her words because she's intelligent not because she's deceptive Yeah, and I would vote for her in a fucking heartbeat there you go I was just we just messaging each other she was messaging me about my Netflix special, and I said run for president I want you to run for president. I mean that would be wonderful. I'm slightly fucking win man I think she can but I think she can win I'm slightly butthurt about Tulsi because when I was on your podcast last time I plugged her Talking about how awesome she is in fact I think I'm the one who originally showed you who she was right did you know before me in that podcast many people? Okay, so you had heard about well anyway. She comes on a show definitely one of them She comes on the show and talks about yeah new media is awesome, and there's a lot of great new media out there She goes Jimmy door, and then there's a pause and then you move on to the next topic And I'm like god damn it Tulsi. I plugged you plug me for God, bro I know I'm being incredibly petty And I don't even really mean what I'm saying because I would still support her as a politician 100% So yeah, I mean it bro. This is some salt and it's headed your way Tulsi So remember now no, but she's great. She's great on the issues and Yeah, she's a genuine person. That's what that's what I got out of her like what I got from talking to her She's a genuine person and man. I mean maybe it's because she's from Hawaii. It's just a different place It's like it's almost like a state. That's a small town. I mean that's Hawaii is very small Yeah, I mean there's a million people in Honolulu, but you get outside of Honolulu There's only a hundred thousand on the Big Island yeah I don't know how many Maui has but I think it's only got a couple hundred thousand I've never been to Hawaii before but it's fucking great. It looks like a paradise I mean the best is Lani if you want to go somewhere and just chill acts There's a four seasons in Lani the entire island has 3,000 people living. Oh wow it's great And you get real island Hawaiians sure if they're not like if you go to Maui They're wonderful people they're great, but they've been groomed You know I'm saying like people have taught them how to talk like regular white people Whereas in my I mean Lani they're just fucking chilled out man They're and they just they have that way of talking you know they talking you know what pigeon is no It's a real interesting sort of I Guess it's like a dialect of English you would call it, but they have really cool expressions like some of They say a lot of things it would be choke Like like if you talk about like what guy was explaining to me how many deer there were in this one place goes Oh, it's a choke deer There's choke deer so it's kind of like a broken English with different words sprinkled in Yeah, they use different words for different things you'd have to be around them all the time There's also like a way of talking that's yeah very very interesting That's kind of like I think it's called padwa. Maybe it's called I think it's a people who are Jamaican who speak in English, but it's very broken English. Yeah, I'm probably real similar Yeah, yeah, and they love to say bomb a clot. What does that mean blood clot? I think bomb a clot I think that's what it means right blood clot. I know they also say blood clot They say blood clot a lot. I think so yeah that should come up very rarely well Unless you're a doctor. I guess it's a way of saying stuff. You know something's terrible. It means motherfucker Mother bag that's what bumper clock means. Oh, I was not even close I guess the technical meaning would be blood clot It's a medical term sutures Yeah, it's funny. Yeah, but that flight to Hawaii must be it's not bad. It's five hours. Oh from here. It's five I'm coming from New York, dude. You fly here you hang out for a couple days and you fly there Interject again what top definition on Urban Dictionary says it's a cloth or rag used to wipe one's anal region. Oh That was my second guess Like a bumma cloth so a bumma clot was like some Assholes wiping his ass either cloth yeah like you've called some of the douchebag You're the cloth the wipes a but as a word as a word to replace like fuck or yeah, asshole Yeah, he's an ass wipe. Yeah, right. That's mean that it's awesome. I love a copy of ass wipes. Yeah Yeah, I heard that one. Wow The last time I heard an ass wipe. I haven't heard that in a long time white ones That's like beavis's butt head. Yeah days. Oh, you're such a butt wipe so whole life Anyway, you're white yes very much so very that's clear people can see that When you look at the potential candidates for 2020, yep Who on the left stands out there's Gavin Newsom? He's just he comes across as a little too politician Ian smarmy That's how he strikes me to you. You don't like him No I mean, I'm sure if I had a conversation with him and we spoke about the issues I would agree with him on most of the positions But I don't know if he really believes it and means it because he's a politician right there are politicians Yes, there are politicians who I talked to and I know that they mean it Tulsi Gabbard would be one of those Ro Khanna would be another one of those we spoke about him on the show last time I was here Obviously Bernie Sanders is another one of those you know There's a really interesting politician coming out of West Virginia now. I don't know if you heard about this guy His name is Richard Ojeda and he's running against a Republican named Carol Miller get this he's running in West Virginia is Super deep red like big-time Republican almost the most Republican It's tied probably with Mississippi is the most conservative area in the country. So this district Trump won by 49 points There's this Democrat Richard Ojeda running He's up in a poll against a Republican by five points So so you're probably thinking how the hell in a you know a district like that Can a Democrat be leading and the answer is very simple? He's populist and he's fighting for working people and he's run these amazing ads Where he literally gave out his phone number and one of the ads and said listen if you're a constituent of mine And you have an issue call me and I'll tell you what if a lobbyist tries to come into my office I'm gonna kick him out. I don't want you in my office. I don't care about lobbyists I care about the people and he's running on all substantive issues. He's taking no corporate PAC money He's for Medicare for all. So this is a guy who you know, and by the way, he's a veteran in Iraq and Afghanistan and He's yes, and he did vote for Trump and now he's one of Trump's harshest critics and he said listen man I thought Trump was gonna be potentially good for working people, but it just turns out he wasn't good for working people So for example Trump ran as an anti outsourcing president He was against NAFTA and TPP and all that stuff in Trump's first year as president There were 93,000 jobs that were outsourced. That's even worse than Obama Obama had 87,000 jobs outsourced So when you go through his record with a fine-tooth comb even like the unemployment rate being low That's totally misleading because wages are falling So if wages are falling them you can't just brag about your economy being wonderful and his tax bill 83% of the benefits of the tax bill went to the top 1%