Joe Rogan - The Origins of "Woke"


5 years ago



Tom Papa

19 appearances

Comedian and writer Tom Papa is the host of the popular podcast "Breaking Bread with Tom Papa", and the co-host, along with Fortune Feimster, of the Netflix radio program "What a Joke with Papa and Fortune." It can be heard daily on Sirius XM.


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Dress the way you want to dress. It's not their problem. It's the guy's problem. Let's correct the guys rather than us. Right. I love that. But there's a lot of guys that haven't been corrected yet who are gonna hassle you and follow you in the parking lot. Yeah. That's the problem. Those guys aren't woke. Once everyone's all woke, it'll be great. Woke's a dangerous word to use. I feel like people are gonna mock it in the future. Woke? Woke. Yeah. I feel like using woke now, like unironically, is super slippery. I see a trap coming. You do? The jiu-jitsu practitioner in me is like, I don't like this move. This is, I know where this leads. I'm like, this is a trap. That's how I feel. I see that woke thing. I'm like, what are you woke? What the fuck does that even mean? You woke up? You woke up? What are you, 12? Well, it comes from my 16 year old. So yeah. Yeah. These kids today. But what does woke mean? It means your brain is open. You're open to stuff. Your problem is there's no real quantification. There's no real, there's no test you take to show that if you're woke, right? Like, if you want to be a mathematician, you have to fucking show that you know how to do math. The professors, they check your work. Like you get through like, yes, congratulations, Tom Papa. You are a mathematician. You have a PhD in mathematics. It says so right here on the paper. And you're like, God damn it. I'm gonna put this shit on my wall. So you understand. I know how this stuff works. Yeah. But wokeness? Yeah, anybody can claim to be a master of wokeness. It's like kung fu without fighting. It's very dangerous. Yeah. No one's defined what's woke and what's preposterous. No one's defined. But what's what's just not racist and not sexist and not homophobic, but open minded and aware of the the the failings and the misgivings of all sides. All right. And with no bias. Right? Is that what? Because it doesn't seem like it is. Isn't that woke? I don't think I think he just described what I thought it was. I would like that. But too many people can jump in. There's no there's no real clear understanding of like what makes and constitutes someone being woke. Like, yeah, how many of those boxes do you have to check? Tom Papa had a woke Academy. Right. And you took these people through. It would just be do you like bread or not like bread? Yeah. Claiming wokeness. Super slippery. What's this jam? 62 New York Times Magazine. Woke. Crazy. If you're woke, you dig it. Look, if you're woke, you dig it. Oh, my God. The perfect definition right there. If you're woke, you dig it. That is insane. That was my Fox man. And you were copying my taste and grit. Don't jump salty on me. Whoa, look how they talked back then. They were trying to talk people into talking in a way that made them seem more interesting. I'm gonna say it the way I would say it if I live back then. Hey, bigger. So you'll be the guy on the left. Jim. No, no, no. The scroll is so we could read what they were saying. His comments. Yeah. What he's saying up top. Yeah. Okay. That was that was my Fox man. And you were copying my taste and grit. So how would you say that now? Um, that was my Fox man. Maybe it's girl. You were copying my taste and grit. Of course, it's girl. That's my girl. And you guys say it's what he's saying. No, that's what they said. Oh, would you use what words would you use today? Yeah, yeah. He would say the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend dickhead? And he said, don't jump salty on me. I would say, hey, we're cool. No worries. No worries. Stop being such a bitch. It's all good. It's all good. Yeah. And then it'd be like, what? Someone's a bitch. And then next thing you know, people be hitting each other. That's the darkest. No, man. Who are these two gentlemen to the right of the left? It says no Webster. I think that might be like Webster's dictionary. Peter and the dictionary. The letters are all blurred, right? I love that. But I love that. If you're woke, you dig it. Yeah. If you're woke, you dig it. That's that sums it up, man. If you're woke, you dig it after. How'd you find this, Jamie? Go back to that. I typed in. It's like, know your meme. Oh, wow. So the meme of the word woke. Yeah. Wow. Look at that little image though. Scroll back up. So we see that again. That's so strange. Like