7 years ago
92 appearances
Eddie Bravo is a champion martial artist, founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, musician, stand-up comic, and author. He's the host of "Look Into It - with Eddie Bravo" podcast. www.10thplanetjj.com
7 years ago
7 years ago
Hello freak bitches So Eddie, you don't think that T-Rexes are real? When you look into when dinosaur bones are first discovered when you look into dot dot dot when you look into the timeline there wasn't just like oh all dinosaurs were discovered there was a timeline, there was a lot of fraudulent shit that was dude saying hey look what I found bitch that's just a whale bone they're like fuck they were getting paid there was a lot of fraud going on in the 1800s when they were discovering dinosaurs but what about the layers of earth? What was that? What about like the way the earth is, like the layers and you can tell certain time periods from the layers of earth The stratus Well if you're talking about carbon dating there's a lot of science that goes back and forth like it ain't shit or it's real or it's not legit No, this is pretty much universally acknowledged that carbon dating is effective Okay well not the stuff that I'm looking into I don't know I'm looking on YouTube now Remember I'm getting all my shit on YouTube So don't take my word for it I don't know I'm just I'm just crazy You chase your tail with this shit man No I'm not I'm having fun It's entertaining Do you really love it? He loves it Figuring out how we're being bullshitted is very I'm obsessed with it How are they bullshitting us? I love that shit See I like that I like that Eddie's like this I don't like this I think you need people like this Yes Like he loves it I think this is how crazy I am I think we're being lied to about fucking everything Your kids gonna grow up just crazy I'm super skeptical of fuck everything I'm already telling him Tight, weird, naked, choked I'm already telling him don't trust anything you see on TV No We don't let him watch TV We let him watch a little cartoons here and there Here and there Spongebob's corrupt as fuck Spongebob's corrupt as fuck But we I'm gonna raise him not trusting TV You know I don't give a fuck what anybody says Listen You can't say Nobody would ever disagree with that The TV is not good for kids Whatever you want It's not good for kids Why don't you have a show on the Alex Jones channel What is happening? I agree You went there Fuck You went there I went there I went full flat earth on him Even he doesn't believe in flat earth No no no no Most conspiracy theorists Most conspiracy theorists Do not They think flat earth is the most retarded thing ever When Joe first brought it up Which is correct When Joe first brought it up About a year, year and a half ago He said dude he was trying to He was trying to Basically say how stupid people are He said Do you know people still believe the earth is flat And the sun is 3000 miles away And I remember sitting there thinking Shit what are they, Amish or something? Like how dumb do you have to be To think the world is flat YouTube videos later How dumb One fucking red carpet No no no And then you brought it up again And then you brought it up again You brought it up again Like maybe six months later And I said And I said On your podcast I said That's gotta, that is so dumb That's gotta be some kind of CIA scion It's gotta be some kind of destruction So where the fuck did you take your weird last term? And then I was in class And one of the, we were talking about conspiracy theories And my buddy Manny, full blown conspiracy theory Jujitsu class He goes Do you ever, do you ever My jujitsu class Oh He goes We're talking about my YouTube class I thought it was a conspiracy class No You go to school He teaches I teach No I know that I thought he meant like Post-bastards Open your eyes I teach people how to kill Brandon There you go And Manny turns me He goes Dude you ever look into flatter This was like eight months ago or something And I said Right when he said that You should say Manny, you ever look into astronomy? Yeah Right when he said that Manny, did you miss fourth grade? Right when he said that Manny, anybody drop you on your head? Manny, what are you smoking? I can't believe anything that ever comes out of his mouth again That's what I thought I'm like Jesus And I'm like You saw him like Manny, please don't ever bring that shit up again You keep that shit dude Cut to That's a dramatic I sense the turn And then another guy comes I'm telling you the story And then And then Ernest comes up to me and he goes Hey man You ever look into flatter I said dude Jesus God damn Christ Okay so when did that turn? And he goes Hey man I got a Masters in Engineering Look into it And I just wanted to go I just went home and I was just gonna How about looking into what fucking school that was So we could tell people Phoenix on the way Hey man That's the same shit dude I'm so crazy I so don't believe anything You want something else to do? Yeah I I tried to I tried to debunk it I was trying to debunk it I was Mr. Debunker Eddie there's a fucking Japanese satellite That takes a photo from 22,000 miles out Those are the worst pictures ever Every 10 minutes Come on those Japanese pictures It doesn't show that it's flat though Even if the pics are fucked up You know what Jamie? Those pictures It doesn't show those pictures