5 years ago
1 appearance
Laird Hamilton is a big-wave surfer, co-inventor of tow-in surfing, and co-founder, with his wife Gabrielle Reece, of XPT Training (Extreme Performance Training).
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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You know, people don't realize when they live there, but when you're in a place with giant cement buildings, you know, that they're tall, you're in fight or flight the whole time. Really? Yeah, because you're threatened by these big masses that could... Fall over and hit you. Absolutely. Right. And you intuitively, you're living in that, and then the noise, and all of the people. Because I grew up sitting in the back of the class, right? I go to a restaurant, I find a chair against a wall. Like, I go look for a chair and go, where's, you know, I'll sit in the corner, I want to see what's coming. I like to see what's coming. And you go to New York, and you're bombarded from every single angle. Right. And so, you're in fight or flight. You're constantly on guard to, you know, you don't know what's going to... I'll take my chances in the ocean. Yeah, I love visiting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love visiting men. Yeah, yeah. But as far as living there, man, I just don't... And my friend Jeff lives there, and he's like, the energy of the city, he talks about the energy, it's amazing. I'm like, okay. Well, it's retail therapy, too. Yeah. Retail therapy, some retail mech, it's why every woman in the world moves there. Yeah, they want to shop. Shop! Shop! And then your friend goes, there's a lot of energy here. He meant like, there's all the people, people are moving, they're doing things, it makes me want to do things. Yeah, yeah. But I want to do things anyway, I don't need that. Yeah. Well, we weren't meant to live stacked on top of each other. That's not in our nature. That's not in our biology. Now, is there an abundance of everything? Yeah, there's a lot of things that make it attractive, right? There's beautiful women that make it attractive, there's all the food you ever wanted to make it attractive. You know, there's an abundance of stuff, and there's always something you do. You go to the theater, you don't have to be self-motivated. You don't have to be self-driven. Right. There's always three, you know, ten parties and a bunch of things and speakers and science, just anything you can think of, there's every aspect of it. Right. So I think that has an attractiveness about it, but in our essence, do we belong in these metropolises? They don't really have any in nature. So we wouldn't actually, that wouldn't be a place that, you know, and we can only handle so many people at once anyway. Like we can only have real intimate relationships with like a hundred and, I don't know, a hundred and thirty people or something crazy. Yeah, it's like one-fifth. Yeah. Yeah. What I'm fascinated by though is that these things exist everywhere and that cities exist in almost every single country. There's a place like a Manhattan or like in LA where everybody's just jammed in together. Like what is it about people that makes us want to live like this? That's an interesting thing. That's an interesting question. Why are we attracted to that? Well, the abundance, you know, that we're all, and we're drawn to go where everybody wants to go. A little bit like sheep, you know, like we all go where everybody wants to go. Opportunity. I mean, there's all these things that, you know, why does every, why does every city draw every young person from the countryside? Right? Because of opportunity. Yeah. And excitement. The possibility. The possibilities. My friend Michael Maus was on the show yesterday and he was telling me that he was choking. He swallowed a piece of food and he got it stuck in his throat and he went to a table in Manhattan. He was in Manhattan and he was like, I'm choking. And he said this to this table of people. And he said this woman just stared at him with no reaction. Like didn't smile on anything. And he coughed and the food came out. He goes, I was choking to death. And she said, well, you should take smaller bites. Like just the harshness. The harshness. Of New York. The, the, the value of a human being is so, so much less because there's so many of them. Yeah. That's a problem in the earth. Yes. Right now our value for, and we become such a voyeur. We become such voyeurs of like, well, I'll just watch you die. Yeah. I'll just, I'll get a video of it and put it, you know, post the shit stuff. Like that's, I mean, instead of like, wow, that guy needs help. He's hurting. Let's, let me help him. Right. Now it's like, wow, let's see. You know what I mean? We, you see, it's a, it's a strange phenomenon. You'll get more help when there's less people around than you will when there's all the people around. Yeah. Like they'll be a thousand people and they'll all just sit there and stare at a guy that's bleeding to death. Yeah. Where when there's two people there, one of the people will tourniquet the guy's leg. Right. Right. Right. Like if you met, if you saw someone in the woods fall and break their leg and was just you two, you'd feel totally connected to that person. Whereas if you saw someone, there's a hundred people around, the guy falls or gets hit by a car. You're like, well, that ain't my problem. That ain't my problem. And everybody goes, that's not my problem. So everybody, yeah. Diffusion of responsibility. Yeah. It happens in large groups of people. You feel like somebody's going to handle this. And they may. And no one does. Yeah. No one does. They, yeah. There was a video that I watched recently of this guy. There was a, I don't know what was happening, but it was outside at night, some sort of a nightclub sort of a situation. This woman hit this guy and this guy knocked out this one woman and then another girl came out and he knocked her out too. And the guy's filming it. Someone's filming it and they're not doing anything about it. No one's, no one's tackling this guy. No one's grabbing the guy runs away successfully. And then the LAPD put a thing out looking for this guy. I'm like, how the fuck does the guy with the camera live with himself? How did you just film this guy punch two women? Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. Unless you're a woman too. And you're like, I don't want this guy fucking me up too. I don't know. Well, you just hit him with a brick then. I mean, you know, whatever. I mean, just saying, just, you know, drive your car out, drive your car on him. Yes. I'm just, you know. But it's, it is strange how we lose our humanity and these giant numbers. Well, and we're doing it more too now, just with all of the, there's a bunch of factors that are playing in, into, into that, right? Into, into us kind of separating ourselves from the person next door. They're right there, but we're, we're over here, you know? Yeah. We're on our, we're on our device looking down and they're right next to us and we're like, it's almost like we think that that's an invisible screen.