How The Rock Motivates Michael Yo | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Michael Yo

3 appearances

Michael Yo is a stand up comedian. Look for his podcast "Michael Yo Show" on Spotify.


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How do you how do you deal with people like the the haters because there's so many people I call them thumb thugs But how do you deal you just they're hating in the dark? I don't know what they're doing You don't read a lot of comments. I don't read shit anymore, man Yeah, a very very rarely go into mentions if I do it's usually a mistake I just I just do my best and do my best I post and I go I post and ghost You don't even look at people's feeds. Do you know I look at some people's feet. Yeah, I'm when I'm bored Yeah, you know I'll read some things, you know, I want to look at some cool pictures I watch some inspirational shit. I like going to the rocks seeing them lifting weights man pumped up. I want to go to the gym The Rock is a baby. Tell you I T Fletcher. I interviewed the Rock The first time I met him was like 11 years ago during the game plan and we just hit it off, right? Game playing the game plan. That's where he played a quarterback. He was a lot thinner It was his first breakout movie. Okay that put it he did scorpion and then the game plan and after that interview He took some time and just talked to me. He wasn't the Rock then I mean He was me and then over the years every time I interviewed him He would pull me aside and go are you going to my acting coach? Are you doing this are you doing that? Is there anything I can help you with and I'm like why like and then he got bigger and bigger and the last time I saw Same thing yo, are you doing are you going to the acting coach? Are you working on your goals? Are you improving like literally his Instagram but in real life and I'm and it's and he'll never know this But it's the thing that's for me just average schmoe Michael yo To take the time out every time I interview him to ask me if I'm achieving my goals if I'm moving forward and like Giving me positive things positive thoughts to take that time like five minutes after every interview and this dude is booked nonstop but to actually take time and It's just so inspirational in to see him be the biggest movie star in the world and he knows everybody's name He's very respect. I don't know if he has an earpiece but like Like he's like the president when he was he knows everybody's name. He could be president He could 100% a hundred percent a hundred percent. He can I would for I would too because he believe He's just a heart worker comes from humble beginnings. Yes, you mean he's in Hawaii right now And he's filming on his Instagram He's talking about all the neighborhoods that he goes back to to check to see where he was where's from when he was poor and starving Yeah, you know, I mean he Really is from humble beginnings. I mean he had only like, you know It's the story like five dollars left in his account and then he got discovered in wrestling and I knew him in Miami when he was Doing WWE I interviewed him a couple times over there and and he played for the University of Miami my favorite college football team So it's a thing where you know the history of 11 years, but for him that big to take time to motivate me Separately and you know, I know if he sees me out, he knows my name, but it's not like I'm texting I'm not like Kevin Hart with him and just to be a random dude that he takes time out every time he sees me to make Sure, I'm hitting my goals and moving forward with my career and not back and then offering. Hey if you ever need anything Get in touch with me, you know, I would never take him up on that. But it's a thing where I'm nobody He's the rock and to be that inspirat. I mean it just does so much man like it Little things that big celebrities do or somebody that really inspires you Like they don't know how much that means like just some just that little time he spends. Yeah, I think he knows I think he does know. I think he's a genuine leader. He is, you know, that's what I think That's why so many people like him because what he says is it's authentic like it's really who he is There is nothing fake about that man I don't have to be fake enough to be successful and if you want to work as hard as that guy you could be successful I Asked one else like do you just take a bunch of pictures at the gym? Like and just post throughout the day because you don't get that big from taking pictures. I know man That guy's picking heavy shit up. That's too big. But you know what I love that's just too big Joe He's an action star dude and he's the first action star that looks like an act like I would want him to save my life In real life Wow, what is he like six seven or something? Yeah, he's a giant. He's a little bit taller me I'm six giant. Yeah, he's giant. He's built like a fucking like a Legitimate superhero like Will Smith was my guy, but I left Will Smith for the rock him you left him. No, no, no I still he's still well, no idea No, but like I gotta do what you gotta do burning building a burning burning who's gonna save you who's gonna save you Will Smith I'd save you too Aliens coming at you Independence Day. Did you not see Will Smith? Look I love Will Smith but In earthquake an earthquake Well, if you want someone to hold one hand on the top of a bill Thank you and then hold your wrist with another and know that he's got you according to the movie poster. That's the rock See, I never saw Will Smith holding the top of a building By the hand Will Smith can shoot a gun Those zombies he did I am legend. Oh man. What a great movie. Oh my goodness God