The Media Keeps Trying to "Debunk" Wuhan Lab Theory


3 years ago



Eric Weinstein

6 appearances

Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, and managing director at Thiel Capital.


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There's no part of the mainstream that looks at all credible to me anymore. Well, it's real wacky now, right? And here's a wacky one where the New York Times is they're debunking this idea that the Wuhan lab may have been the source of COVID. When all these different people are talking about it. We've been on this for forever. We have been on it forever. It's extraordinary. The New York Times is still saying debunked claims with no evidence whatsoever. Sogger and Jetty from the rising in the hill had this whole piece about it on his YouTube channel. I love what they're doing. They're the best. They're the best because- Well, you've got two channels. Have you been on either? Well, I've only had him on here and Crystal together. But what I like about- That was what you guys did right at the beginning of that where they explained what happens. I didn't mean to cut you off. What happens in the cycle when your team wins and your team loses and how they've both broken out of that and they've thrown that away. Yes. That was 10 minutes that I needed to hear. I thought you broke new, the three of you guys broke really new ground. They're what we need. There's a reasonable person on the left and a reasonable person on the right and they're both committed to honesty above all, right? They might have different philosophical perspectives. I think they're coming together. I think Crystal's coming towards Sogger because she's seeing the rot on the left. What my hope is, is that she's going to be a credible progressive who's rejecting all this nonsense progressivism. Yeah, I think you're right. She's very smart and so is he. The two of them together are wonderful. What were you going to say before I cut you off? What I was going to say is they were talking about how the New York Times is talking about this deep- I forget who they were quoting, who was entertaining this ideal. Was that what it was? The CDC guy? That's right. That he was entertaining this idea, this debunked idea of this emanating from a lab. But it's not debunked. Not only is it not debunked, it's more possible than ever. But the problem is the idea was originally associated with Donald Trump. So these motherfuckers at the New York Times still have it in their head that they can't admit- I don't know that that's what's going on, Joe. What do you think it is? Well, that what they do, it's a weird move. We should tell people exactly what they're saying. Okay. The former head of the CDC is saying that it's more probable than not. He's not saying it's absolute. He's saying it's more probable than not that it escaped from a lab. And he details it and he actually predates it. He goes deep into September and October, he believes it might have emanated around that time it started spreading. The reason why is- and it all makes total sense. This is a very unusual laboratory. The laboratory had been cited in 2018 for safety protocol violations. The laboratory works on the exact same kinds of coronaviruses that caused this worldwide pandemic on bats. They work on bat coronaviruses. And this is one of two level four labs that are in this area. So this whole thing is so- it's so much more likely that it emanated from the lab. The problem is the narrative was Donald Trump is racist. Donald Trump calls it the China virus. Donald Trump says it came from a lab. It can't have come from a lab because Donald Trump's always wrong. That's one possibility. I'm worried about something beyond that. What are you worried about? The way that they make this move is that they synonymize the lab leak hypothesis with a synthetic virus engineered from scratch. So in other words, the idea of maybe somebody growing a horseshoe bat coronavirus in human lung tissue to accelerate natural selection. Because we don't know how to engineer it, but if you let natural selection engineer it, you can accelerate that. Instead of saying we don't know what to make of accelerated natural selection in a lab leaking, they try to make this move, which is like- there's no sign that this was engineered in a lab. You're like, okay, well you changed what the hypothesis is in order to say what you're saying to protect your future credibility. And the thing that I'm really freaking out about, you've been talking about it, Brett's been talking about it, I've been talking about it, all sorts of people have been talking about this one for a year. I increasingly think that none of these organizations think that they owe us any kind of truth. That when they get caught, it's just like, yeah, of course we had to say that. You're like, what? Yeah. You're like this Time Magazine article about, of course we fortified the election. You what? Oh yeah, we fortified it. Oh, Trump was right about a conspiracy. In this- Who was quoting that? Who were they quoting that said they fortified the election? There was apparently some entire group under one guy with hundreds of activists who told their people don't riot in the streets, have a dance party instead. I would highly recommend Time Magazine. I read the blurb about the fortifying and I was like, hmm, that's a disturbing quote, but what does it mean? What are they trying to mean? What they mean? What the claim of the article is, we went right up to the door, meddling with the election, but all we cared about was free and fair. And we had a huge conspiracy, so Donald Trump wasn't wrong. There was a huge conspiracy, but we are so committed to democracy that even though we hate Donald Trump with a passion that won't let go 24 seven, we still would never do anything against an election. The problem is with a guy like Trump, you can almost justify some horrible- That's what I said. If you claim that you have to fight all enemies, foreign and domestic, and you claim that he's a Russian asset, you're pretty much saying that you have to do something drastic. And so the number of things that people claim is what the problem is because they're not all compatible. And what I'm trying to get at more broadly is over and over I see the same move, which is deny, deny, deny, we get caught. Yeah, limited hangout. Yeah, we did that shit. That's the kind of stuff we do because we have to do it. But I don't think they're saying they got caught. I think they're saying that what we did was make sure the election was fair. Because I think the concept of a limited hangout where you know that something is too big to hold back, so you push a part of it into the public, not all of it, that's the limited, and you let the public think, okay, well, now you know the truth and it stops there. 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