Joe Rogan - Larry Sharpe on How to Deal with School Shootings


5 years ago



Larry Sharpe

1 appearance

Larry Sharpe is a business consultant, entrepreneur, and political activist. He is currently a candidate for the Libertarian Party nomination for the Governor of New York.


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The only other The other factor is psychotropic drugs. Yep And these are two things that no one wants to talk about correct and they're both real and they're both facts And why is it that you think that these are? There they're obvious facts that people want to ignore because you they don't actually want to fix the problem Right if you fix the problem and you don't have controversy if you don't have controversy You don't have a left versus right paradigm. Do you think that's what it is? Yes, first off. They don't want to touch the car They don't want to fix the problem if you want to fix the problem of school shootings, right? It's two things remember as I'm as you've heard me say before the school shooting while it is a murder at its core It's actually a public suicide and people don't understand that at its core most mass shootings are public suicides They would understand that's true. It's like death by cop, right? It's public suicide So you have to make sure you have happier people, right? But then why did they school why did they choose schools? Several reasons one because that's where they're assumed enemies are right the in cells think that the guys the bad guys and the bad girls Were there but something else they're soft targets The other thing you remember from all these school shootings is they're planned and that's a critical aspect You want to stop school shooting in New York State? You don't have to pass one extra law at all have to one minor thing and one thing only and that is say if you are a licensed If you're licensed and you have a permit to carry a firearm if you want to in school You may if you're a teacher or an administrator if you want to you may that's it You don't have to force a teacher to carry you don't need a resource officer Why because if you have a resource officer, which is what most Republicans will say put an officer there They'll just shoot him first if you're a Democrats no guns. They'll shoot everybody So if you instead say well, I don't know who's armed. Is it an administrator? Is it a teacher is everybody's it nobody the planning goes away Once there's no planning available the schools no longer a soft target. They stop choosing the school. Okay, let me back Let's unpack this so you're saying that if you have an officer on the school that carries a gun and this person knows that Officer has a gun they will shoot him first correct and that if just teachers are carrying guns There's no way this person knows and so they're less likely to shoot people. They're less. There's two things if you here's a core of it What's killing our children? It's not firearms The one of the I think was a Texas shooting I think it was before he stole the guns he had put together and set up pipe bombs and pressure cooker bombs in case he couldn't Steal the guns. So if he couldn't get guns, he was gonna kill people. Anyway, the the key thing here is what's killing these kids? lack of community lack of purpose and Loneliness, that's what's killing our kids those three things take those three things away Kids don't do that. You give a kid who's 16 17 18 purpose He can't go off and kill people has something to do He has a reason to live remember This is a public suicide if you have a reason to live and you think the right answer is to go do something You don't kill yourself if you don't kill yourself, there's no public suicide mass shootings all of a sudden are tremendously reduced It's just how it works. It's human nature. You have to understand that but if you do that, then there's no extra law Then there's no one to point a finger at you can't restrict guns What I'm saying is actual sense. This is where you and I break company because I don't agree with that I don't think that anyone is trying to keep these school shootings in the same state. There are now I think that there's two things one. No one wants to demonize Psychotropic drugs and especially politicians they have a really hard time with that sure because they don't want to tell people who are on Psychotropic drugs that they're either suspects or suspicious or potential mass shooters, New York State It's incorrect I'm we made the safe act and the safe act literally says if you go on these drugs you lose your firearms So that's absolutely not true in New York State. It may be true in California I don't know your laws here, but in New York State the opposite is true. We've we've already done that We have made our medical personnel part of our secret state police, which means if you go in and say You know, I'm feeling depressed. I need some drugs. I'm thinking about suicide the state police might come by and take your firearms That's already happening in New York State and they now want to create red flag laws, which means a teacher can now do it So now a teacher says oh, there's a student who I see drew a firearm. You drew a gun cops and robbers Maybe a red flag. Let me go to a judge and see if I can have the cops go and take his father's firearms I definitely want to talk about this, but I want to bring it back to what you said earlier You don't think they want to fix the problem. Yeah, I don't think that's true I just don't think they have a viable solution that they think is politically viable Perhaps but I think my solution seems politically viable people I say everyone I say this to they go. Oh, wow, you're right Well, you are definitely right that they're lonely sad people that are lashing out I think you're definitely right that in many instances. It's a public suicide Yep, and I think you're definitely right that the vast majority of them are on psychotropic drugs. Yep, which do have a dissociative Aspect to them where they're not even sure they're aware of what they're doing. This is If you're not sure that's true on those. Yeah, well people that have been on these things Things don't mean anything anymore like a car accident in front of them doesn't mean anything people have various reactions to various SSRIs and antidepressants But one thing that happens is you lose the highs and lows and everything is just flat you become numb Yes, and you become numb to almost anything that happens Absolutely, and again, it varies depending upon the individual that's on these things sure Part of that would allow someone to do something horrific which they wouldn't be able to before Well, there's two things to remember here one. I'm not concerned with being righteous. I'm concerned with happy New Yorkers and happy people That's what I want righteousness is very low on my priority of things So that doesn't sound if what I'm saying sounds bad. I'm okay. I want to fix the problem The second thing is I'm not a politician which means I don't have I don't have a Career have to protect I don't have interests. I have to serve the average donor is $75 so I don't have a bunch of people who are any huge checks, so I don't have that concern either So maybe in four years. I'll be corrupt and you can beat no. I don't think you're corrupt I mean, I'm not saying that at all well, and I'm I mean they're corrupt I mean, I'm sure many of them are sure but I think that they just there's things they don't feel like they can discuss Politically and I think one of those things is in any way demonizing people around antidepressants because a lot of people are giant percentage of people Absolutely our our opioid crisis is is heavily based upon the idea that when you have pain of any type Physical mental the answer is not dealing with that pain, but the answer is a once a day pill right medication Yes That is the answer for all of our pain and because of that you have a lot of people who are on drugs and you probably About 80% of all the people who are currently heroin addicts Somehow started on someone's not even always theirs, but someone's prescription legal legal drug I mean that was prescribed for you to pain medication or something like that usually pain medication. Yeah, but other things, too You're totally correct. This is a problem, but what I'm saying is this what I talk about often people say Larry You know why should I vote for you? Why should I support you? Here's reason why whether you believe I can win or not It's actually relevant if you think I can win awesome I can win and to be forward with you if I win in New York as libertarian the entire nation changes overnight And that's not exaggeration the entire nation Changes overnight. This is the most impactful election Hands down the entire nation