6 years ago
69 appearances
Ari Shaffir is the host of "The Skeptic Tank" and "You Be Trippin'" podcasts. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com
36 appearances
Bert Kreischer is a stand-up comic, podcaster, and actor. He's the host of "The Bertcast" podcast and YouTube cooking program "Something's Burning." He's also the co-host of the "2 Bears, 1 Cave" podcast with fellow comedian Tom Segura. Watch his latest special, "Bert Kreischer: Razzle Dazzle," on Netflix. www.bertbertbert.com
43 appearances
Recorded on: September 11, 2024Tom Segura is a stand-up comic, actor, podcaster, and author. He co-hosts two podcasts, "Your Mom's House," with his wife, comic Christina Pazsitsky, and "Two Bears, One Cave," and is the author of "I'd Like to Play Alone, Please: Essays." www.ymhstudios.com
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Boom, it's over boys. Cheers. Cheers. So, BrackTobers. Cheers. We're doing it. Cheers. Is now November, November. Here we go. That's November. I don't remember November, I like that. First of all, whose fucking stupid idea was to do this goddamn fitness challenge Tommy Buns? That was awful. Last year, last year we did a nice calm 15 hot yogas. Yeah. That was also awful. Not even close. Not even close to this. Not even close. No, this was so much more difficult. And I didn't expect this, but I like it. I like it. I think it's fun to be competitive with your friends. Yes. It's a fun thing. It was year round, but like isolating something like this. Once a year. You get to see different sides of people you didn't know existed. Oh yeah. Jesus Christ Joe. I wasn't happy for any of you, I hope you worked out. Do you have no idea? I don't think anyone gets the real perspective when Joe is focused on something. I've never seen anything like that in my fucking life. Well, I know the funniest because like everybody's competitive and this brings it out. But like the funny thing was like Burt being like, whatever Joe does, I'll do double. Definitely. He was like, fuck that. Joe, no you won't. And that and the other thing I didn't expect ever. I thought Ari would just be like, whatever. I'm just going to walk in these. I was worried about him the most. I didn't think you were going to do. I was worried about him the most from the beginning. I know Ari's brain. Yeah. I'd be like, no, fuck this. That's right. You were saying that though. Three days in and you were texting like this is dumb. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He says that right. This is what he's saying. And he's saying that and he means it while he says it, but he's also like, I'm going to fucking kill these guys. Yeah. And then he gets really serious about it. Yeah, seriously. Yeah. But I was looking for loopholes in order to trick you guys to somehow like not work out. So I thought if I get like a bunch of points, like all to join in like seven or eight days in and then you could be done. No, then I'd be like, what the fuck? Like, yeah, I've been sick of working out, but now we're, I'm too far away. So don't try to catch up. Oh, right. Right. There was like some psychological sneakery he was doing with me. He was saying, you should just do your regular workout and see what your score is like. Yeah. Oh yeah. That was a big fan of that one too. Yeah. I thought that your regular fucking weight because you were entertaining that for a second. You're like, this is the beginning. I was like, this is so stupid. This is just, but then I was like, I can't lose. And then, uh, then I thought about it. And the other thing I was thinking was this is what I was, this is what my plan was. My plan was to keep up with you guys for two weeks. And then after two weeks to set aside a lot of time and about, and then lap us. Yeah. But we'll not just go psycho. I was like, I'm just going to go psycho. I'm going to put up pace that I don't think anybody else can keep up with for like the last two weeks. The last two weeks I just said, I'm going to put in some 600 point days. I put in 1000 point day. Dude, that's, that's, that's when I, that's when I stopped looking at you for context. Like I was looking at the, when we started this month and I put in my 700 point day, everyone was a little bit like, wow, Bert, by the way, I ran almost a marathon that day. Have no fucking clue. I was just looking at my goddamn phone the whole time. Just checking the point. Just checking the points. So people don't know what the points are. People explain if you get 70% of your max heart rate, that's three points a minute. If you get 80% of your max heart rate or above, that's four points a minute. So we all tried to