Tim Dillon Explains QAnon


4 years ago



Tim Dillon

13 appearances

Tim Dillon is a stand-up comedian and host of "The Tim Dillon Show." His comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available now on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" on April 30, 2024, and catch him as "Manny" in Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving." www.timdilloncomedy.com


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Well, the right will do it. The right, I mean, the QAnon thing's kind of a way they're doing it, where they're like, David Spades got an ankle brace on and he's in jail and Trump's put everyone under house arrest. Like there in this other thing where it's like, oh, you guys have left the planet. And you like so. Explain to people who don't know what this QAnon show. Well, the QAnon stuff is like, there's this idea that there's an intelligence dissemination operation happening, meaning behind the scenes, high level intelligence guys or military people are leaking information about a shadow war that we don't really see happening. And the shadow war involves Trump and the people on the side of lightness battling the, you know, these deep state pedophile cannibals. Like I don't know why, like I don't never understood why they have to be cannibals. I didn't know they were cannibals. They know they're cannibals. They're eating children and then they get the adrenochromic to keep some young. Oh, that's right. So this is all the end. Then Trump is going to war with all of them. Right. Now listen, pedophilia is a big problem. They do cover up shit at high levels. 100%. Yes. The Epstein stuff is 100% real. 100%. Clinton's on that plane. He's on that Island. 26 times. Yeah. The Franklin scandal, there's scandals all over the world. So I'm not delegitimizing like the idea of real human trafficking, but the idea that Donald Trump is fighting human traffickers and the human traffickers are Ellen, who is a little wild, that everyone in Hollywood's eating children and there's tunnels under central poll. I mean, it's hard to keep up with and the Q drop, so to speak, are like these, these, you know, they're like, they're like poems or they're, they're coded information. So it's never like, Hey, this is what's happening. Where do you get these drops? Where do you get a 4chan or something? You get them like on 4chan. Okay. But 4chan is the best place in the world for trolls. It's a lot of, well, that's what maybe this is. This could be like a, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. Could be a high level troll. Nobody knows because it's bait. It has nuggets of truth. Right. Right. Just like anything else, right? It has nuggets of very real things. The government is shady as fuck. A lot of the elites are doing things, engaging in pedophilia and probably worse. Like some of those kids on Epstein's Island probably did disappear. But the idea that like, that, that Trump is fighting this underground war and it's all about human traffic. I just don't think that's born out by the facts. Like there's no facts to point. I mean, Trump was like friends with the Clintons for his whole life. Well not only that, if Trump was doing it and not talking about it, it would be so out of character. Like imagine this one thing that he's doing is the most noble thing that he's ever done ever. Right. He's not selfless. The most important. For humanity. And he's not even bringing it up. He's just secretly winking at all the Q people. Well you know, and so everything he does, there's like a reason he does it, they say. Like when he wishes Les Maxwell, he goes, I wish her well. Now the thing is, that's a rich guy who's forgetting he's the president, who's just on a tee at Mar-a-Lago, because that's how rich people talk. I mean that's literally, and I've been around a few like really wealthy people. This is how they talk when you say something bad, anything bad. If you go, you know, John's wife has cancer, you know, their kid had a D-wee, he's got a problem, he had a couple incidents there at Harvard. They go like this, I wish him well. Tee off. Like that's how they talk. That's how they talk. It's just a dismissal. It's a way to dismiss it. But the Q people are like, oh there's a meaning, there's hidden meaning. He's saying that she's, and if you look at it, Ivanka's wearing this dress and it means, and it's just like, listen, I'm a conspiracy guy, but this is exhausting. It's like too much. Well I don't care, do you, jacket? The jacket? Yeah. I don't care, do you? Isn't that what it says? What? Yeah, I mean it's weird. What the fuck is this? Yeah, these are weird things. What are we doing? So I think the Trump administration feeds the trolls. I think they like it. I think he'll, by the time he lecture rolls around, he'll be like full kill just leaning in. Who's behind the scenes pulling the strings? Is it Ivanka? They say J.R. Kushner has a lot of power. But wouldn't it be funny if it was Ivanka doing the whole thing? It could be. If she's the one stroking her chin like, hmm. She's the boss. What is the nugget we released next? She's Q and R. She's the smart one who's like, set it up. How do we, yeah. She's the pretty daughter. Everybody dismisses her. I mean, nobody takes you seriously. She's in the back run on the whole fucking show with black leather gloves on. Yeah. The elbow gloves? Like the Inspector Gadget hand. You just hear hand typing on 4chan. Send, send. Yeah, I don't know man. You know Steve Bannon said something in it. There was a documentary about, Errol Morris made a documentary about Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon said this very interesting thing. He said, you know, there's a guy out there who's got a horrible life. Like he's divorced. His kids don't like him. He has a shitty job. But when he plays like League of Legends or World of Warcraft, one of these games, he's a hero. And when he dies in real life, nobody really cares. But when he dies in the game, so many people come out and they like, you know, they show him respect because you're playing with people from all over the world. So Bannon's like, which, which life is the real life? So which of course it's the real one that you're living, not this fantasy game. But I think the QAnon thing, I think the Trump administration is like, yeah, let people believe they're hunting pedophiles online. It gives their lives meaning. Like let these people believe they're like hunting the Clintons. It's like fun. It's like a fun video game for them. And then they don't have to ask why they don't have health insurance and can't get a knee operation. I don't think that it's that involved. I think it's just a thing that's happening that happens to fit in with human nature. That's probably true too. Yeah. I don't believe that the Trump administration has the resources to do that. But still, I mean, they would have to be so 4D chess. They would, they would really have to be. They may like encourage you a little. I think they may just pour a little gasoline on it. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe. Why not? If they think that's their base. Yeah. They're like, why not? They're having fun. I wouldn't say it's like Trump rally. You want a little fun. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Like these interviews that he does where he'll argue about shit. Like he'll argue about how well they're doing or what's wrong or what he got right or what his IQ is or how well he did at this intelligence test. Anybody who's playing like 3D chess is not going to do that. No. No, he's not playing any chess. He's going by instinct. He's riffing and we've said it before. I've said it on the show before. It's amazing to watch a guy get up, no material, and just crush. He's really going by instinct. He's perfectly suited for this era because he's hypnotizing. If you start listening to him, he can't stop. I'll try to watch one five-minute clip of an interview. I end up watching the whole hour because he's like there's a hypnotic thing that's going on where he just is up and down and you just can't not listen.