Russell Brand Praises Alex Jones


5 years ago



Russell Brand

4 appearances

Russell Brand is a comedian, actor, author, activist, and host of the podcast "Stay Free with Russell Brand."


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That's good stuff. That's what I mean. I feel like that is the pinnacle of where this medium can take us. Yeah. Watching like that's like he was in an extreme state. What about when you could go, Buy a bit comfortable, keep the buyer be comfortable. Yeah. And that what, this is like I listened to that podcast. Like I go and runs, I had listened to this and I thought, Fucking hell man, where else are you gonna get this content? Where is that going? Well, there's no one would ever agree to it anywhere else. That's the thing. You'd never get a group of people whose jobs depended upon keeping the show on the air, whether they're producers or executives. They would never agree to that. They'd be like, you can't have that crazy fucker on. You can't have this on. You can't have Eddie Bravo on all the time. He thinks the world is flat. Stop this. Stop it. You're traveling between such diverse and unusual ideas and sort of the thing with Alex Jones as well, Is that he's like he demonstrates to a point that there's veracity in what he's saying. Some things. Yeah. He's right about a lot of things. You know, when we were talking about animal human hybrids, we started pulling up these studies where they actually have done studies where they've tried to create animal human hybrids. Non viable animal human embryos. They're trying to grow human organs in different animals. And there's all sorts of weird scientific shit that we're doing. Imagine what they're doing in China, behind walls. Look at this. China's latest cloned monkey experiment is an ethical mess. They use CRISPR to add human genes into monkey genes. And there's like five monkeys. This happened back in January. And I don't know. This is a fucking horror movie. This is a horror movie. This is how the horror movie begins. Why did you think that once if that's what's being revealed, the truth is darker. Yes, for sure. For sure. They're trying to create super soldiers. Someone is trying to create some super soldier, some half champ, half human, super intelligent, murderous thing that's powered by remote control. That is not a good objective. No, I don't see a good outcome for this super intelligent, murderous, remote controlled champion. But what if you could send those super intelligent, murderous chimps to go kill Isis? Now, now we've got a reason to start design. Get them out there. Now we need, look, we've got a nice contract with this defense contractor and they're gonna... That's how we lubricate the passage to the murderous monkeys is Isis. That's the function of Isis in the cultural conversation is to justify the monkey soldiers.