imagine if that was contemporary. Yeah. Like if that was your word, like imagine if hipsters all of a sudden started wearing tails to their jackets. They just decided this is the next level bow ties and those tails. It wouldn't be surprising because that's all about just I'm doing what you guys don't do. So I'm going to hell. What a weird look though. It is so weird. That's a look that like, okay. So like the guy in the center, it's like, yeah, those two guys, both the guys in the center, those guys will fly today. Oh, totally. Like that guy in the left, it looks like he's dressed like he's a, that looks like me on the road. Yeah. I mean, but he looks like, look, he's in a Quentin Tarantino movie or something. Right? Looks like he's a reservoir dog. That's totally normal. Right. Black suit tie. That guy could go to any restaurant anywhere and no one would even bat an eye. They go, Oh, sir. Um, can I help you? Boom. Yeah. Right in. Go back to that image. The guy next to him. But those two guys on the end, like what in the fuck are they? He's got a coat with tails. Yeah. And those pants that are like flat across your crotch where it looks like you have no privates. Here's a good way to look at it. Imagine if you're dating a gal and uh, your parents gotta come over and you're like, uh, you're really gonna love my dad. He's an amazing guy. He's real old school. Yeah. Yeah. And you start feeling like you're, like you're in that movie. Get out. He's got a handlebar mustache. He's got tails. Yeah. Weird, weird pants with the going to funny shoes. You see get out. Yeah. I finally watched it during sober October. Oh, you did fucking fantastic. Yeah, that's, but that's what you would be thinking if that guy was dressed like that, that the daughter was going to lead you to something and you have to run for your life. But it is weird how like that suit has lasted a long time. Well, this was 1960. So I'm assuming that it was mocking the style of old. So by the time 1960 rolled around, the guys in the middle were dressed contemporary. But the guys in the end, they're making fun of people the way they used to dress. Yeah. Kind of in a way, or at least that's what represents those people. Yeah. It just defines their time. That guy was probably around the 1800s. This other guys are. Do you know who those guys are? I believe no. Webster is got a Webster dictionary. That's why it's got the pen and he's scratching his head is that guy's putting out his slang. So his slang is making Webster. What the fuck? That's not how you really say it. So it'd be like the urban dictionary. Like, uh, Jamie and I sometimes get confused. We have to pull up the urban dictionary and find out what the real word of a word means. So let's pull up woke. Yeah. There you go. As it's represented today. You know, woke, no disrespect, no cultural appropriation intended. The fact that it was invented actually in the sixties is really weird. I was just making a comeback. It's like looking around when I typed in like, what is woke to see if there's anything interesting. If you dig it, you woke. What does it say? We're knowledgeable about your community and the world. With the willingness to access and critique systems of oppression. Well, that the end of it, the last part. Yeah, exactly. Yes. I mean, for sure. If it really is a system of oppression, but how do we decide what's a system of oppression and what is. Sounds like you need Jordan Peterson weird human behavior. Then represents that. What do you mean by that? Interact with each other on a grand scale. I mean, that's just like, I, I. There are some legitimate systems of oppression. Yeah, for real. It's like figure out which one it is. Yeah. Before, but putting that in like, that's what woke is like, how do you do? How do you define what the systems of like, where does it, where's the line get drawn? Right? It's the line. Hmm. Like why do women have certain jobs? Why do men have certain jobs? How much of that is because of influence? How much of that is because of their choices? How much of that is just because of natural proclivities towards certain things? Well, then you're talking about people that are coming after the hierarchy. And if they're coming after the hierarchy, who's to say that those people aren't part of the problem? I love Jordan Peterson. The way it's just like hammers just. Yeah. Well, then what do you, what are you saying? Then who are you? What are you, you're buying into the hierarchy. You just love like the exasperation in his voice. No, but it's true. It's like, then. It's true. That woke definition was like, Oh, I'm with you. This is all about being nice and kind. And then at the end, it's about attacking.