How Laird Hamilton DESTROYED His Left Foot


5 years ago



Laird Hamilton

1 appearance

Laird Hamilton is a big-wave surfer, co-inventor of tow-in surfing, and co-founder, with his wife Gabrielle Reece, of XPT Training (Extreme Performance Training).


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What's your own experience why i think i think running off your toes great yeah i mean there's a problem is the who does use the running who does it right who does it i do i run with minimal issues yeah and i want to know what is standing by that is ridiculous i would be caught dead in that then. Well that for me that that there that's the elliptical they have a new a new one that's just a pedal i'm just kidding it looks awesome no but you know why the guy made that silly. Because the guy was a runner and couldn't run anymore got injured and then he said he started to bike and he said biking is not running. And so that he developed that thing because it's simulates running without the impact so that's unlike i said that's why i like the pool that's why and i think do it's like if you think about doing things forever. We're talking about doing things forever yeah right yeah so we're talking about doing things forever so how are we going to do them so we can do them forever no impact. Well so reducing impact and if you actually started doing that initially. Then you might not have to worry about trying to recover from all that stuff that you so it's like we don't want to train in a way that we're going to have to change our training to try to make up because all the damage we've done let's try to avoid the damage from the beginning. I'm it's already too late for me I got seven you know I got six broken ankles broken again what the hell did you just do your ankle has been broke six six or seven times broke the arch broke all the meditators surfing. All different motorbike surfing snowboarding how did you mess up your hip. Probably cuz my broke walking on a broken ankle for all those years because each time i broke it i have five or six different breaks and then i would keep going so i would keep walking on it and but it means i had to carry the load on my right hip so i think i just wore the cartilage out from. Offsetting and carrying the load of the broken leg Jesus so that was so i mean it's. So wasn't like one injury we hurt your hip it was just. I just wore it out is I said i lived a couple lives with that one i was that that was only a one life hip and i had three lives in it. What is it like having a fake hip insane incredible bionic things not even in my in my in my brain not even. How so it's doesn't i doesn't i don't ever even bring it in my in the consciousness it's in its slicker it's like a Mercedes Benz ballgame. Join i mean it's absolutely perfect wow it's a and and you know i mean i've had a ci had some nice stuff before that was hard to recover from the hip the hip was. I just felt like i got kicked by a horse for a couple months and then after that it was like no brainer jump off a cliff go stand up paddle run i mean. They tell you to not do certain things. No really no you could like you could just start. Don't do anything you should do with your real one. Oh really that's. Don't do anything you shouldn't do with your real one yeah absolutely that was the only thing i mean the guide the doctor pendant burke who did mine. He he did it to a contortionist i guess some contortionist had some blown hips and he did it to and the girls still performing and stuff so i don't i think it's i mean the stuff is the technology is amazing and the thing that i the thing that i would consider if i ever had to do it again is that the atrophy from. The the the the initial problem is harder to recover from than you just go in and get in the new one and i think when people push it you know they used to try to push that stuff because they want to wait for the technology got better and they only last 15 years and all that stuff. But the atrophy that you try to recover from is harder to recover from than if you would have gone and gotten it done when you need when as soon as you needed to have it so the one you have now you have to get it swapped out every 15 years. No no no no but but in the back in the early day well they they they don't know how long this new stuff last they had some they had some material that that wore out after like because there's a like a. Some kind of polyurethane some kind of like outer layer well like a cartlet like like a man made cartilage between the ball joint in the socket and so that stuff wore out in the past but yeah and they have this new stuff. That that has been in for 10 years and a lot of people are ready and they've seen zero wear on it so you know you don't know could be 30 could be you know could be 10 i mean i was actually. I stayed conscious in and i was able to stay awake from my hip surgery that cuz i didn't want to have to recover from the from the. Stesia yeah really yeah i take people a month to get the anesthesia out of their system really oh yeah to try to get anesthesia i mean anesthesia is controlled death. They're just for you right to the edge of dying and keep you alive i mean anesthesia some hard stuff on your system to get that stuff out of your organs you gotta do like a full detox cleanse it's not just like oh yeah anesthesia i've never heard that before i didn't i didn't know that oh yeah i thought you feel like shit for a day or two but i didn't know it. That's shit's in your organs and stuff there's no way that stuff just goes out they can't they can't do she out and knock you out like that without that stuff lingering i mean you know how long does it take to when you got a hangover i mean. So did they do like an epidural block on your epidural block yeah and they had it so good that they could just isolate the left the left hip they did that to me when i had my first ACL surgery yeah i wanted to see it yeah cuz i was like i want to watch i felt like i'm only gonna do this one. Once in my life i want to see this turns out had three of them yeah three new surgeries but yeah but i wanted to see it i wanted to i wanted to be there it was pretty freaky yeah it was acl yeah i had acl too yeah i saw the right lane yeah yeah i had a little ever i had a cadaver yeah right leg and left leg at a patella tender yeah yeah so now your hip doesn't even you don't feel it you don't feel anything not even in the wheel not even a thought wow not even like like amazing and it was i was. It was debilitating i could barely walk i mean i could still surf but i get to land i was hobbling around like you know. Will and maynard from tool you know the band tool yeah maynard is a he's a judicious enthusiast and he had to get his hip done and he fucked his hip up from stomping on stage. No cuz he's always like stomping with one leg yeah he blew his hip out yeah well i think mine's attributed a lot to my back leg and surfing. Oh so i'm on that back leg and that back leg is loaded loaded so i think that but but i know the brakes the brakes and the other in the left ankle and left foot and how many i had and that i was always on it i know that attributed a lot because this this this right leg carried the load for that thing for you get your left leg fixed. And my ankle ankle yeah i just let it so every time i said i went i went to my knee to get my knee worked on and the guy goes he saw my ankle and he goes. And then he saw the how much mobility i had and he called in some foot specialist and they had to take x ray they just wanted to see cuz i have no metal in there there's no screws there's no nothing i just let it you know it just. So every time i snapped you just let it sort of heal itself up yeah so it snapped and you just walk around on it yeah. Pretty much cut the cast off the first time was i was 16 and cut the cast off and you know and i went out and re broke it the first time. And then and then i had broken other ways it got a little smarter i barely broke him but yeah that's so the arch i broke the arch because the ankle was so cows so. Bonded that when i broke it i actually broke my arch that was the probably the most painful that was the most painful breakdown in that area. Talked to kelly slater he broke his foot yeah to yeah same so his was just recently yeah yeah and his his was fucked up for a long time so that's a painful thing to snap your toes like we're. The middle of the metal tarsels are crazy well yeah you have a 75% of the bones in your body are below your ankles. What really 75% like. Terms of numbers yeah numbers of bones but your feet your feet have like half the bones of your entire body god i never thought of that that's crazy but it makes there's a lot of shit down there a lot going on a lot little little ones and little nubs and weird little ankle. See that's why kickboxing so stupid you throwing those things at people and slamming them into elbows and knees and stuff. What i fucked the quad big guaranteed yeah i've broken my nothing like kicking something and breaking your feet yeah it's a little embarrassing if it's a wall though. Oh yeah for sure is that what you kicked no i'm just saying no mine was i like i said i broke mine broke mostly sports related motorbike windsurfing. You know towing yeah yeah.