Joe Talks 2nd Amendment Rights and Gun Safety with Reggie Watts


4 years ago



Reggie Watts

5 appearances

Reggie Watts is a comedian, actor, author, and musician. Look for his new book "Great Falls, MT: Fast Times, Post-Punk Weirdos, and a Tale of Coming Home Again" on October 17.


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Well, you're you're an unusual guy in that you're very left-wing like me But you're also very Second Amendment pro second man are sure like me Yeah, you know I find like you and I have very big parallels on that that's true Like you know all for everyone's rights like for everything. I mean just I want people to be free Yeah, do whatever yeah, but when shit like this goes down and people are just randomly lighting targets on fire and you know and and now smashing windows and stealing things and Knocking cars over and pulling people out of trucks now you understand that the veneer of civilization is very thin and as the the chaos of being is very deep and It's I don't ever want to have to ease a gun ever Human being ever in my life if I know if I make it to the grave and never have encountered anyone that I needed to Shoot to protect my or my my loved ones lives. I'm a happy person Yes, of course, but I'd be much happier if I get to make that choice You know and I get to I have the opportunity or the ability to protect myself or to protect someone I care about Well, I mean it's like it depends on the climate that you're you know we live in a climate that is like for very so many reasons have we've gotten to this point at which Essentially, I could just say a blank the blanket blame goes to capitalism in general I mean, I'm sure like you talk about this on this on the show a lot and Capitalism in its most fundamental state is just essentially trade It's what humans did it of you know you set up a fruit stand and like someone's got bread and someone's got you know And you trade and then there's kind of like an understood value for things and on a basic level It's just kind of what we do as human beings we barter we trade things like that But then you flash forward and you like overlay complexity over complexity over complexity That is then guided by people who are like oh I can game the system a little bit more I can game the system a little bit more and now you get all these hoarders and Hoarders and people and choke points of resources right and then they're they're kind of dictating the value blah blah blah blah Same thing goes with the arms. You know it's like yeah I enjoyed the reason why I enjoy my ability to have a firearm is because I respect their power I'm engine. I'm an engineered mind the minded person So I like the engineering and the craftsmanship Behind it and I like the responsibility and the safety factor of it that people take it seriously when I grew up People were really adamant about the safety of guns like everything that whenever I touched a gun looked at a gun before you to pick It up. They'd be like never put your finger on the trigger and never pointed at anybody unless you plan on firing it all the things that we all hear about that gun owners are supposed to be taught and So growing up with guns. I didn't really fear them They were just a thing you know and my my home mom's side of the family is all police police people and My dad was a military policeman. He was in the military So you know guns like that was just a part of the thing farmers hunting all that stuff great fall same thing growing over my friend's House seen a deer hung up strung up But you know on the rafters with a bunch of cardboard on the ground You know getting ready to be processed all of that stuff and for me I came back to guns like maybe like ten years ago or something like that because I wanted to I was interested in training and overcoming my fear of handguns and And so that fascination was great and went to Montana and my experiment was like how long will it take me to get a handgun? You know and I walked into a sporting goods store One of my one of my favorites walked in Timed it 20 minutes. I walked out and I had a bag with a handgun and Ammunition in the bag and I was walking out of the store, so there's no waiting period no No, you fill out the you know the the background check you do the background check They're like it looks like there's no red flag or whatever you can have the gun Which which part of me is like part of me is like if you're responsible Gun owner and you respect firearms That seems kind of normal. You're like. I'm responsible. I know how to use this weapon safely I'm gonna buy this gun, and I'm gonna walk out right and that was my first firearm. I ever bought Whilst it was an interesting experiment I will say and when I talked to all my law enforcement friends in month in Montana like you know Who is the guy walked in he walked in his suit and had a full-on three-piece suit and then had his carry Concealed carry on him and then walked in with a huge bag of like crazy guns but he is a prosecutor and has to have security when he When he goes to cases and things like that because when they get convicted sometimes people sick their friends on them and stuff like that Anyways, he's never had any altercations, but an interesting guy really like very heavily armed blah blah blah blah And I start talking to him. I was like what would happen if in order to get a firearm You had to like back when the NRA was the inner when truly was the NRA when it was a bunch of like war vets Who were like this is how you use firearms safely like way back in those days if people had to go through training and had to be Evaluated had to pass driving like when you drive yeah Get your driver's license you have to get into a car and you have to instructor there and you have to like pass these tests Well and and when I talk in that way, they're like, I don't really have a problem with that I'm like, yeah because you're promoting you're only doing yourself a favor, right? You're you're you're promoting safety and you're educating people about with firearms And it's up to them if you want to have a firearm or you don't want to have a firearm but if you do you have to Know how to safely operate a firearm and there are many kinds of firearms. They're not all the same thing Yeah, so anyways, but it was interesting conversation. That is a powder keg of a conversation, right? And if you even intimate just just just beat around the bush that maybe be a good idea for people to learn how to use a gun before they buy a trader fucking trader Yeah, fucking Second Amendment is all right. I know and that's right I know and and I get and you know and and it's so funny because that's why I like never talk I've got a bunch of friends. They