Russell Brand's Definition of God | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Russell Brand

4 appearances

Russell Brand is a comedian, actor, author, activist, and host of the podcast "Stay Free with Russell Brand."


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Religion & Spirituality

Episodes and clips that delve into topics like religion, spirituality, God, meaning of life & more.


That's right. I wonder that, yeah, there's some people, I think, give them a quick dose, you know. Yeah. Because I, as well, I respect Brian and it's further to my point, similar to the hunting argument. I can, you know, I happen to believe in God, but like I, when I talked to Brian Cox, I got to the point where I was saying, all right, even though I believe in God and you are an atheist, although he said I don't call myself an atheist, well, I felt like we both got to the point where we said compassion, kindness and love are the most important things. So, in a way, who cares how you get there? When you say you believe in God, do you believe in the traditional God of Christianity? Do you believe in God as a concept? Do you have your own definition for it? That I believe that that state of oneness and transcendence that you're talking about when you, through your DMT experiences that says, you know, love and kindness and love and awareness, I believe that is the most real thing. I think that preceded all matter. And I think that we can interact with it. So, I don't believe God in a sort of in just a guy away that the whole world is like an interactive, biological, living, breathing goddess. I believe that we, I believe, yes, that and that we can commune with it. And furthermore, the relevance of it for me is that it suggests to me that we should be acting kindly and lovingly. And when we're thinking about how do we organise our systems, that our awareness of that energy accessible to all of us should be paramount in our understanding of how we organise. So, like what I think is like that we should look at, you know, like we've been through as human beings, so many advent, the agriculture, technology, industry, thinking that we were that the, you know, the sun went round the earth thinking that the earth was flat with all due respect to Eddie Bravo. Yeah, and we and before each of these realisations and each of these changes, we always think we're at the summit. We never know what's going to be the thing that's going to change. My suspicion is that what's going to change is the way we relate to consciousness and the way we see ourselves as individuals, that we start to have an understanding that what that becomes a priority. That thing you described of like when I have come back from DMT trips, I recognise this is just an illusion and it's not real. I think that will start like I believe that we need to prioritise that and progressing along that line. What are the implications of this not being the most real frequency there is? How do we organise society on that basis? How does that affect how we relate to one another? What kind of how should we be governing? How how does that affect justice that that should be in the mix instead of how many fucking terrifying arachnoid weird gate robot motherfuckers can we cook up? You know, like that's the way we're going. The progressive technological route, because it's created medicine, because it saves so many lives, because it's given us wonderful technology, the spirit of entrepreneurial ship, but all of that energy, it all gets pushed in one direction. It all goes that way. And I feel that we need to invite that back. The sacred and the divine need to be back in the conversation. Well, there's certainly going to be pros and cons with everything. You know, there's definitely pros and cons with the creation of technology. I think of this, I think of human beings as if you go back to single celled organisms, they have very little awareness of their environment. And then as it became primitive bugs, you know, as things evolved, they developed more awareness. But even us in comparison to certain animals, certain animals have heightened senses of smell and survival instincts, but they're also colourblind. You know, and they don't see things. They see edge detection. Like this one of the things about deer, they see movement. So like if you wear camouflage and, you know, your pattern is broken up with a grid and then you stay put, they don't see you. Yeah. It doesn't register to them. They see movement. So we have a far more complex system of recognition than they do in terms of like visually, the way we see things. And I think that whatever skills or whatever senses that we've evolved, I don't think that's it. I don't think that we've reached the pinnacle of it. And I think that as beings become more and more evolved, they'll probably gain more and more senses. And that could be directly related to technology. It's totally possible that what's going on with technologies that we're also developing through external means, a way for us to see the world, a way for us to view. Like what they've done with the Large Hadron Collider is like the best example of it, right? What they do with the Hubble Space Telescope and other telescopes. You're using technology to gain awareness and to see more things. And that this is the good side of technology is that it's allowing us to have a far greater understanding of all the variables that surround us. That we might not be able to detect with our senses. That this is a part of who we are. And then I think when you're talking about things like psychedelic experiences, that's probably another realm of understanding that we haven't really achieved yet. Because we're still evolving as a species, as a thing.