2 years ago
1 appearance
Seth Dillon is an entrepreneur and CEO of the satirical news website The Babylon Bee. www.babylonbee.com
2 years ago
What do you think is gonna happen with Trump? What do you know about the the raid, the FBI raid? I have no inside knowledge. I don't know. I mean, I think he did retweet us a couple times. He retweeted me a couple times too. Hilarious. He... I was laughing my ass off. I was like, the fucking president retweeted me. I think that the people who are arguing that that he's been given a ton of fuel, like they just poured rocket fuel in his engine. I think that's absolutely true. I mean, if you just look at the fundraising he's done off the back of this already. Right, but what did they... Absolutely. Yeah, but I don't mean in terms of politically. I mean like legally. Like what did they find? Oh. And is he actually in trouble? Because I think the goal was to try to knock him out of the 2024 elections, right? By trying him for crimes. What did he do? I don't know. Do you know what he did, Jamie? Is it been absolutely released, what they caught? I don't know that yet, but holding on to boxes of documents... Is it really about like confidential information that he shouldn't have had in his home? Like that was so important they couldn't just ask for it. They had to go in there and get it. Well, I think the problem is having it, right? Because if you have it in an unsecure location, meaning unsecure in terms of the government's protection, it's not locked up in archives, it's not in a place that's very difficult to access. You have control, personally, over the access to something that's top secret. If that's the case, then that's a problem because that safe could be open. People can get in there, people can get the code, they can copy it, they can send it to China. Yeah, but do you think that's a genuine concern or is it they want to find something, anything that they can use to prevent him from running again? I think both things are valid. I think if they're just doing that and they're using the FBI in a way that they would never use it against Hillary Clinton, and they're going after him in a way they would never go after Ghislaine Maxwell's client list, then I think we've got a real... There's no interest in that. Right, then we have a real conversation, but it doesn't mean that there shouldn't be a real conversation about should someone have access. I have zero idea whether or not they were okay for him to have or declassified. I don't know. But I think the argument would be if you're not supposed...if there's a fucking whole chain of command about classified documents, this is the law on classified documents, and you decide to violate that law because you think you can't. I just want to keep them, and you just keep them in your safe. I don't know if that's what happened. Someone needs to be held accountable for that. You're not supposed to do that, right? You're not above the law, and you can't decide that you're not going to follow the law because you know better, right? And I don't know if that's the case. I think where people lose, where they don't care about that is because they're like, okay, if you're going to be selectively enforcing laws like that and just turn a blind eye to Hillary deleting emails that have been subpoenaed and all of that, a blind eye to Hunter Biden trying to act like this is not a story until you're forced to admit that it is. It's the double standard that makes everybody say this is persecution. For sure. And so even if it's just...even if there was something that was done that was wrong, they're still choosing to be selective about going after him in a way that comes across as thereafter him doing what they wouldn't normally do to someone on their own side. If it was Hillary Clinton's home, they'd have no interest in what's in her safe. Cushion killed him. Jokes. Yeah, I see what you're saying. I see both sides, though. I see the side that if you're an anti-Trump person and you find out that he's doing something that's against the law, you'd want to prosecute it for it. I see both sides. I really do. I don't know the specifics of the Hillary Clinton email thing in terms of like what those files were, but if they're the same classification of files as like he had, you could make the argument they were more vulnerable because they were on a regular laptop. Well, and it's still destroyed after a subpoena. After a subpoena. I mean, imagine if Trump was subpoenaed for this information. Instead of handing it over, he burned it. Right. That is where shit gets really squirrely. It gets really squirrely. And it's like what punishments are there for that? Is it zero? There's nothing. Nothing. Not a fucking thing. And everybody's just like, you know, what? Didn't she have...she has a hat for sale that says, butt her emails. Butt her emails. She's capitalizing on it. Good for her. Yeah, butt her emails. I wonder if like amongst people that are on the right now, a black hat with white letters will get your ass kicked because you're like the MAGA hat. Yeah. Like you could have a MAGA hat that said anything. Like I saw a lady get maced in the face because she had a hat on that said it was a red hat with white letters that said make Bitcoin great again. And she was at one of those protests. There's a video for her. She thought it was a MAGA hat. Yeah. And some guy maced her in the face. He pepper sprayed her in the face because she had a red hat with white letters about Bitcoin. That's assault, by the way. It is assault. Well, that happened a lot at those fucking anti-Trump protests. Yeah. It's just the problem is that he was such a divisive character that he became a great enemy for the other side. He wasn't like a statesman who like, you know, you could criticize his policies and his positions. You could say he's heartless all you want. But he represents the United States in a statesmanly way. Trump's, you know, he's a wild guy that like encourages people to hate him. Do you think DeSantis would demand or command more respect from the left in the shoes? The left still hates him, but they don't hate him in the same way they hated Trump. They try to. But he's more reasonable. He's very like level in the way he talks about things. He's firm, though. I mean, yes. But you know what I'm saying? Like, he's he doesn't get he's not he's not an insulting like character. Like Trump's a character. Right. Like part of what he's doing is like doing comedy. It's like he's doing stand up when he's up there. I mean, when he makes fun of Biden and makes fun of other people, he's doing fucking stand up. He really is. And he kills. It's he's got this thing, you know, and that thing is like everybody is with him. Everybody is with him is fucking really with him and everybody's against him is really, really against him. And he like encourages it. You know, he that is what I think is not good. That part of it. Like you're I get where he comes from because like that's what made him is the fighting against the haters, you know. But when you're a president, like that's a different role. That's a different role than being the fucking host of The Apprentice. Right. And a lot of people hope that when he got in there, he's going to abandon that and just be like common sense, get shit done. But now he's on Twitter calling his ex-girlfriend a horse face. Right. He's saying about Kim Jong Un, calling him Little Rocket Man. He's fucking wild. What was he saying about Rosie O'Donnell? Oh, yeah. Did he call her Fat Pig? Something like that. Something like that. Yeah. I don't even remember exactly what he said, but it was nasty. Oh, he says horrible shit. He calls her a loser all the time. Yeah. But I mean, people think it's hysterical. They do. And they do have something like, you know, the butt her emails thing, but his mean tweets, you know, like he could sell shirts and stuff about that because it's like, you know, yeah, well, yeah. A lot of people will say, yeah, I don't approve of his tweets. I don't like his tweets. No, a lot of people would say that. Yeah. A lot of people on the right will say that. Yeah. A lot of people on the right. This is where I think they have hope in DeSantis that he wouldn't do the same kind of things. He would never tweet things like that. He would never call Kim Jong Un Little Rocket Man. All that shit was hilarious. He would never call his ex-girlfriend Horseface. Like that kind of stuff is, you know, in many people's eyes and a lot of conservatives eyes. It's unbecoming of the commander in the office. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's the argument against it.