Put up those Japanese pictures Eddie it's from 22,000 miles away I can't believe you believe those pictures I can't believe you believe those pictures man I can't believe you believe those pictures man I can't believe that You remember when you had a flip phone dude When you had the front facing cameras Where always dog shit Always You know on the back facing one It's pretty legit Yeah that's how it works man It's 22,000 miles away It's a hard to take of good iPhone 7 Have you ever seen a picture of it? Hold on Eddie I didn't say that I didn't say that The crazy thing I'm not saying it's flat I'm just saying If you look into it I'm saying we don't know what the fuck we're on But wait a minute Eddie This Japanese satellite We don't know what Hold on Eddie This Japanese satellite That all these hundreds of scientists worked on Fake NASA Fake Moon landing They shoot it onto the space They take a picture every 10 minutes And you can download it from the website CGI composites So constantly making CGI Constantly Constantly Some sort of a computer bank somewhere Constantly Like they do at NASA NASA that's what they do Why do you think if they have the technology To make CGI that looks that good Why don't they have the technology To shoot a camera into space Where's the pictures from NASA How come they don't have any They don't have that space kind of Oh they don't have the technology No they just never did it They also don't get it They don't fuck about proving it's round These Japanese pictures I've seen them Put them up They don't have that kind of space satellite Show me a real picture Show me a real picture But listen NASA does not have one of those satellites Fake Why do you think that's fake That's fake as fuck Why does it look fake as fuck It looks like It looks like something you would see in a movie That's because when they do it in a movie They try to make it look like this Oh man Which is what looks real If that's real to you man You don't think it's real They faked six moon landing Eddie stop saying that Because it's irrelevant We're not talking about the same people It looks fake to me Eddie that's 1969 We're talking about 2017 That looks fake as fuck So you think there's some gigantic conspiracy involving the Japanese government Where they put up a fake picture of the earth from 22,000 miles up every 10 minutes High resolution downloadable photo Yes You think it's fake Well why wouldn't it be real Isn't it just as likely that the Japanese actually did launch that thing in space Why would it be fake Propaganda man Why would they care that it's not black Is there a photo of this flat earth No I don't I said again That's why I asked Is there a photo of this There's no photo of the flat earth from space There's no photo of the round earth from space That's not true That's not true It's all fake Why do you say they're fake though They look fake They look CGI But you're not an expert in imagery Looks fake to me Do you remember? Hold on When I watch Avatar I don't need to be an expert to know what's fake When I watch Avatar I'm not an expert Avatar is at the movies When you watch some ridiculous Kung Fu video I'm not an expert I'm not a martial arts expert If you were sitting next to someone who told you that their sensei can't compete in the UFC Because they're too deadly Wouldn't you get pissed off Because you're an actual martial arts expert That's just like you With no science background whatsoever I'm crazy though I'm crazy But why think like that I'm crazy But why indulge that I'm crazy But why not indulge You don't need to be crazy Why not indulge the full realm of possibilities And not cling to the conspiracy every single time No NASA can't get pictures They've been doing CGI composites This whole kind Forget about stating what NASA does Please answer my question Why do you always go towards the conspiracy Why do you never consider the possibility Too many lies But any, they're not the same people It's all the same So everybody's lying It's a global thing Yes, all the European space agencies lying They're all in on it It's a global thing So what do you think's going on up there? I think all governments Most of them, the globalists They're all working together To control their people What's the advantage that seems so crazy I told you I'm crazy I'm crazy But what's the advantage that's not round? I wouldn't, if They control you bro They just want to fuck with us Keep you on a, keep you on a There's, I don't know man I don't know what it is Doesn't make sense Why would they just control people? They just find you on a ball They just find you on a ball You could find the sense No, the real problem would be It's really easy, you put them on a ball Because again, I'm crazy You put them on a ball My guess is You're on a ball, you're nowhere Don't try to go anywhere Just stay there and work Oh hell no Stay there and work You saw the Truman Show You ain't trying to go now You watched the Truman Show It's a little too much So they sat down and said You know what, we got to release some fake math That shows that you can demonstrate that the earth is round Dude there's no pictures of the earth from space man What is that? We just looked at one Eddie Stop saying that It was fake You don't know that it's fake But you're saying, look It's a real problem when you say something I'm crazy But don't say that I am Just stop and think