The Rules of Real Life Don't Apply to Art - Rob Zombie


4 years ago



Sean Carroll

3 appearances

Sean Carroll is a cosmologist and physics professor specializing in dark energy and general relativity. He is a research professor in the Department of Physics at the California Institute of Technology. His new book "Something Deeply Hidden" is now available and also look for “Sean Carroll’s Mindscape" podcast available on Spotify.


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Do you get any people upset that in some way you might be glorifying violence? Maybe, but I never hear about it because I don't think that's true. Or if it is true, I don't think it matters. Really? Because it's fake, it's not real. I mean, it's like, I don't think the rules of real life apply to art. I just don't. Right. Because that's why art exists. Just like, you know, and you just have to feel that way because it's like, okay, well, if we're going to run every movie through the PC filter, then in American History X, Edward Norton can't be racist. Sure. And now we actually, we don't have a movie. Or Travis Bickle can't kill anyone. He just has to save Jodie Foster because he's a nice person. And you know, like it ruins everything. But the rules of real life are different, but for fiction, I mean, there can't be rules. Right. And how else are you going to depict these absolutely possible scenarios? Like if we're saying that there isn't suicidal maniacs in real life, like, well, that's nonsense. So if you're allowed to make a depiction of real life, of course it's going to have to include racists, murderers, psychopaths, everything. And I just think it's, you know, it's art and it can go anywhere. And it's always, if it's shocking, that's probably good and it won't be shocking next year. Like how, whatever you're showing your kids at one point was shocking. Now they're like, seriously, dad? Yeah. And we were talking about Jaws that Jaws today, apparently would be PG. It was PG then. Was it? Can you believe that? No. Yeah. Was it? It was. Oh my God. Which is shocking. Especially. Scared the fuck out of everybody. Scared took us to see it, which was awesome, but I was traumatized for sure. Yeah. That was a crazy movie. I didn't want to have anything to do with the water after that movie. Yeah, I still don't. But the special effects as well, man, when that shark rises out of the water for the first time, he's throwing the chum in the water. How much come on down here and chumps over this shit? We're going to need a bigger boat. Like it's hard to believe those lines were like once just lines in a script. Yeah. I know they're iconic. They're a part of culture now. It's amazing. Yeah. Yeah.