Why Jim Norton Used to Let UFC Fighters Beat Him Up


4 years ago



Jim Norton

10 appearances

Jim Norton is a stand-up comic, actor, broadcast personality, and podcaster. He co-hosts the "UFC Unfiltered" podcast with Matt Serra, and "Jim Norton & Sam Roberts" show on SiriusXM. www.jimnorton.com https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiandJimNYC


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They're all nice. I'm not worried about it. I'm not afraid of it. I like the people so much who I've met and I've never met anybody involved in who I didn't like. Yeah, they're nice people, right? All of them are nice people. None of them are dicks. None of them give that energy off. They all know they can strangle me. Nobody makes you feel that way. Well, that's why a guy like Matt Serra is such a good guy because he's got such a good character. And you kind of notice that from a lot of fighters, right? They have great character. And one of the reasons why they have great character is they don't have a problem with their ego. They're controlled. They understand who they are. They feel good. Yeah, I'm never uncomfortable around any of them. Like never for that reason, at least. No matter who they are or what position they're in, they're all kind of the same. None of them come off like with that alpha energy that other athletes give you. I remember on ONA, you'd have everybody choke you. I used to do that, yeah. BJ was the first guy. He was coming off a loss. And I wanted to see what it felt like. I knew it wouldn't be the same, but I had seen arm bars and I wanted to know what does it feel like when somebody grabs your arm that way? So they were all pretty gentle. Fedor put me in a fucking good one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. His hurt. And I was like, ah, and he laughed. And he did it again. But to feel those things, it gives you such a respect for the fact that there's guys that are doing this for real. This is a guy just showing some fucking idiot on the radio. Didn't John Jones like gently leg kick you to know John Jones fucking put a hard leg kick. He was like, he was like weight cut wheat week. So he might not have been the best of fucking moods. He put me he shin kicked me across the leg. It hurts so bad. I know, but I'm being honest. I think he did it lightly. I'm sure he did. Let me see. Let me see. Here it is. Look at my hands up. Put your dukes up. That's light. It was compared to what he could have done. That's light. But I almost threw up. Look at him. Look at you. Look at you. I almost vomited. I had to go to the bathroom. So I thought it was a faint. Okay, but I'm telling you right now that wasn't even 50%. Oh, no, not even close. That was probably wasn't even 30%. All that was was like the weight of his leg. Yeah, no, he could have really fucking leveled me. Oh my God. Can you show me? I've had a few guys do things. Who hurt you the most? John, I do our leg brace. I'm not exaggerating. For how long? It was my knee would have been fucked up. So I probably put one on for three months after that. But the face that you get ready to go to. Yeah, there's a whole Oh, what is fader got you in an arm lock? Oh, who's got you in a heel hook? It was Brock Lesnar. No, you live Brock Lesnar touch your knees. Yeah. Oh, that's so terrible. Yeah. Oh my God. Rashad punched you. Yeah. Oh, there's a whole fucking series of people beating on you. But it was never, dude, it was never like, it was never like, Hey, let's see how the hurt it was. Oh, John, you too. You wouldn't punch you any, show me any different outfit. That's a different day. Time. Oh, you're right. A punch in the arm too. There's a whole video series of you getting beat up by UFC fighters. This is so horrible. Bronx was where Oh yeah. Who got me that? Yeah. Was that Frank or Ken? Frank. Oh, Anderson kicked you. Yeah. Not hard though. He Anderson's a nice guy. He wouldn't kick me that hard. That's good for him, man. I'm glad you, you were going to have him kick you in the arm. Yeah. Oh, you could break your arm easy. Yeah. I didn't want, but I always trust these guys. Like I know that none of them are going to do it so hard that they do anything to me. That's going to damage because they all know I'm not fighting. Right. But I all know that they could, I just trust them for some reason. I trust them to be gentle. I don't know why. Well, they are. They're nice people. Plus they know it's the radio. They're not trying to hurt you. John got you in a choke too. Yeah. This is so crazy. All these people. Fuck you. Look, fade or fail wouldn't let go. He wouldn't let go. No, he enjoyed it. Oh, do you know fade or just got you again? Yeah. He tapped you like three times. Look at Rashad's getting you in a triangle. Oh my God. That is hilarious. Yeah. Yeah. Rhonda arm barbie. I had some really fun ones, man. I wish I had done more of these because it was really a bit done out of respect for what they do. Right. Just to feel what it's like. To watch someone who's world class and one of the best alive at doing that and then all of a sudden to have them do it to you felt like, fuck man, this is how good this guy is at this. How did you get the gig with the UFC? How'd that work? Dana had asked me one time, you know, we'd known each other a long time and he'd say, one day we're going to work together. We're going to do something. I don't know what. And I was like, all right, you know, and I would see him at events and whatever. And I just got a phone call one day. He's like, Hey man, we're doing a podcast with Matt Serry. You want to do it? He fucking just called me and goes, here's the money. Do you want to do the podcast? It was a phone call from Dana. Free me the podcast. He didn't. Matt was already in place and I said, yeah, I would love to. So we worked out a couple of things with my job where I was able to do something else with my name on it. And he just hired me. Wow. But I'm not hired. Like, you know, I hired as a comedian who loves UFC. Like Matt is the guy who can, of course, play by play call who can analyze jiu-jitsu so beautifully. And you know, that's not what I do. Yeah. No, it's interesting that the UFC even has a podcast, you know, yeah, UFC unfiltered. Yeah. I mean, it's it was I it was they could have just got two analysts to do it. But I think Danny just wanted a different tone to it.