Because you're communicating to millions of people Exactly You're saying something that doesn't make any sense It does make sense You don't know anything about imagery You don't know anything about what You don't know anything about that It looks fake to me You don't have a balance You're saying that's a fake ass picture You don't have Come on Eddie You're just looking at it with the naked eye It looks real to everybody else in this room Okay You're coming at it with a confirmation bias Crazy right? I don't think you make sense Crazy I'm just having fun with it But you have this direct inclination to always go towards a conspiracy It doesn't have to It gives your opinion It gives anybody off It's a disservice to your opinion It's just towards like that That's what you think cool Like you're getting angry about it No, I'm not getting angry at all We're just being stoners here We're being stoners I'm like I don't believe that shit I'm not raising my voice What I'm trying to do is corner your ideas I'm trying to corner your ideas Because you're saying these things to You're very influential You're saying these things to millions of people But I don't think you're thinking correctly I'm telling I know that's why I've stated many times That you're crazy But here's the problem I'm losing my mind When do you think you started losing it? I think I was As soon as I found out when I was 11 That everybody wasn't Catholic That's when I started losing my mind I'm like wait a minute I'm like everybody's not Catholic I thought everybody was Catholic There's other religions Then how do we know we're right? What's a Jew? Oh shit there's more Jews than Catholics How do we know we have the right religion? I'm like okay You start questioning it Yes, that's when I started going crazy That's so funny People that question authority Are usually looked at as crazy Conspiracy theorists Yeah but it's The CIA Coin the term Conspiracy theorists You're a smart dude There's a problem in the way you approach these things Because you approach them all knowing Before you even start that they're a conspiracy I'm telling you what I think So that's confirmation bias I'm telling you Hey dude when you lie so much You've got to prove it to me You lie so goddamn much I'm never going to be saying the things that A defense attorney would say But you don't have to I'm saying the thing that the prosecuting attorney would say You say that all the time That's what I'm saying But it's not a good analogy Because it's court It's exactly how I look at it And court is filled with lies Yeah The government's The government's One being accused of lying And they've been caught lying So they're in court But here And you say And then you finish them It's not the government Oh whoever Whoever Just in general The scientists It's all government scientists You think scientists You think there's these Independent scientists It's all government scientists They're all trying to get their grants Why would you think Why would you think They control You don't think The globalists Aren't haven't controlled science And information You know the problem is written? You think this is like a new thing? Their name, the globalist. I'll tell you right now. If they were flat-ists, they would be like, yeah, it's flat. It's flat. They're like, no, fuck these guys. We're globalists. No, no, the globalist is what Alex calls people that... I feel like Eddie can flip me if we just spent like a day together. I think you're just trying to make fun. Hey, I'm just having fun, man. I like finding... I don't think Eddie's crazy, though. I don't trust shit coming from the government. Does that make me crazy? Yes. He's got a little too deep of it. The problem is this idea of the government. The government consists of a bunch of individuals... They control science. ...a hundred different agencies. Eddie, do you know they have infighting? Yeah, they have piss-hard. Do you know the CIA and the FBI go after each other? Of course they do. Of course they do. There's no one government. There's a lot of personal shit going on in between, of course they do. But it's not just personal shit. There's a bunch of different factions that you call the government. I agree. And the idea that it's all like the government can't be trusted. I just say that because I'm not going to... I mean, you want me to pick out some agencies? Yeah, NASA. I could pick out some suddenist. But just in general, in general, it's history, science, education, energy. Everything has always been controlled by the government since day one. Radio has been used as propaganda since the day it was invented. You think some independent dude just invented radio and then he started broadcasting like his favorite music and shit and what his thoughts? No. It was the government from day one in radio. It was the government in all countries from day one in TV, in the movies. It was all radio, TV and the movies. Do you remember? Have always been about propaganda. Always in every country. It's nothing new. It's old school gangsters. Our country is the most gangster. What does this have to do with the world being black? No, no. This is how gangster our government is. There was a war on drugs. We started a war on drugs. Turns out we're bringing it in. Then there's a war on terrorism. Turns out we created Al Qaeda. You understand why I'm crazy? I'm crazy because of that shit. I'm