Joe Rogan Explores Aliens, Language, Free Will, and the Simulation


4 years ago



Ali Macofsky

2 appearances

Ali Macofsky is an actress, writer, and standup comedian. Checkout her podcast "Resting Bitch" available on Spotify.


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I got super high once. I think it was in the tank. And when I came out, I had this idea that alien life, if it wanted to communicate with us, would come up with a way, like a type of language that everyone could understand. Like a language that got right into your brain. A language that instead of you having to interpret what the sounds mean and turn them into words, it's some new kind of technology that allow, like as they're making this sound, as they're putting out the signal, it's going straight into you and you automatically understand it. Yeah. Without knowing what they're saying, without having an actual, Bob said you guys should come to the spaceship instead of seeing, you know what it means without having hearing sound. Like you'll have to disassociate the idea of these sounds, meaning these words. You'll just know what it means. Yeah. Oh, the movie. Yeah. Oh, that movie was crazy. Arrival. Well, didn't they do it like visually? Yeah. It was like time doesn't matter. There's no sentence. It was all memes and like. Right. It was like they would spray black ink into the sky, right? What did they do for length? Let me see what it looked like again. Yeah, there it goes. They spray black ink and it makes like weird patterns. And that's how they would communicate. Have you seen that? Makes sense. Yeah. Have you seen that new, the trailer for Tenet? Is that what it's called? Mm hmm. It looks so crazy. I've been excited for the movie to come out for a while. Yes. I'm about to lock down and fucked it up. I think there's a guy named Ray Kurzweil and he's this brilliant guy who wants to live to be a thousand years old. And he's got this series of patents that he's come up with. I mean, he's really like a legitimately genius guy. And I got a chance to interview him once away back. But one of the things that we talked about was he was talking about downloading consciousness into a computer. And they think that there's going to come a point in time where you will be eternal because you're going to figure out a way to take whoever Alan Minkowski is and put it in a computer and download it and your material body, your physical body, your biological body won't mean anything anymore. You're going to exist as you inside this computer, inside this thing. I've always thought that that's probably what alien life is. What alien life is is something that has gotten to the point where it doesn't need a physical form anymore. Like whatever consciousness is, they figured out a way to contain it in non biological systems. So they take whatever you are when you're born. And then the thing is like, how does that thing replicate? What are they doing to make it? What are they doing? How what are they doing to make sure the power stays on? Like what are they doing? I think keto, probably squats, I think life could be all kinds of shapes. I think life could be there was some speculations, these scientists were trying to figure out whether or not light could be a life form. Like there could be forms of life that are made entirely of light. Well, everything's energy, right? I don't know if everything's energy. I don't know. I thought it makes sense. Just really lazy. Like we're made of energy. Yeah, we're made of energy. But what we think of as life, we think of as like a frog, or like an Ally Mokovsky or Jamie Varno. But it's possible that life might be like I thought about ideas. Like when you have an idea, and then that idea gets in your head like, man, I like that idea. And then you start working to fulfill that idea, you build a thing, like maybe you have an idea like how to build a thing. And then you build a thing like, that's a thing that like forced you to make it. It's like you had an idea that bumped, jumped into your brain. And then it's like, listen, bitch, you need to make a canoe like a canoe. Yeah, how would I make a canoe? You take a long and hollow out the sun, you roll around inside of it, just go down the river. And then all of a sudden, this idea that pops into your head, and you start doing all the work, now you have a physical thing that literally allowed itself to be born by getting this idea that invades your consciousness and tricks you into making things. Doesn't that make you think that everything's already kind of decided? Like, you know, you have free will and control, but to some extent, everything's kind of already what's going to happen is going to happen. That's not necessarily true. I think you do have free will, but I think you also have determinism. I think this is something that people have argued successfully, where you you really have to take a step back and go, okay, what do I think about a person's who a person is right now? Like if I meet a person, and I meet this woman, and she's all fucked up, she lies a lot, and she likes to do drugs, and she doesn't know what she's doing with her life. And she cries, like, Oh, get your shit together, bitch. Is that what you think? Like, how what what do you think when you meet a person like that? Do you take any consideration like, Oh, this is a person who is the granddaughter of alcoholics, and it all boiled down to genetics and terrible. So all of her systems that came online when she was two and five and six, they all came online during alcoholic households, and people were physically abusive, and you're hiding in the corner of your bedroom, and it was all chaos. And you know, my life's drinking when you're 12. Like, when you get to that 35 year old person, and they've gone through this insane pattern without any intervention, nothing, nothing switching, how much of their life are they really responsible for? Yeah, it's a real question. It's