6 years ago
15 appearances
Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: This is Your Country," is available on Netflix. www.timdilloncomedy.com
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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I think the first time we spoke is I'd written I think about Louie and after Louie's the whole news but Louie happened You had all these love that piece by the way. Thank you. It was so accurate. Yeah, honest Yeah, it was on Facebook was where I did a lot of my best work Explain what you were saying to people that didn't read it after Louie a lot of people Were rightly, you know criticizing conduct and you know, who to think that that's all valid and sure 100% needs to happen But then there were people that were like, you know, Louie was never funny Or Louie was just you know, of course he got all these things He was a white guy or and I'm like wait what and they were like, well, he said this word I don't like well look at this joke and I'm like Guys a week ago. He was a comic genius. We all agreed on that. That was a widely held belief now out of nowhere He's not that funny and and these people are tweeting this from parking lots where they're performing Some of these shows in LA or like someone's driveway, you know, yeah, and which is fine. I do them I have no problem with that. Yeah, but they're getting on Twitter and knocking Louie from the back of a parking lot where they're doing a show But what you the reason you gave for why well because these there's in any industry people are gonna get ahead by being Agreeable by having the right opinions by crowdsourcing their opinions by taking the temperature of the room and going how does everyone feel and Those people are you know, they're careerists are very good at office politics They're very good at having the right friends But their contributions are never really important or long-lasting because they never get great because they don't take any risk Because I think greatness is something you have to risk Constantly to to get to that level. Yeah, so a lot of these people do very well. They make money they're they're successful, but they are careerists and they're looking for comfort and So when it was comfortable and safe to attack Louie and to bring Louie down and to elevate themselves They did it but they didn't do it when it could have hurt their career a week earlier, you know Yeah so to me it was very disingenuous and the fact that more people weren't calling it out and and I and I made that point where I said the same thing on the other side of People who styled themselves like I'm a free speech warrior on this anti PC in their whole Entire Persona is is the need to say the n-word right? They're like I can't do a joke if the punchline isn't fag like they're like we have to yeah So those to me are kind of the same people and they're the people that are just trying to arrange the world in a way That allows them to succeed. Those are the types of people also like you were talking about the actor in the yeah You know that you mean they're they're putting on a facade. Yeah, they've adopted a predetermined pattern of behavior hundred percent And that predetermined pattern of behavior might be I'm a guy I drink every night. We go hard. I'm an artist I smoke cigarettes right. I don't give a fuck right. I'm not trying to get on TV Yeah, so to me it was like incredibly disingenuous You had all these people and a lot of them are angry and they're doing fine Yeah like Some of them are talent like some of these people have their own shows and they're getting angry at Louie and they're getting angry And I'm like there's a there's a real because here's the thing. Are you should fear told me something made a lot of sense Once he goes It's it can really be a waste to get into this type of business and end up in an office writing for a show You don't care about in a job you hate punching a clock and that stuck with me and always like it might be harder to go the other way and to build a fan base and To do what you want, but it's gonna be it's gonna be better in the end and you're not gonna be angry You're not gonna be resentful. I think a lot of the people That were were again shitting on his comedy not so much his Behavior but his comedy are people that are would want more in this than they have and they're resentful At guys like Louie because it's not fair how talented he is. Well, it's not just how talented he is. This is work ethic There's a lot of factors the risks that he does take. I mean he says controversial things He always has whether you agree or not Like one of the things about the Parkland thing, you know when he got in trouble about uh, you know saying That all you did was push some fat kid out of the way. Yeah, that is so consistent with his material Yeah, the idea that anybody's saying like oh my god. He's punching down like You need to go review his material Right because he he said a lot of risky shit because it was funny and he had really good points about it Yeah, no, is that something that I would joke about probably not right, but he did you wouldn't talk about fat people Yes, I would but I don't think I would joke about kids getting shot. It's a tough take Yeah, I mean funny, but that's why yeah, but I think he could I think honestly we were you're dealing with first of all The embryo of a bit. Yeah, and he's really only been doing stand-up again for a couple of months and back then It was even less and I think Ultimately his idea that bet is that bit rather is that kids today like they want to be a they and a them They have 78 different genders and why am I why are you interesting? You're interesting because you didn't get shot right that is his take on it and he probably with overall Reaction and anticipation of reaction probably would have eliminated that part of the bit sure and you know what I'm saying Look, you know works. Absolutely. I think part of it is too I was attracted to comedy because of guys like Bill Hicks or Patricia and people that can make the things that those guys said you Could only say on a stage if you were really funny, right? That's what I love about comedy me too That doesn't mean that everyone has to love that there's people that love it for a million different reasons. Sure