like, you could believe that shit. You want to believe that shit? Good luck. The problem is that you just apply this to everything. Basically anything comes from the government. Anything comes from the government. Dinosaurs don't come from the government. Just there's so much fraud when you look into it. Astronomy doesn't come from the government. It comes from scientists. Look into it. Look into it, man. But Eddie, I have looked into it. Dinosaurs are for kids. You could go over these different sections of the earth. You can look at the next one. It comes 10 minutes later. Maybe you won't think that one's fake. Oh, wow. That one's kind of real. It looks all fake. It doesn't look fake. To me, it looks like what the fucking earth probably looks like when you're 22,000 miles away. To you, it does. Not to me. This is NASA's right away. Can we agree or disagree? Yeah, but why think that it does? Because I don't trust shit. Why think that the government does make these fake pictures of the earth? Don't you think that would be a risky thing? We could speculate. You want to speculate? I mean, I could sure. Speculate. I want to hear you speculate. It's easier to control people when they're on a ball. I've been trying to tell people that forever. I don't know. Like, we've got to live on a ball. I told it to my wife. It's easy to get the kids to listen if you've just lived on a ball. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to believe. I don't know what to believe. That doesn't even make any sense. Why would it be easier to get people to listen if they're on a ball rather than if they're on a plate? Because if there's more land, people are going to want to work. There's actually more land shed. What do you mean? There's more land. Who knows? If you... Yeah, exactly. What are you talking about? I don't understand what you're talking about. Like, more land. You're saying if the world is flat and the flat earth model is true, what's the point of it? What's the point of... So, all the math is fake that the earth is going 24 hours in a circle. Is that all fake? That it spins? It's going to be a thousand miles an hour? I don't... Spins. Spins. There's... No, we're stationary. If you look into the experiments to prove that the earth is spinning, all of them failed. Look into it. What are you doing? No, I have... No, I have... No, I have... No, I didn't. No, no, no. That's not true. That's not true. Okay, I'm crazy. I get it. Jamie, what are you going to say? I don't have the science in my head to back it up either, but that's not true. You can't say things like that. That's what Eric Dubé says, and he's not backing it up. Where's the evidence that... Find the evidence... There are 13-year-old kids in high school right now that can show you the evidence with scientific... You can't show it to me. Because I'm not in class right now, and I'm not up to date. I'm doing JRE work right now. Okay, you're talking about some shit you don't know about. No, but so are you, but you're saying something... I'm just saying I don't trust it. You're saying something that people have been proving for hundreds and hundreds of years. Look into the Mikkelsen-Morley experiments. That was... Einstein said it himself. Einstein said, to this day, Einstein said it, there's no proof that we're moving. Dude, you guys just haven't let them do it. That's all it is. You guys haven't let them do it. There's a difference you looking into it and watching YouTube videos. So let's say this. Okay, so what if it's true? Do you watch them all from the same channel? What if it's true that Albert Einstein said, there is no evidence that the earth is spinning? What if he said his body? He said it, quote, you say that's not true. I saw it on YouTube, but what if we find out that it is true? Then what? What if they find out leprechauns are really butt-fucking genies on the moon? Exactly, that's what I thought. What does that mean? That's what I said. So you're saying, oh... I really think Einstein said that. Maybe in 1947 there wasn't much evidence that the earth is spinning because they didn't understand it yet. Okay. When we're talking about something that happened more than a half a century ago, Einstein is, look, he could pair all the people that are alive today, whether it's Lawrence Krauss or Stephen Hawking's most famous failed experiment. What is this? What is a moral experiment? It was on, they couldn't recreate it. It was in the 1880s. I looked this up when I was watching a podcast. Science is supposed to recreate it. Exactly. You keep using that look at the Mickelson-Worley experiments. I did. I read up the information on it. It's an experiment that was supposed to be able to be recreated. It was not able to be recreated. So that evidence is used by flat earth supporting people. Like you just said, go look it up. Go look it up. Yeah, true science is repeatable. You can't repeat it. It's not a science. You don't understand what you're saying. That's what you're saying. I'm trying to tell you that. That's the evidence you were trying to say. If they say the experiment showed the earth is not spinning, no one can reproduce that experiment. You don't. So this thing you keep repeating is bullshit. Okay. This thing you keep it but don't. No, no, no. Where did you get this information? Jamie. Where'd you get it? Where'd I get what? This information. What is this coming