Joe Rogan Reacts to Jordan Peterson Checking Himself Into Rehab


4 years ago



Mark Normand

15 appearances

Mark Normand is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on


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Yeah. I don't even think pain pills are good to take. I've dabbled, but yeah, I know how addictive it is. Jordan Peterson just checked himself in the rehab. What? Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, for what? He got on an anti-anxiety medication because his wife is dealing with heavy cancer, like liver cancer. Whoa. Yeah. He went through operations and apparently she's doing well now and he's trying to get off of this stuff. When he tried to get off of it, he had such a horrible withdrawal that he, this is according to his daughter. It's on the news. It's on the news, yeah. He had to check himself in. So it's an anti-anxiety medication apparently. That's how it's used. One of the ways it's used. But it's a strong one. Colonopin, it sounds like a drug that people take. My friends took that in high school. That's no Xanax. That's heavy duty. What was it like? It was just like it shut you down. It was, you know, it was just- Is that one of the ones that they used to take people off of heroin? That's methadone. But isn't there another one? Wasn't it, isn't Colonopin one of those ones that they use is therapeutic? I just know people take it recreationally and go in a K-hole. They do? Oh, K-holes. Oh, K-holes. Colonopin puts you in a K-hole too? Or that's ketamine. I'm sorry. Ketamine, yeah. But I've seen people take it too. It'll fuck you up. It just fucks you up. Yeah, like two beers and one of my friends tried to jump out of a window on it. Like, it is bad news. I think he was just really devastated that his wife was essentially dying right in front of his eyes. And so he probably couldn't handle it, so he got on some medication. Wow, he's one of those guys you're like, ah, he's tough as a bull. He'll be fine. But then, you know, everybody's human. Well, also, I think he's wise enough to understand his physical limitations and I don't- I've never experienced real withdrawal. I mean, I've experienced like caffeine withdrawal, but never like a real- Same. Like an opiate withdrawal. Apparently it's fucking horrible. Oh yeah. It might actually be a smart thing to check yourself in the rehab with people that know how to deal with it and help you through it, you know? I guess it's not actually- it's the same thing as Klonopin. It's called Klonazepam. Yeah. Oh, okay. So there's like a street name? Yes. But it's not- But a doctor prescribed it, right? Which is weird. Like, oh, the doctor gave him the crack. It's okay. Well, all those pills are bad news. It's pharmacy crack. Yeah. You know? That's what fentanyl is, right? Fentanyl is out of control. You can treat panic disorder and anxiety and seizures. You can cause paranoid or suicidal ideation and impair memory, judgment, and coordination. This makes sense for a lot of people I know. Combining with other substances, particularly alcohol, can slow breathing and possibly lead to death. Jesus. There you go. Doctor needed. Doctor, doctor. Prescription. Hook it up. Dude, I can't. I just can't. I need some Klonopin. Why? But you never took a Percocet and just laid in a pool? No. Oh, baby. No. I was like, I said, or I'll Vicodin once at one of my knee surgeries. Yeah. And I was like, this is terrible. Oh, really? Oh, my God. I hated it. Whoa. That's good. That's a blessing. You don't want to like it. It made me really stupid. Yeah. Like, my brain was so numb. I was like, I'd rather be in pain. Wow. Ignorance and bliss. Anti-convulsion or anti-epileptic drug as well, huh? Mm. That means it's strong. So it must do a bunch of different shit. Yeah. Also, you used to treat panic attacks. So you must have been having panic attacks. Yeah. I mean, it's your best time of your life. You know, you were an embattled professor fighting against social justice warriors and some sort of crazy law that was going to enforce 198,000 gender pronouns. And he was like, hey, this is crazy. Like, let's stop. Stop. Stop. Yeah, I remember that. And then he becomes a national celebrity and people fight him and they're angry with him. But also people are realizing the extent of the chaos that's going on in these universities where these they, them, zim, zir, they demand these pronouns, these nonsensical made up pronouns. And he was like, you can't enforce speech. You can't enforce people. I remember that. He's like, you understand what this is and where this goes. Yeah. It leads to tyranny. Right. And everybody thought he was being like really exaggerating and over the top. Then as time's gone on, you realize like, oh no, he just saw all this. He saw all this coming. He was right. Like people are radicalizing. Aye. And it's about, a lot of it is about compliance. They want people to comply. I want you to comply with my new pronouns.