6 years ago
3 appearances
Forrest Galante is an international wildlife adventurer, conservationist, author of "Still Alive: A Wild Life of Rediscovery" and host on Discovery Channel. www.instagram.com/forrest.galante
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Have you ever heard the theory that octopus are from out of space? Yeah, we talked about that with Brian Cox the other day Yeah, I'm not I'm not super well read on it. But like it looks like a damn alien. Yeah, he was very incredulous But you know, he's obviously smaller than both of us, right? So he gets to be it's like yeah, yeah, it's like me looking at that going man. It doesn't make sense Of course, it doesn't make sense. I'm stupid right? He's he's you know, we're looking at this I but this is apparently like peer-reviewed published paper about the possibility of octopus being reintroduced And I think it has something to do with the way RNA and DNA is right on them, right? I know I don't understand it well, but yes It's like the thought that the population came from out of space because the DNA sequencing suggests something that makes it Extraterrestrial adaptability. Yeah, he was super skeptical because he was saying that they're essentially so close to everything else here It doesn't make sense But the other theory was it might be just this is the path of life right and the reason why it's so close to us Is that this is the way all life even if it's extraterrestrial sure gets established. Sure. I just I don't believe octopus from out of space But I love the theory. I love the idea of it. It looks like it's from out of space, you know, it's just wacky Well, it's such a cool thought. Yeah, you know that these things came from out of spaces Oh, well that's also a thought about psilocybin mushrooms from the weirder people that they came on asteroids I've heard that yeah, and they've I don't know if you know this but they've proven that certain I don't know about psilocybins, but certain mushroom spores are impenetrable to the vacuum of space. Yeah, they can survive Yeah, that's bananas. I pick a lot of mushrooms not psilocybins But a lot of porcini a lot of chantrelles like I do a lot of faraging. It's really fun Are you aware of Paul Stamets? No, I don't know. He's amazing. They're one of my favorite podcasts ever He's a mycologist and a Fucking trip in every sense of the word, huh a super genius mycologist who have the craziest story about being in high school And what do you say took 20 grams of mushrooms and climbed a tree? lightning storm Something fucking it's something where you hear him tell the story your hand starts wet No way 20 grams or 10 grams or 20 grand like something fucking bananas like some of that would kill moose Yeah, well, it wouldn't kill it, but it would definitely make it think it's not a moose anymore And and it essentially changed his life stopped him from stuttering He's a stutter and he did this and he stopped that no way. Yeah, I've heard about guys that micro dose with mushrooms with psilocybins and it it Hightens their focus and cures their autism and you know, there's I'm not very well read on that But there's a whole idea that micro dosing with these chemicals that are naturally produced can actually have Very positive effects. Yeah, there's quite a few people who do that. It's really common. Yeah. Yeah I've talked to a lot of people that do that Oh really goes with that and they also micro dose of the LSD There's a lot of really not yeah a lot of Silicon Valley people are micro dosing with LSD It's funny because the one person that I know that's done the micro does with mushrooms from Silicon Valley Yeah, people grind them up into pill form and in fact a lot of fighters are doing that now really really strange Yeah, so what would that why would that help you like as a fighter is it's not a mental focus thing? It's a it's a physical thing at that point. Well, it's gets you into the flow state Interesting and so like with fighters the real thing is It's not just your skill, but it's your ability to execute that skill under pressure, right? So there's an overwhelming amount of anxiety. There's extreme consequences to sure getting hit or going wrong getting knocked out The losing a fight is absolutely devastating. It's devastating emotionally. It's devastating physically. It's devastating psychologically it changes your perception of who you are and how you fit into the world and and That sometimes and not I shouldn't say sometimes oftentimes impedes performance. Sure No, kind of come back from it kind of thing Well, it's not just that though the consequences of it possibly go wrong make you hesitate And it just it's it's the stress of it all is very constricting. It's very difficult to operate under that stress Sure, the mushrooms for some people Alleviate that stress and put you in this elevated state where they say and I haven't I've never fought on mushrooms But they say that when you're on mushrooms, you actually can see what a guy's gonna do before he does it Interesting. Yeah, you have a sense of what they're gonna do That's a much more heightened sense than you would if you were just in a normal sober state So are you picking do you think you're picking that up through like biological cues? Like you could see the muscles twitching in the arm before the punch comes or like what how do you think that's a good question? I haven't done it. I don't know, you know, I've never sparred on mushrooms It doesn't sound like a good idea, but it's really common. They say it is a good idea The guys who do it love it. Yeah, and it's interesting guys have like, you know had some really extreme positive results, huh? Yeah, that's fascinating. I never thought as an athletic performer that athletic enhancement. That would be a thing Yeah, it's it's not just the I mean, oh, I don't think it makes you move faster Right or hit stronger or hit harder, but I think what it does is it puts you in the zone Interesting there's there's states that you get into where you just you can't do it No wrong and they're usually very elusive they come in to go, you know, you get them like you ever play pool I did a little bit I mean, but you know how sometimes you play pool for a few hours and then you just also feel you can't yeah You just have this feeling of where everything's gonna go. That's even if you're not very good Sometimes those those will come for like two three shots. Sure the zone sure, you know And that elusive state of like and then sometimes you're like, wow, I can't believe them in the zone Then it goes away, right, you know, right Maintaining that flow state. Well, do you think it takes emotions out of it? Like is that is that why you're in that state? Like if you're not emotionally attached to that shot or that punch Maybe you can execute it better. It's possible I mean, there's a lot of speculation of what's going on right what's causing this elevated state of consciousness. It's interesting Yeah, I don't know maybe I'll just start microdosing on mushrooms and going out to chase snakes around maybe Maybe you'd be like more in tune with the environment or maybe I'd get bitten and die. That's true, too