from? This is coming off the internet. Exactly. So I'm reading some information. I'm reading some information. Slow down. Slow down. Slow down. Slow down. Slow down. Oh, it's on Wikipedia. There's sources here. There's a book called the American Journal of Science. I'm sure that all the authors got that. Which is bought and paid for. Well, maybe. It is. It's part of that. Here's the thing, Eddie. It's like the Washington Post. Why would anybody be paying money for people to lie about the world? That's a very good question that everybody asked coming in. Everybody coming into the group. People get people get knocked down. One by one. They're getting knocked down. No, Eddie. They're not. They're not. They're not getting knocked down. That's why we just read this thing that you've been citing and you didn't even understand it when we were reading it. You read off the internet. But that's how complicated. That's the internet. I read off the internet too. I read it off the internet too. I don't have any books here. I'll go on encyclopedia if you want. No, no, no, exactly. We're both reading off the internet. We're both getting our information off the internet. So you're saying one of them is peer reviewed journals from scientists. From American Journal of Science. Come on. That's like missed. That's like missed. That's missed. That's like the economists. So you think it's more likely, more likely that everyone is in on it and lying than it is one guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and makes a YouTube video and you get convinced. And it's attractive to you because it seems like it would be an amazing conspiracy to be ahead of and you get trapped in the fucking rabbit hole and you go down the flat earth rabbit hole and you find yourself defending things with experiments. You don't even understand, which means you haven't really looked at shit that he pulled up off the internet. I know that you got into it all over. I know you didn't understand. I understand. It doesn't matter. But I understood it and he had explained it to you twice. You didn't understand it. You were arguing. No, no, no, no, no. This is the proof of now. There was an experiment to prove that the earth wasn't moving and then they and then they proved it. But no, but no, they didn't prove it. No, no, no, no, no, I get, they didn't prove it. But that doesn't mean that it's spinning. Oh, Jamie, I'm sure you can find some evidence of the earth is spinning. Eddie, people have known it's spinning forever. That's how you that's how the seasons work. That's how you see the sun. We spin around. That's why it makes it clean. This is why we hate time zones. That's why you could put a piece of stick in the ground. You're saying all the the actions. It acts as a sundial. You're saying all the shit. Eddie, there's a there's a fundamental problem with the way you approach these things. No, there's not a problem. The problem is I don't trust you. You do. But it's not that I don't have a problem. Eddie, you know, I don't trust you. I'm having fun with it. I don't. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's flat around. It doesn't matter. I'm having fun with all back. You keep saying that it's a bad fallback because what we're saying is there are conspiracies. The problem is when you think everything is conspiracy, you act as a psi op guy and you fuck people over that want to look at real conspiracies. The real conspiracy is like the Gulf of Tonkin. That's what I thought, too. Like the Gulf of Tonkin. Real like Operation Northwoods. Real things that really happened. When you look at those things and people explore them, they go, oh, I don't think they really killed Kennedy. Are you sure? Why don't you look at this? Look at this stuff. There's a lot of really crazy evidence when you start thinking that the world is flat, the dinosaurs aren't real, all this nutty shit that you believe and you just jump into it with the problem is it discredits all these other things that you believe that might be real. Mm hmm. Because the other things have some validity to it. You just haven't looked into it. That's all. Eddie, I used to say this. Eddie, you're talking about the Earth being flat. I said this. I'm saying the same thing. You think they're all wrong? That's so insane. You haven't looked into it. I have. No, you have. How could I not have? You don't think I have. I'm watching you go down the rabbit hole. You don't think I've tried to pay attention to what the fuck these people are talking about? It doesn't work. I don't think so. Eddie, this website's dedicated to debunking it. It's dedicated to showing you the science, showing you the math. You can do it. How come when you check the internet, it's valid, but when I'm on the internet, it's not? You're not talking about the internet. You're talking about a guy's YouTube video. No, it's not a guy's. There's a lot of guys. There's a lot of people. But they're just YouTube videos. It's huge. No. The science behind them. It's not verified by peer-reviewed journals. The science of the earth is gravity. The government science that's bought and paid for? Of course. You start talking about flatter and crazy. Eddie, this is so crazy. You just have to think of it. You think the earth is flat? I didn't say that. I said, I don't know if it's flat or round. When I see a picture of earth from space, what we're sitting on from