5 years ago
7 appearances
Tulsi Gabbard is a Former United States Representative, Iraq War veteran, host of the "The Tulsi Gabbard Show," and author of the new book "For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind." www.tulsigabbard.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
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how old you 30 you know you're very young in terms of like Someone who's gonna be president. Yeah, that's young 38 for presidents that's young shit. How old was JFK when he got elected? I think like 41. Yeah 42 old and you something like that barely I'll be what I'll be 40 when I'm sworn in sworn in as president right right around there Okay, but I like how you say when but exactly confidence Look look at look at Donald Trump though, so what he's in his mid-70s right but his maturity is of An adolescent he's a comedian. He's a bad. He should have been a comedian I'm telling you the guy would have been killing it. Yeah comic instead of a real estate developer Yeah, that's true. Yeah, he's very but my point is maturity maturity matters. Yes Experience matters and that the experience that I bring is is different from any other candidate Who's running for president serving as a soldier for 16 years of serving in Congress on these on these committees of? importance and national security you know I've served the state legislature and the City Council and Look when you look back we talked about our founding fathers most of them who Crafted the Constitution and who wrote the Declaration of Independence were under the age of 40 Many people live there to be like 40 back man still Still we're talking about experience in maturity here. I know you're you know you're defending yourself. I fully support you I think you could be president 38. I really do I don't think it's a problem Yeah at 40 for sure you're gonna be 24 years older or 24 months older. You're gonna be wiser You'll have it nailed, but we do Wonder right like how when has a person had enough life experience and what but then again the question is What is that life experience is it life experience like you said that leads you to be an immature 70 year old or is it a life experience of someone who's served in combat and Has been on in Congress for six years and someone who understands how this government works and yeah has a better perspective of human beings Yeah it is it is that experience and it's what you draw from it and the conclusions and the judgment and the kind of leadership that you Would exercise yeah, you know there were a lot of folks in 2016 who said Hillary Clinton was the most experienced candidate ever to run for president because of the jobs She had held or the experience that she had had my problem was with her judgment and the kinds of decisions that she would make as Commander-in-chief decisions that would continue to send people like me and my brothers and sisters in uniform to continue to fight in these wasteful regime change wars that actually dishonor the oath that we all take when we volunteer to serve to serve to protect and defend our country and the American people and instead sending us on these missions that Our counter to that promise that undermine our national security that undermine the great sacrifice that our troops and their families Make so it's that judgment. It's the experience and the judgment that I believe we need to look for in the next commander-in-chief It's what I bring to the table and it's what I challenge voters to ask the other candidates and to to hold them to account On both of those fronts would they be ready to walk into that Oval Office on day one and to serve our country as commander-in-chief