stay in the 80 range because that's where you get your money. That's where the, that's where we get to work out for an hour in that range of 80 to 100 heavy workout. It gives you 240 points. So that's if you're maxed out for 60 minutes out. That just gives you context. What a 600, which was easier. I did a 935 point workout. It was over after that. That was the beginning of the end. I was in New York and he was like, dude, he's just fucking going, dragging elk around. He has it all the whole time. He's dragging elk around. That wasn't even that one. No, that was definitely one. That was the elk hunting day. It was mostly a hiking mountains day. That was like a 600 point day. Oh no. That's when, when, when you were there and you were actually working out in the mountains as well. Yeah. I was like, what the fuck? You're like, if I would have been like, guys, I'm elk hunting. I made the mistake of jokingly saying, oh, I got him. Joe's on an elk hunting vacation and the hunters were like, dude, it's not a fucking vacation. It's work. And I was like, easy guys. Well, you got a backpack on and you can walk as many as the most I've ever walked is 12 miles in a day and you're walking up and down in elevation. You're going up and down like I saved it one day because it was so ridiculous because I'd gone up and down. I forget it. 130 flights of stairs, some, something fucking crazy. But you ended up getting your, what'd you shoot on this hunt? A thousand pound elk. Yeah, it was a big elk. You got it like relatively quickly, right? Yeah. On the first day. Thank God. So I came back. I wish you kept going more those days. I came back, but the 935 point day that was my big day was a thousand points because I did 935 in the day and then I did a podcast and then I did a hundred later on in the day. Just to sadly see you guys anymore. Yeah, that's what I was wondering. There was like, I didn't have, there was a, it was a part of it was time management. I was, I suffered socially from this. The most part, the huge part was like who had the most time to spend in the gym. Yeah. I was here two Mondays ago or last Monday and it was, it was popping out at the comedy store. I was going to hang out with everybody, you know, and then it was like, no, it's 10 o'clock. I gotta get a couple hours in. Oh, your workouts were so late. I gotta say this. Fuck you with you posting your goddamn workouts in the middle of the night. It was so deflating. Yeah. I want you to go to bed. I've got a 200 point lead and the wake up and go, how am I 600 points behind? I tried to break spirit. It was fun. Cause that's the other thing Ari went through when he got this tracker and he found out all the work, workarounds. So he would build up work points in his tracker and then he Bluetooth it in the middle of the fucking night. No, I'd also do the workout. He would work out. He was doing workouts at like 10, 10 p.m. Like come on from the seller at 1 30 a.m. And then I'd be like, let me change and go out there. He would go out to the gym at two in the morning. Oh, you were going at, yeah. Yeah. I thought you were uploading in the middle of the night. No. You could see the time, the time that he was actually doing it. Yeah. It's the freaks were out. Yeah. For a second common. I thought that because Ari was so out of shape, his heart rate was just skyrocketing like Ralphie walking upstairs. And then Ari and I went on a walk on a hike and I was in the yellow the whole time and Ari was barely in green. And I was like, oh, he's in, he's in really good shape. And then you did the best is that you really bought that theory really hard. That hit that hit that it was just that me was out of shape. Yeah. So that and he was saying it a lot. Yeah. And then I got a text and broke it in time about it. I was like, Ari's not doing any things barely walking, but because of that, he was selling it so hard. And then I called him, I go, how to go on the hike. He's definitely better shaped than me. Immediately. Well, it's a psychological thing. You don't want to think that a guy who hasn't been working out at all is in good shape. Yeah. But I think you pushed yourself through the first week or two. Yeah. And then you got in good shape. And then I kept going. Okay. First of all, I had fallback plans. Okay. What was the plan? Okay. Michelle Wolf offered to give, let me just have her wear the thing. Wow. From day one, that was definitely the fallback plan. I knew that was going to happen regardless. Oh, yes. She runs 10 miles a day every day. And when I asked her, I was like, Hey, would you wear this thing for me if I needed you and she goes, I know what you're