3 years ago
1 appearance
Lara Beitz is a standup comic known for her appearances on Comedy Central's "Lights Out with David Spade", Showtimes' "The Comedy Store" mini-series, and stages around the United States.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
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Yeah, I did all that. I went outside and I started taking it and I lost weight. I didn't want to and I haven't gotten it. Good. Aren't you happy you lost weight? Do you feel lighter? I feel lighter. That's exactly how I feel. Yeah, dude. Well, it's like, it's the equivalent of like eight bags of potatoes. And if I think about what it would be like to carry that around in a backpack, like through an airport and then get to set it down. Take one of those 45 pound plates. That's a heavy fucking weight. Like you put on a barbell, one of those big ones. That's what you lost. My ankle weights and my hand weights together are 20 pounds. And if I think about carrying that times two, even across a room, I would be tired. And that's what you were doing. And I feel so much better. I mean, I had had back pain from the time that I was a teenager. I'd had joint pain and I thought that I was just going to have it for my whole life because I didn't think I was heavy enough that it was affecting my joints. And that pain is all gone. And and it makes sense to me because again, if I carry around a heavy bag through an airport, like my back will hurt at the end of the day if I do that right now. And to have to carry that weight around everywhere I go, everything I do, even just sitting, having that extra weight, like I just don't want it back. And I think part of it might be because I stopped eating flour and sugar, which I've heard are inflammatory as well. So I think part of it might be that. But the other thing is just getting to set down the weight. I feel awesome. I think both are factors. Yeah, for sure. I mean, definitely. It's just logical that the weights are factor, but for sure sugar and flour and any processed foods like that cause inflammation. So what did you do for exercise? I play tennis and swim and I do workouts that Stacia Patwell created. She was a comic. She ran a show at the store and she's a trainer. And she started doing these classes on Zoom for female comics. And a bunch of us have had before and after transformations where like a bunch of fat comics have gotten hot because of her workouts. She's onto something, dude. She's so fucking funny. And she can like work you out for an hour where I'm just like laughing. I feel like I'm hanging out with a friend and she has this specific brand of tough love where she'll like, she'll call, she'll call me a pussy. Like right before I'm about to drop out of a plank and she'll be like, the world has enough pussies. Don't be a bitch. Don't bitch out. What is her name again? Stacia Patwell. Stasia. P-A-T-W-E-L-L. Yeah. And her Instagram is just that. It's all one word. Jamie will find it. She's a fucking monster. And she called her thing school of thought. T-H-O-T. Oh, that's hilarious. School of thought. A beast, dude. Is that right there? Yeah. She has the transformations in her highlights. All right. She's so fucking funny, dude. She's. It's nostalgic for Boston in the nineties right now. Yeah. She'll yell at you and her like Long Island accent and something about it. I wouldn't tolerate half the shit she says to me from. The East Coast in the nineties. I'm telling you. Something that wasn't funny. Oh, there I am. Look at that. Oopsie doopsie. Bitzy's in a bra. Oh, go to the far right. Look at her. Dude, you lost so much weight. That's crazy. Got my little cats in the background that I adopted so I wouldn't open my wrist in a bathtub. There we go. There she is. I did not know I was that fat. Boy, do I have egg on my face. What what did you think? You just didn't check. I thought I had twenty five pounds to lose. And so I said, I mean, I'm comfortable talking about numbers, so my top weight was 180. I set my goal weight at 155 and now I'm 142.5. And I'm not I'm in a healthy weight range. So if my body stops like easily losing weight, then I'll be like, OK, this is the weight that my body wants to be. But it's still I'm still losing weight and it's not protesting. I'm certainly not starving myself. That's awesome. Yeah. So it was just a matter of eating the right food and just forcing yourself to do rigorous exercise. Yeah, I joined a support group for over eaters and I weigh, measure and write down every single thing I put in my body and eat balanced portions that were given to me by a dietician. So I measure out like protein, grains, fruits and vegetables, fats. And then my goal that I that I try for is to be in a caloric deficit of about 250 calories a day, which averages out to about a half a pound a week of weight loss. And I don't do it perfectly, but like that's enough where I'm not starving all the time. I'm satiated. But so it's sustainable. But I'm also like steadily losing weight. And it's been I mean, I haven't had pizza in a year. Like I haven't had any added flour, any added sugar in like 10 months. Well, you're a disciplined person. You know, I really admire your work ethic. And I know I've told you this before because you would come to the store with your notebooks. I'm like, look at your notebook is like you're fucking like meticulous. Like all your shit would be like super written out. And so many comics are so impulsive and sort of scatterbrained and they don't focus. And I really admire that you're focused. I always admired that. I thought it was cool. Thank you so much. I admire that about you, too. So that means so much coming from you. I admire your work ethic. Yeah, I pretty much like took the energy that I had been putting in to stand up and just applied that same thing to this because it's like if you really want to do something, why fuck around? Why waste the effort? Like what would be the point? And I spent so long trying to like die it without weighing and measuring and having like an intention that it's like I just put up a shitload of boundaries to where it was unfuck up a bull because I believe in taking like little actions in the direction of the thing that you want. But it doesn't help me if I'm like I'm going to try to just eat better, which is such a general concept. And then if I'm stepping on the scale once a week, then what happens when my weight is up? Because as it stands now, I'll step on the scale. My weight could be up three pounds and that's fine. And I don't trip because I wrote everything down. I know that I'm in a caloric deficit and I know it's water or salt, whatever. I don't understand that stuff. But then I step on the scale the next week and it'll be down. And so I thought that like a weight loss chart went like that, but it really goes like that. And I think especially for women, I mean, mine's just been up, down, up, down, up, down. But the general trend is, you know, if you could take the energy like the good that you feel from losing weight and getting healthy and just somehow or another, like put it in a VR, like put it in someone's head, like feel, just fucking feel this. Just feel this. Ready? Put it on. Like, oh my God, I feel so good. Like you can get there. You can get there. Like you can get there. But the problem is everybody wants to get there so quick. They want to get there immediately. They want to take a pill. They want to listen to Dr. Oz. They want to get there quick. You can't fucking get there quick. Yeah, it doesn't work. And that the crazy thing is like you got to get sick the same way or you got to get better the same way you got sick. Like it takes time to get overweight and it takes time to lose weight. If you're not going to just starve yourself and lose it all because your body is going to go in a deficit, you're going to freak out, your metabolism is going to crash. Then when you eat, you're going to pack it on quick because your body's going to be like, oh my God, we might starve to death. Like I have to slow my metabolism down. Yeah, I think a huge part of it too is like the action has to be the reward. So like I love doing my workouts because she makes me laugh. It's built right into my routine. I eat my oatmeal. I meditate and then I do one of her workouts and it feels good. It feels good for my body. And and the same thing with food. Like I don't eat most of my favorite foods from before anymore, but I love everything I do eat because I've learned how to cook stuff, brown rice, vegetables, proteins. I've learned how to cook food the way that it tastes good to me. And so I'm not doing workouts I hate. I'm not eating food that I hate. And so it's sustainable. That's awesome. Throw this off the team. You got crazy. Get a little crazy. It's sustainable. Everybody eats electrocuted. Yeah, it's it's good to see. I'm very happy for you. 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