got concealed carry all the time for their professions and great falls And I'm sitting down with them. We've got a firearm on them I never feel like nervous or anything like that, but and but they're highly opinionated about people who open carry People open carry. They're always like those people are almost always Concealed carry permit people always say that those they don't like those people Because it's you have a weapon that's visible and it doesn't have a fancy biometric lock on it. There's nothing It's like if you're in a situation that someone walks up behind you and takes your gun They just now they've got a gun and you just told everybody you just shown everybody that you have a firearm And so there's this weird thing about open carry that concealed carry people are like this is Ridiculous. Well, you can do it if it's legal in your state. Certainly. Is it a good decision? I don't I don't I don't think so. It's probably not a good decision to do it when you just go into Walgreens That's what I'm saying. Yeah, it probably Exists so that no one can ever infringe upon your rights to have one in any capacity So if you're sure, you know I'm saying so it's not a thing where you want to do all the time But if you if some shit goes down and you have a gun outside of your house The law should be you could do whatever the fuck you want Like your the law says you're allowed to open carry so you can have this gun outside your house Doesn't mean go to the movies with a fucking ak-47 strapped to your chest Yeah Which people do and and I get it and I and the whole thing about like the gun issue is that it needs to start Somewhere and it should start at education. Yes, you know education is the that's the key, right? Yeah, like and and some people are great at it Most people that I know that are into guns are very into the safety aspect of it and they understand it And it's yeah, it's very important to them Yeah, but it's one of those things where first of all, here's what's fucking weird I know so many people that want to go now so many people that are asked for all these So many liberal friends of mine are asking me they're like, I know you have a gun to feel like whether I was like What is it taking? I'm like, wow two different friends who have had friends ask them if they can borrow a gun Like you can't loan someone a no you can't You people that are anti gun are hilarious because yeah, they don't know that there are rules like this idea that there's no rules No, there's rules like yes all they hear about is. Oh, but what about the gun show loophole? They start talking about the gun show loophole. Yeah. Yeah, go to a gun show then you see any gun shows No, well, you can't have my gun get the fuck out. I know I know It's so that's the thing that's that's the thing that's so hard about it because like for me. I'm like I'm a pragmatist and And to me it's always about awareness It's always about education and the thing that the conversation always breaks down on either side Where it's like if it's a gun none They're like any hint of something that says we're gonna have to talk about this You know, they're like no and then the people who are really anti gun They're like any hint that there might have to be a compromise made then they're also equally like no And it's nothing's ever gonna get done unless you get soldiers cops People use guns for who have to use guns for a profession Talking to people who are heritage gun owners people who've been growing up for generations doing that to people who live in urban situations where there's illegal gun sales and black market guns and there are problems guns and their combined their communities all that stuff needs to be Talked about but but the sides are so entrenched. It's very very very difficult Well, I think something like we're experiencing right now these riots and eluding This opens people's eyes This is like we're talking about our liberal friends that are very interested in getting a gun now This opens people's eyes you realize like this is not no one's on a power trip You're just talking about your ability to safely defend your loved ones and yourself. That's what that's all you're talking about Absolutely a hundred percent, you know and I'm my thing is too. It's like technology is amazing and And and guns are an interesting form of technology because obviously if again in a healthy situation You're like, oh, did you see the new blah blah blah blah? Oh, yeah, they enhanced this Oh you there's a try mount for the silencers. Did you apply for this? I don't I have a class one license all that geeky stuff It's as geeky as people working on engines and hot rods, right? There's that right then there's the whole cultural thing that you movies You know like bad boys and everything just guns are just stuff that people just have and they're just shooting around and the thing is like People never understand when you talk to a war vet about guns and it's and gun fights and fire fights Especially recent fire fights. They're like I never ever Would ever wish you to ever be in a gunfight ever and so And I and I believe them because I know things can change so quickly a bullet When you shoot a gun and it hits somebody and it ends their life Even if they were like threatening you so forth that is one of the most traumatic Things that can happen in the human beings life and they have to live with that all the time I mean soldiers at least they have like I'm on a side and I'm trained You know and their psychological help and all that stuff or police officers same thing Most of them never even draw their weapons But when they do and they do fire it the consequences are devastating on a psychological level but I will say that you know, I my friend who carries I was like What if the first three rounds that you have in your personal protection gun like at home or whatever your handgun? whatever it is, what if the first three rounds were rubber and Then there were live rounds after that and he was like, oh that's an interesting idea and I'm like anything to Protect yourself but not necessarily guaranteed that you're going to kill kill somebody if it's you know If it's a weird situation situations happen fast and I understand when someone comes into your house all bets are off Whatever you need to do. However, you feel if someone breaks into your house, that's that I understand that completely But for me, I'm like, what can I do to make it really hard for someone to even get to me in the first place? Yeah, and my last last last resort is a weapon that can kill somebody That's my very very very last but I'm gonna do everything I can to be as preemptive as possible To not be enticing for people to want to come up and attack You