Joe Rogan - Larry Sharpe "Regulating Marijuana Means Big Business Wins"


5 years ago



Larry Sharpe

1 appearance

Larry Sharpe is a business consultant, entrepreneur, and political activist. He is currently a candidate for the Libertarian Party nomination for the Governor of New York.


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Some border restaurants actually deliver across the border. Okay. So you deliver across the border now? That won't work. It won't work. If you deliver. That's great. If you deliver across the border, it doesn't work. If you don't deliver, or don't cross the border, you're fine. What about if you use one of those third-party delivery services? You know, where they use an app and they order something? The app would be, the people who are actually doing delivery would be responsible. You would not. Okay. As long as that company is based in New York State. So this keeps all the money in New York State? No, it doesn't keep all the money in New York State. A good amount of it. It gives the small business owner a shot at competing against larger businesses, which almost always cross borders. Mm-hmm. Right. And it gives farmers a much greater incentive. Yes. And they don't have to pay all those. To be more far off the table, all that stuff. Right. Now, I gotta help my farmers out. My New York State farmers are hurting badly. That's one idea. But the second thing is you want to treat farmers like small businesses. And they're not. Which means they don't get their SBA loans, they don't get help, they don't get treated that way. It does not work when you treat them like small businesses. But next, I want to completely legalize hemp and cannabis. And now you're talking. And I want to regulate them like onions. Onions. Like onions. Am I joking? Like onions. Why onions? Here's the reason why. A lot of onions come out of New York. That's why. Right? Yes. So that's why I think onions. And you can grow your own onions and no one cares. Bingo. Exactly correct. And here's the issue. There are three reasons why I want to legalize hemp and cannabis. And most people think, you want to get high. No. The only drug I use is cannabis. I mean, it's cannabis. It's caffeine. Oh, bustle. It's the only drug. Look at you, Freud. It's cannabis. No, but if I use cannabis, I would happily tell you. So I don't have anything to hide. Okay. I would happily tell you. You ever use it? Not my thing. Do you get paranoid and worry about the school system when you get high? I think I talk even more. I don't want to talk even more, do I? You might not, man. I have no friends. You might be introspective. You might sit back and go, God, I talk too much. Yeah, maybe. Have you ever done mushrooms? That could happen. I've never done mushrooms. Yeah. When I do mushrooms, I feel like I talk too much. So maybe. Maybe I should try them one day. You've never done mushrooms? That makes me uncomfortable. Yes. I'm very square. That is my age, right? What do you hold you? I'm 50. Yeah, I'm 51. There we go. You've never done mushrooms? Never? So somebody came up to you and go, Larry, you want to do some mushrooms? And you're like, no, man. One day I want to be governor. That's what I was thinking. It was seven. I thought. Got to be governor one day. Jesus, who's bringing mushrooms to a fucking seven-year-old? No, that's what I was thinking. Kind of psycho or are you hanging around with? You don't understand where I grew up. I get it. Where I grew up? Where I grew up? No, I grew up in South Bronx. Oh, even more crazy. It was crazy. I don't know what Tim Doggett is. Sorry. I haven't been in the Bronx for many years. South Bronx. Sorry. I haven't been in the Bronx in many years. Apologize. But anyway, what's the help about? It's a very obscure reference. Mushrooms and marijuana. Yes, thank you. Right. And you've never smoked pot? I have not. No. Never? Never have? What? I can't get behind you, bro. Sorry. Never have. What kind of square are you, dude? I'm square. No pot. No mushrooms. I haven't even done acid. Do you want to try it? Maybe one day. Not now? No, no, no, no. I'm running a campaign, my friend. Oh. Yes, I can't pay. It will help you. Odds are no. Talk to me November 7th. November 7th. Okay. To be forward, I'm not against any of these things. Right. It's your body. You own your body. Okay. So if I smoke cannabis, no, I don't drink either. You don't have her drink. Not even a beer, glass wine with dinner? If people are around drinking, I'll drink. Right. But I don't have any alcohol in my house. I don't drink unless others are drinking. Okay. I'll socially drink. Again, I don't have any problem with it. I understand. I don't have any drink. Your focus for most of your life has been what, business? First it was military. I was in the Marine for seven years. Mm-hmm. And then? And then it was business. Yes. So you're just keeping those the grindstone kind of guy. Yes. Get things done. How else could I do this? Have you seen my campaign? This is the last three gubernatorial campaigns in New York State combined didn't raise $10,000. Combined. I raised over a quarter million already. The last three gubernatorial candidates combined didn't do anywhere near the amount of stops I've made and I still have two months left. How much does Cynthia Nixon raise? 