Kevin Hart on The Importance of Financial Freedom | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Kevin Hart

2 appearances

Kevin Hart is a comedian, actor and producer. His new audiobook "The Decision: Overcoming Today's BS for Tomorrow's Success" is available now on Audible.


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Talk about positive, Kevin, how have you been? Yeah. Are you always like that? It's this. It's the things that I look at that are so easy. You're not just positive, though. You're like crazy ambitious. That's the thing that gets me about you and the rock. For sure. It's like the ambition's off the charts. Like, I know you're rich as fuck. Like, when do you think you got enough? You don't have enough. There's no enough. I don't have enough because it's not over. It's not over. It's not over. So, you know, when you put a cap on it, you're putting a punctuation to it. And the ambition comes from seeing what's out there that can be obtained. You know, when you see what's out there. Like, what kind of physical things? Like, what do you mean? When you see what's out there, when you see where people are really gaining wealth and knowledge from, OK, the business relationships that you're able to acquire, the people that you're able to partner with and create certain things, different revenue streams. What I found is, as a young black guy from North Philadelphia, the biggest problem with our community is knowledge. We don't know. Debt is welcomed because it's celebrated. That's all we know. Yeah, nah, I'm going to get that credit card. Fuck that credit card up. And it is what it is. They got to figure that out. I ain't got it after that. Yeah, well, you know what? I'm getting student loans. They gave it to me then after that. Shit, it is what it is. I'm going to figure it out. I'm going to put a capable bill in your name. You put it in my name. We're going to switch it up. Whatever they do with them, let's just put it in somebody else's name. It's welcome. The hustle is welcome. The knowledge of banks and what you can do or can't do is fucking you don't even get it because you go to check cashing places. The reason why you go to check cashing places I don't want to go through that shit with the banks. I don't trust that. Go right there to check cashing places. Let me get mine. Let me get mine now. Take $30, whatever, let me get it. The knowledge isn't given. So it's not till you obtain that knowledge and understanding that you go, oh shit. Oh, this is why you put money up. Oh, this is how you increase versus decrease. Oh, this is how you earn on your money. Oh wow. I can gain wealth by investing in what? The stock world is what? How many people partake in the stock world? And is there a part that isn't necessarily gambling? Is there a low risk part? The information isn't there. So it's not till I got to a certain level and a certain group of people where I got it. And now that I got it, I want to give it. So now I'm going to give it, I'm going to give it to the people that I don't need it most. And for me, that younger generation of black people that don't understand the cool thing is in financial longevity. Not in the now. It's not in the moment for jewelry, not in the moment for the car. It's in the longevity. It's in buildings where at the end of the day, you can say, look at what I have. Look at what I worked for. Look at what I have that's mine. Monopoly is real, but you have to have the financial understanding. And I teamed up, I got chase on there. We're doing something called financial fitness, where it's just about me educating people on money. Really? How to manage money, how to be smart with your money, but it's coming from a person that fucked up money. I didn't always understand it. I owed in taxes before because I didn't understand it in the beginning. I've had bad credit. Credit cards wouldn't take me because I maxed out, whatever, I've been there, I've done it. Thank God I was able to fix it and get on the right path. And now that I have the knowledge, I want to give it. Because I simply don't know. So when you say the end game, the end game is getting to a point where I've taken all the knowledge that I've been able to get over these years and really applying it and providing family wealth. When it's all said and done, the last name Heart is gonna mean just more, a lot more than just Kevin Hart and comedy. You got heartbeat productions, you got heartbeat digital, you got heartbeat ventures, you got heartbeat real estate. There's so many things that the last name Heart will be attached to. You sell real estate? Kevin Hart doesn't sell real estate, I buy real estate. I like how you talk about yourself in the third person too. Yes, I'm sorry about that. I don't sell it. I buy it, but the reason why is because? Investment. Investment. But as you get older, you learn this. You learn it. And it's such a thing when you talk about black versus white. A lot of people do that. And rightfully so. There is racism, racism exists. I'm not unaware of that. But there is a high volume of it that's non-existent to people that are good people. And when you can merge yourself with good people and follow the paths that you see that these good successful people have taken, you then become a part of a world and group that nobody expected you to be in. So for me, I now have the position to do that and take all of these relationships and all this knowledge and take it back to the people that need it most. I like to share, I don't want it all by myself. Now, are you doing this in the financial stuff? Are you doing this in videos? Are you like releasing videos? Not in videos, no. We're gonna start financial fitness, like I said, with Chase, J.B. Morgan Chase, Jamie Diamond, very good guy. Tashonda as well, they're help leading in charge. They're just saying, how can we get to the people that we feel need the financial information the most? So I said, put me out there. Like, let's go directly to the consumer. So from colleges, from high schools, senior classes, junior classes, going out and talking to people before they go into the next stages of their life about the things that you should know. So you're gonna speak to them? Is that what you're gonna do? Yeah, and just share personal information. Are you gonna put this stuff online as well though? Yeah, yeah, you'll be able to track and find content from it, but I'm authentic. So I said, the best way to really do it is to put me in a position to be heard. I wanna be heard, like it's a different story but I explained to the people of JPMorgan Chase just when we were talking about this and there's an amazing board of people that are just figuring this out and the best way to go and do it. And I said, you can't have the white guy that's never been to the hood or who's not from the hood or has no idea how the economy works here and what the real troubles are. You can't throw that man in the situation to talk to people because I'm not listening to you from the gate because you don't relate. I don't relate to you, but throwing somebody in a situation that's lived it, that's been in it, that's been fucked up in it, made it out of it and is now coming back to help. It's a different ballgame and that's what I wanna be. And we have other voices outside of myself, very powerful voices that are gonna do it as well but the purpose is to align ourselves to really make a change. So you can either be the conversation about making change or you can be actual, a part of the action to do it. I wanna be a part of the action. And in doing it, you'll also be able to understand my drive. You'll get why I do so much. You'll get why my hand is in so much because I have access to it. And the question should be, why not? Yeah. The question shouldn't be, yo, why is he doing everything? It should be, why aren't you? Why aren't you trying to do everything? Why not?