space, when I see a real picture, then we'll have the proof. I'm just saying, we don't need to have proof that it's round. No, you know we're looking at pictures while we're sitting here. Okay. I've never even taken into consideration the fact that this is a monitor. You're looking at this. You're not even getting the high resolution. I mean, they must be gigantic files that they get. You would never be able to see them in their actual resolution on a regular monitor in the first place. You're talking about a photo of the earth. A photo of the earth from 22,000 miles away and they take one every fucking 10 minutes. Look CGI to me. The only way you can convince them, Joe, it might look CGI to you. You have to jump in a shape and go yourself. I could be wrong. No, I could be wrong. It could be real. There's too many things that you don't believe in. It could be real, but they've been faking them so much. That's not good enough. I've seen so many fake ones that NASA admits that they're CGI composites. There's so many out there. So when you see this one, it's like, this is the same one. Yeah, but I've seen so many. Fake and CGI composites is different. When you take, I don't believe it. Eddie, please. When you take one of these photos, these, what are those called? When you fucking do that? Panorama. When you do that, you know what that is? That's a composite. You're taking a bunch of photographs and they piece them all together. It makes one enormous photo. When you see these photos from space of the earth from a closer satellite, not the NASA one that Jamie just pulled up, which does show a full size image of the earth, what you're seeing is they take a photo, they take another photo, and they piece them all together. There's no seams. It's a composite photo. No, no, there's an actual CGI artist. This is three photos. They put them together. I know, but look, they fit together. No, they fit together. Eddie, Eddie, is this CGI? No, no. Question for you. Is this CGI? Because it was made in a computer and it fits the definition of computer generated image. Because that's a composite. This one could easily be... I made this. This one, this could be... I'll show you how I made it. No, no, no, I'm just saying, but this could be easily a real picture. But it is a real picture. Well, yeah, that's not a hard picture. It's a picture of earth from space. That's a hard picture. Where I physically was on the ground in New York City to take that with the camera I was using, that building would not fit in my lens. I wasn't far enough away. But that's not what they're saying they're doing. They're saying they take strips. That's what they're saying they do. No, no, they're saying, I'm going to show you a video of the artist who actually did the latest one. They go, oh, NASA, here's the guy who did the latest picture. Okay, tell us what you look at. Tell us what to look at. Let's watch the video. Just put NASA, artist, CGI, picture of earth and you're going to hear him talking. And he says, it is Photoshop. It is. It is Photoshop, but it has to be Photoshop. He says that word for word. It's a NASA video. That's what I was just asking you to clarify that. I'm trying to tell you it. That's what I literally had to do. I had to have been farther away to get the photo in one photo of that giant building. But that where I have in order to get that distance away, just color it in with CGI. There were buildings in the way. So you're saying that Photoshop. Yes, I put it in Photoshop. He's going through the video going. I got it. I got it. Sometimes I put green shades here and I kind of I'm not an astronaut. I've never been to space. So I have to kind of use my imagination to take you black. It's the latest picture. It's the latest picture that NASA releases of earth. Here's the latest one. I didn't look like this that day. It's a little exaggerated. The dark weren't that dark in real life. The brights aren't that bright in real life. So yes, I added color to it. I did some artistry to it, but that's bullshit. That's what that fucking building looks like. Oh, OK. Now find that then CGI. I would love to see that video. Do you believe anything? Well, I believe shit that I can prove for myself. Like I believe the science in like a skyscraper. Why? Because I see the skyscraper. It's standing there. That's true. But how much I believe in that. You looked into like the science of space travel. How much have you looked into how much work was done to try to put satellites into orbit? So you think we went to the moon? That's not what I asked you. I said, how much did you think we went to the moon? Eddie, answer my fucking question. You talk ridiculous. So you're trying to circle. You talk in circles. I am. They're ridiculous conversations. Everything is the government, the government, the government, the government's fake pictures. I'm just asking you a question. Punch up NASA CGI artist picture of earth. I don't see that up there. Yeah, it's so crazy. Which one would you like me to click on? Any of them. That one right there. The second one right there. This one. Flatter. I mean, I just listen to him talk. OK, Steve. He has 20,000 views. Well, it's going to get more now. Hi, guys, Jeff here. And today I want to share with you this article that's on NASA.gov. Are we allowed to play this? This is the guy who's in the scientist. Are we listening to him or the guy that