1.7, I think, million. A million? That is crazy. I think 1.7. How many people are getting behind Sex and the City? A lot. There's a lot of that menopause money out there, bro. I need some of that, I guess. I don't know. It's whatever it is. My point being, yes, knows the grindstone. I'm doing this, of course. Okay, I believe you. Absolutely. No mushrooms, though, huh? No mushrooms. Maybe later. No weed. Not now. And then once you hit... Then maybe. Then maybe you'll party with me? Maybe. If I win, I can't do it while I'm governor. That would be not cool. Marijuana? Isn't it legal in New York State? No. No, it's not. You still have serious diseases, right? That's correct. Medical. Can you fix that? Of course. That's the point. That seems really preposterous. My whole point on cannabis and hemp is heavily because of farmers also, right? Small farmers right now... Particularly hemp. Yes, particularly hemp. Because it's totally uncontroversial and it's a fantastic commodity. It's good for the soil, it's good for the environment, and the best thing is if you treat small farmers like small businesses, they can now specialize. Meaning they can specialize in hemp and then also create products in their farm. They want specialized hemp products. They can do that and create niche industries. Right. And we see that in New York State with both coffee and breweries. It was already happening in New York State. And you would have the same sort of incentives for them to sell in New York. Absolutely, yes. Particularly hemp, which would be incredibly beneficial with zero controversy. That's correct. In terms of psychoactive effects. It doesn't have... People would be very happy to do that, right? But cannabis too, because I want you to be able to create cannabis products. But there's something else, and that is there are a lot of people in this country, but I'll talk about New York State specifically, who have chronic pain. And right now they have three choices. One, opioid, it may be an addicted. Two, suffer, which I don't accept. Or three, what people tell me, and for some reason, again, it's only been women who've told me this. They've welcomed me and say, you know, Larry, I hope you can legalize marijuana because I smoke a little at night so I can go to sleep. What about CBD? CBD is legal in your state? No, I don't think so. It's not. I don't think it is. Fucking A. You know, it's a good question. I don't think it is. That's crazy. It's probably medicinal. I'm sorry. It's probably medicinal. CBD? Probably, that would be my assumption. But CBD has no psychoactive effects, no side effects. No, I know, but it comes out of cannabis. So I think it is... Well Jamie's going to look it up real quick. I think it's medical in New York State. So you have to have some sort of a doctor's prescription to get CBD. So my point is if it's onions, you can grow it in your backyard. Green medicine in your backyard. If we heavily... Kudos. Yes, if we heavily regulate cannabis and or hemp, big business wins, small business loses. Guaranteed. It'll become big business cronyism, the small farmers collapse. That's the wrong answer. So we need to make that happen. And people already smoke it and maybe you don't want to smoke it. Why don't you have an edible? Why don't you have liquid? Why don't you have whatever's your thing? You don't have to smoke it. If you want to smoke it, please smoke it. But there's many ways of taking advantage of both THC and CBD, which you prefer. And look, it's your body, not mine. And why in the world would I want you to have to live with chronic pain if you don't have to? I said it again, not about being righteous. Well, particularly CBD, because CBD again is not psychoactive. Is it legal? Yeah. Okay, it is legal in New York. There we go. It's pretty legal everywhere, CBD, because of the fact that it doesn't have any psychoactive effects. And it's fantastic for people with arthritis. And so a lot of older folks are, I mean, shit, I got Ted Nugent taking it. How about that? I like that. He's never even touched anything. Ted Nugent likes my stuff. Marrowanna related, does he? Yeah, he likes my Facebook stuff.