Trump's Coronavirus Response w/Tim Dillon | Joe Rogan


4 years ago



Tim Dillon

15 appearances

Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: This is Your Country," is available on Netflix.


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I understand, but the liberals have been home with nothing to do for a month and then they're firing it up again. They're writing articles like, this is a gendered crisis. No. Nurses are women. It's like, oh God. Enough. Well, Bill Maher went hard to paint. He did. He was right. He was right. Yeah. He was also not totally right because he was defending the use of the term Chinese virus, but really correctly termed it would be the Wuhan virus. Yeah, but everyone knows. Right. It's just that it originated in China. Yes, but if you called it the Wuhan virus, it would be historically accurate. Right, because racists who were going to do hate crimes wouldn't know if Wuhan was in China. They would be like, is it somewhere else? No, that's what I'm saying. I mean, so you're generalizing an entire continent or an entire country at least. An enormous country. It's just a subset, a small section of it that had the virus. Well, it's like the examples they used was like Lyme disease came from Lyme, Connecticut. But if something came out of Colorado and it was killing everybody in China. What did? Rocky Mountain ticks. Would they say in China? Would they call it that in China? Would they say the US flu, the American bug? I don't know. I mean, you know. No talk to someone in Chinese. I mean, it's a way to generalize it. It's sloppy, but listen, this is the way it's been done for years. Yeah, but there's a clear reason why, look, Trump, first of all, they were in heated trade negotiations with China. Right. So he wants to rub it in their face. China. And he also wants to take attention away from the fact that we were not prepared and he knew and everyone knew, not only him, Nancy Pelosi, all of these people, even Fauci, all of these guys came out and said, this is nothing to worry about. But Trump is the president. The buck stops with him. He could have ordered tests. He could have been more vigilant and he didn't do it. So I think he- Well, they were all saying not to worry about it. Everyone, the World Health Organization in January was saying that it does not matter. In January, they were saying it does not transmit from person to person. Yeah, but if you listen, if you're skeptical of China and you're skeptical of the World Health Organization, as he's very skeptical of China, you got to- The World Health Organization up until then had not been criticized the way it's been criticized now. Of course, but you still have to, I think if you're the president, you're in a leadership position, you have to be like, wait a minute, what are we not knowing? The CIA wrote him a memo saying this could be a big problem. I mean, we knew, we were watching it happen for two months in another country. We were watching this happen in China. And I'm not saying that he could have prevented the pandemic, but like, dude, get the tests, give them the New York, give them the certain big areas, scale up the testing. So what do you think he did wrong? He didn't scale up the testing? I don't think he scaled up. No, he didn't scale up the testing. I don't know if it's, first of all, is it him? Is he the one who does this? He's the president. Okay, but stop. How do you even know? When you say he should have done this. But I think- Do you even know what was possible to do? Yeah, I think he could. The Defense Production Act, which I don't think he could have invoked that after this happened to force companies to make certain things. Right, but there was a lot of people that were thinking that this was just going to be like the flu. If the president of the United States said, we need more tests for this, there's absolutely, we would have had more tests. But do you understand that they didn't even have a test? Yeah. Because it's a novel coronavirus. It's a new thing. Yeah, but there were tests in other countries that were being used. I mean, Germany did this, right? What did they do? They had more testing. They've had their mortality rates down. They've had to kept their mortality rates down. They think there's a bunch of reasons why Germany kept their mortality rates down. Well, it's a very, you know, the culture, but here's the other thing. They follow rules better. Taiwan did it. South Korea, I mean, now they're having second waves, but like up until recently, Taiwan had very few cases just right by China. But again, a lot of it was testing. So I mean, I think the China virus issue helps him deflect from any, and I mean, listen, you can't go out during a pandemic when nurses were in garbage bags and falling down and go, hey, my press conference is getting the biggest ratings they've ever gotten. No, that was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life. I mean, you can't do that. I mean, that's crazy. No, that was just crazy. That's crazy. But that's him. He's a fucking weird guy, man. But he also did shut down travel from China. That was good. That was smart. People were saying he was a racist. Well, yeah, well, Chuck Schumer should be held into account for that. Yeah. Yeah, they really should because that was the correct thing to do. I don't think he could have prevented this. I'm just saying there's got to be a better system than the one we have where states are like bidding for this equipment. There's got to be a way. And that $1,200 stimulus that people are going to get is not helping anybody. No, that's not enough. No. But when you say states are bidding, what are you talking about? I mean, states are ... I don't think the federal government has the ability or we don't have the ability to get states' equipment, so states are bidding for it. There's something going on where a lot of states are going outside the system to secure their ... which part of their responsibility is to do, but it's just ... there's got to be a better system going forward. Yeah. Well, they didn't see this coming. I mean, in terms of needing ventilators. You go back to November or December. Nobody thought that three months from now, the entire country is going to be shut down and we're going to need ventilators everywhere. No, of course not. And some hospitals may not need ventilators, but you've got to look at a city like New York and you've got to look at what's happening in China and you've got to go, there's a high population density there. We should probably try to shore up some of those hospitals. I mean, otherwise, what the hell does ... what's the point? But isn't it that the people who run the hospitals, the administration of the hospitals, isn't their responsibility to make sure that they have PPE in place? The fact that these people are wearing garbage bags, they don't have enough masks, they're using masks. Well, I don't think any hospital is prepared for a pandemic. So if you're ... Well, why don't they? They're a fucking hospital. Well, I mean, the hospitals, I think certain people have to direct them to do that, right? But when you're talking about just masks, how the fuck don't they have a large supply of masks on hand? It's not ... That I don't know. ... financially prohibitive. I mean, that I don't know. I have no idea. But ... They don't know. There's gotta be some responsibility. Yeah. Either ... It might be state government, could be local government, but there's gotta be some responsibility. Somebody fucked up. Somebody fucked up.