made the video? You said we're going to listen to a scientist. Well, I think it looked like the right video. But that is the guy that is the artist. And this is the that's a picture of the video. He's talking about how he created the latest picture for NASA. OK, so what they're celebrating is the Goddard. It's from the Goddard Web page. So he's doing a recap of something that's written on the Goddard Web page. So go to the Goddard Web page, find that guy's page. Robert Simmons Photoshop. There it was. And we'll see what he's actually saying. This one. Is that it? That guy looks so skeptical of his picture. What do you think is the most interesting that your role here at Goddard? How do you help support Goddard's mission? My role is to make imagery from Earth scientists sciences data. I turn data into pictures. I look for new interesting events that NASA satellites have seen or that are hidden in the latest data to find anything interesting that shows off NASA's unique capabilities. Finding things is the fun part. I rely on engineers and scientists to produce the data. The reliable real time stream of one point seven terabytes a day. Holy shit is incredible. Terabytes. The same as producing 3000 CDs a day. We know where to look for the interesting stuff because each instrument provides a very specialized type of information. So if I'm looking for something specific, I know where to look. For example, recently there was a volcanic eruption. The Red Sea. The only reliable imagery of this was from NASA satellites. They basically confirmed the existence of a new island. OK, so where's the let's get to some Photoshop. You're going to find the one where he's talking. OK, but this guy's talking about science here. Like some of the science has to be real, right, Eddie? Like there has to be some satellite like direct TV. Direct TV is not fake, right? I don't know. I don't know. But you could do all that with landline stuff. You don't need to go bounce anything from space. You could do all that with landline. Why wouldn't you? You could just put it in space and it just broadcast and shoot it up there and shoot it back. Why would you lie about that? I mean, there's a ton of fucking space junk. Satellite's easy. Satellite's just boring. Every time they pay for satellites, no pay for satellites, they taxpayer. They get bills. We need a new telecommunications satellite. We've got to throw it up there. So we need $35 million. You don't think satellites? And they go, yeah, OK, we're going to sign it. They get the money. It's a tax scam. You don't think satellites are real? I don't think so. Oh, Jesus Christ. I don't think so. Well, what's happening? What about what are those things up there that you can watch from the ground? Have you ever seen the space station fly overhead? You can see it. They can time it. I have pictures of it. They timed it. They told me it was going to be overhead. I took a picture of it. I don't know. It wasn't a high altitude plane. What's the difference? Why would they do that? Why would they lie? Why would they pretend it's a space station? You know, when you're still put a high altitude plane up there. How high do airplanes go? 30,000 feet, right? No, they can go higher. No, but no, no, no, no, no. commercial airplanes on average. I think just somewhere in the 30s. 30,000, 35,000. Right. When you're on the ground, you could barely see them. When you're at 30,000 feet, you can barely. When you're in 30,000 feet and you look down, you wouldn't be able to see a goddamn bus or a plane. Now, those satellites are supposed to be like a hundred miles up. Think about that. Yeah. How are you going to see them? Because they're in space and they're a light. They're a very small pinprick of light that moves across the sky. You can see them with optics. I'm not saying. Okay. But you really haven't looked and you definitely haven't looked with optics. If you look with like a big spotting scope, these people get these telescopes and they look up and they know exactly where it's going to be. You can actually program it into the telescope. There's things that you can download where you can find the coordinates of each individual planet. The way these really super powerful telescopes use that amateur astronomers like to use. You punch in the key numbers and it'll move specifically to a spot in the sky where you can tune into the moon or tune into Saturn or into very specific areas of the cosmos that change all the time. Because of the fact that the earth is spinning, we're catching all sorts of different shit, all sorts of different times, especially no matter where you are. If you're on the equator, you're looking at a totally different image at one moment in the sky than you are the next moment. So it can tell you exactly where the space station is going to be, where the moon is going to be, where Mars is going to be. And they punch these coordinates into these little computers and they all move to this thing. You believe the Mars rover is real? Man, Eddie, I don't think I can do this anymore. Because it's just like I don't see why. First of all, I don't see where the money is. You were just telling me before that. I don't see what, hold on a second. Let's see where the money is to have all these hoaxes. You don't see the tax scam with the rovers. They just got 19 billion dollars for Trump gave him 19 billion dollars. What tell me? Is