talking about. Absolutely. I'll wear it for you. Whoa. I will stay in the right zone. I'll tell no one. She feels left out. She thinks she would laugh. She's a beast. Yeah, she probably would. This is none of this is what we do. Like I don't do long cardio sessions. Yeah. I did five and a half hours on an elliptical after running for an hour. What? Yeah. This is how you get one of those crazy days. I got 935 points. I ran for an hour and then I stayed in the elliptical for five and a half hours. You would see it going. You check in. My fucking broken got 300 points. And then you talk and you check back in 30 minutes later. Like, Oh no, it's still going. It's still going. Yeah. I just fuck. Well, I wanted to see how far I could go. The thought was like when you're tired, how tired are you? Can you take another step? Okay. Can you take two? Okay. Can you take three? Can you just keep going? I bet you can keep going. Let's see how long you can keep going. And then you get to this point where you just, just think about breathing. Just think about breathing. That's what I was thinking about. I was just thinking about in and outs and just trying to stay almost like a meditative state trying to stay in the zone. And I was pouring sweat. I set off the fire alarm. That's why I've never seen that before. It set off the fire. That's not, that was like four hours in. I feel like that's a story. Most people don't get to tell about themselves, you know, like, dude, it was madness. This is not how it worked out. I work out for like maybe an hour at most. I hit the bag. I'll do some rounds. I'll lift a little weights. I'm not trying to kill myself. Like this was, this was very interesting because I didn't, I didn't know what, how my body would respond to like a month of psychotic exercise. Did you do the things, you guys do the things where you would, you'd be like, the voice say you got to quit, quit, take a walk for a little bit, then go back and do it. And then if you just go like, Oh, I'm at 4.8 miles. Let me just go till five. Oh yeah. And then you're like, I'm almost at halfway through this hour. So let me just get to 30 minutes and it'll be downhill. I can stop there. It fucked with my obsessive compulsiveness really bad. Yeah. Because I get to the place where I go. All right. I just want to get to 200 points and then I'd be like, Oh shit, I'm only at 950 calories. I want to get to a thousand calories. I'm like, Oh, I'm right by, I'm right by 220. I want to get to 220. And then it gets to a point where you, I believe it's like, it's you get in the zone where you go, I'm just going to keep going. I'm going to, I'm, everyone's asleep. I'm going to keep walking. Dude, dude, it got bad with me to the point where I, I mean, we'll talk, we should talk about physical breakdowns in a little bit. Cause I know all of us dealt with some sort of physical breakdown, but I was having nightmares that you guys had fucked with my tracker and put it in that I was younger and lighter. So I wasn't earning the, I'm not even joking. Oh, I woke up the night and in a panic and checked my fucking stats on my phone. That's a literally somebody got into your shit and hacked it. And I was like, these money goods. No, I wouldn't put it past them. Yeah. You get that point. Or can I tell you my other cheat? Yeah. Okay. I figured out pretty quickly that the way they do your max heart rate is your age minus a certain number minus your age. And then you get it from there. Then when you actually run, it'll move up or down from there. But right away I was like, Oh, okay. So I entered my age and before I started, I wrote to the my zone people and said, my idiot wife wrote my agent wrong. I'm actually 74. Uh, I was born in 44, not 74 and 44 the other way. And like, all right, we'll change it for you, sir. What? Yeah. So you put together a seven year old man profile? Yeah. Yeah. Um, hold on. Yeah. Wait, hold on. Hold on the whole month. Hold on the whole month. You are working on this. No, I could have done that. The problem is I already said it as the other thing. And so it'll say you have to then you have to have a brand new thing. It didn't work. Oh, so you stuck as a 40. Yeah. It would have been great. It would have been great to be able just to walk around casually earning yellow the whole time, which I could have gotten. That would have been insane. Yeah. That was definitely a good cheat in my mind that when that went wrong, I was like, fuck. I feel like that one would have disqualified you. Oh, for sure. I would never told you that. I would never told you that. I'm still on the fence with these fucking five hour hikes he was taking.