like, Who are you, you are the combination of all the things that have ever happened to you, your genetics, all the weird shit that you inherit from your parents, if you inherit a lot of ideas, they think even from your parents, not just like learn from them, but actually inherit these ideas. And then you do the best with what you got. Yeah. And some people's God is fucking terrible. Yeah. Do you think we're living in a simulation? I'm too dumb. Same to to take that into consideration. But I think it seems legitimately weird. Does it seems like it changes too much. Like reality itself changes too much. Yeah. And things come up that seem like if there was going to be a simulation, this is how it would go down. Like, I remember when I first started reading about simulation theory was right around the time where Anthony wiener got busted for sending pictures of his deck. I'm like, What are the odds? Yeah, like that seems like it's so on the nose. So on the wiener. If your name was wiener, you'd avoid showing people your heart. Yeah. Like this is a castrate yourself. No more wiener. But if we're going to come up with one someday, obviously not you and me, but someone really smart, it's gonna come up with a simulation. It's gonna eventually get good enough where you can't tell that you're in a simulation. That's what's fucked up. That's what's fucked up. What's fucked up is it's if it isn't here, it's coming. Yeah, this took me a long time. Like I had a conversation with this guy, Nick Bolstrom, who's a brilliant guy who is a big proponent of this concept. And he was explaining it through like probability theory. And I was a little too dumb to understand what you're saying. But basically, what you're saying is if you do if if it's possible that someday someone essentially I'm paraphrasing, someday will have a simulation, like how what are the odds that this is similar? It's more likely that this is a simulation than not. Yeah, you just got to pray that whoever's doing the simulation is looking out for you. The other possibility is that we know the simulation is coming. That's the other possibility. And that's why everybody's freaked out. Everybody's freaked out because even though it's not here, it's inevitable. If you follow the pattern of innovation, if you go from pioneers, to people who live in cities, to cell phones and internet and fucking space force, and you just keep going, eventually you get to a point where someone figures out how to make an artificial version of life, whether it's Ray Kurzweil's thing, or it downloads you in your computer, or there's a thing you sit and connect to. Yeah. Someone's gonna come up with something. Do you think we know that we're in the simulation when it happened? Or it would just like ease into it? Then it would suck. You don't want that. Yeah, no. You want something where it's crazy. Yeah. You don't even know you're in it. Like, oh my God, am I in the simulation? Who knows? That's the best simulation. The best simulation is you have no idea. Oh yeah. You're locked completely into it. So that's where our problem lies. We don't know if that's actually going on right now. Like for Trump, if somebody brought Trump aside, like sat Trump aside and said, Mr. Trump, all of this seems highly unlikely, doesn't it? Well, here's why. Yeah. You are in a simulation. This simulation was started 78 years ago, and this is the pattern. It plays out. You're given a large amount of money to start your own businesses. Yeah. You're gonna put your name on everything. You're gonna be the best. The best. The best. But you have crazy hair. But that's okay. You just fucking spray it down. You're good. You have a few flaws in your life. People are mad at you though, but you're gonna be the best. You're gonna have the best things. The biggest. You're gonna have the business. Everything's gonna be amazing. And then you come up to them and you wake them up and you say, this seems crazy. It seems crazy because it is. And you settled upon a very bizarre pattern in your simulation. And this is how it came out. And everyone else is mad at you, but they just don't understand. This wasn't your fault. You didn't mean to. But then you think of all the things that we counted before, like poverty, abuse, drug addict, parents, all the different things that make a person who they are. Right? Those are really kind of like factors in if you had a game. Like if you were playing some sort of a large scale role playing game, you're like, what is my character gonna be like? Oh, your character's a barbarian. You're in the matrix. That's what you're showing me. You're describing like when Morpheus talks to Neo, he's like, Hey, what do you, what do you think? But it is a red pill. It's sent. Yeah, it is like that. And it is essentially what it will be. If we, if we're, we're staying this human form, essentially someone's going to figure out a way to put a helmet on you or put a spike in the back of your head that like locks your central nervous system into this gigantic computer that starts sending signals to your brain and tricks your brain to thinking it's riding on a horse through the fucking Saudi Arabian desert. That's going to come. It's just whether or not it's here yet, it's gonna come. They're gonna keep making things. If we don't blow each other up, there's gonna be a cell phone that lets you see God. You're gonna, you're gonna like call God. Yeah. God's gonna be in front of you hugging you, giving you love. Isn't that what psychedelics are kind of like? Yeah. Yeah. Well, that could be what we're trying to recreate. What we're trying to get to could be like a state that's similar to what exists already in nature. Like maybe they're interconnected in some sort of a way. Like maybe someone will figure out, maybe someone who is anti-drug will figure out a way to recreate psychedelic experiences using only technology that interfaces with your brain and turns all those chemicals on.