it impossible that that's so that they can actually make a rover? Tell me what the space shuttle has done for humanity. Tell me all that money that was wasted on space shuttle and then they just trashed it. They went up, I don't know how many times, and then they just trashed it. Tell me how those billions of dollars has helped humanity. Tell me. Well, I think scientific innovation is very important to us because in our minds, we constantly want newer, better, more innovative technology. Just a part of being a person in the 21st century. What did we learn though? Everybody wants a new computer. Everybody wants new things. And a lot of this new stuff comes from NASA technology. It comes from all the science and innovation that goes to be a part of me. There's a list right there, Eddie. But why do you say this when you don't look into it? I just need to tell me how I waste safety. How does, how come we couldn't do that down here? How come that, how come we couldn't do that? They can, Eddie, but the massive requirements that you have on the gear when you're talking about going through fucking space, the insane stress of reentry. They figured out all kinds of crazy shit, the speed in which you land. They figured out a bunch of crazy shit, enriched baby food. I mean, portable cordless vacuums, freeze drying technology. All this comes from space. There's a shitload of things that they figured out. Harnessing solar energy. There's a lot of innovation that comes from the development of either the space station or the shuttles or a bunch of different things that they've invented. And they continue to innovate these things. These new satellites that they're shooting out into space are way better than the Hubble. They keep doing more and more, better and better. And it's this constant rush to see who can get to the furthest point of technology in whatever field they're in. Whether it's the field of rocketry, whether it's the field of satellites, there's this massive amount of competition between the top scientists in the world. And to think that that's all fake doesn't make any sense because there are some things that are fake. So why assume that all this technology is fake when you really could see the Challenger? You saw the Challenger explode in the sky. If it's fake, no one was there to engineer the shit that failed. Who said that was fake? Well, any of it, any of it, any space travel. The space shuttle's going up. It's a high altitude plan. Did you know the space shuttle goes up and they work on fucking satellites? I didn't know that. They dock with the space station? I didn't see video of that. Oh, okay. Show me the video of that. That's what space walks are usually about. It's what they do. The problem is there's a lot of these things that you just automatically want to fix. Dude, they faked six moon missions, dude. Of course I don't trust shit coming from NASA. Even if that was true, those are people in 1969. They're not the same humans. They're not the same human beings. That's just like saying that the people who made the movies in 1969 are the same people that made Fast and Furious 8. It's the people that make the movies. They're not the same people. They're totally different humans. It's like saying the stand-up comedians from 1969 were the same as the one. That was NASA in 1969. They faked six moon missions. How am I supposed to believe anything from that? Those are not the same people. How? Even if that was true, those are not the same people and Richard Nixon isn't alive anymore. So you just write them all off, though, Eddie? Just off that one exception? You gotta prove it to me. I don't need to believe it. I don't need to believe it. It's not gonna... How's it gonna... I don't believe it, but if it's true, I don't give a shit. Okay, it's true? Oh, that's true? Okay, but you gotta prove it to me? Otherwise... The problem isn't that. I don't care. I don't care. The problem is there's no proof in it and you want to always assume that it's fake. You don't have this empty prove it to me. I'm not assuming either way. You're assuming it's fake every time. They fake six moon missions. But that doesn't matter. These are not the same people. So because they're different people, they're not gonna... I don't understand that logic. The logic is just because someone faked something one point in time before you were alive doesn't mean that those same human beings have managed to download their brains and everybody that ever did that job for the rest of time because they're not the same humans. But that could be the exception. So the people that are scientists that are today, the generations later, whether it's NASA or these Japanese scientists or the Russians or the Chinese, whoever the fuck is putting satellites and rockets into space, they're not the same people from 1969. You can't look at them as one blanket organization. I can't blame NASA, 1969, NASA with a warner von Braun at Nazi. I can't blame today's NASA for all the lies from... Is that what you're saying? From the early 70s? I'm saying, do you believe that the space shuttles were real? No, I do believe the space shuttles were real. Why just that? Why just that? Because I saw plenty of video of them landing and shit and then they take off. So you think they just made the space shuttle and that's it and everything else bullshit? No, they made the Saturn V rockets and they launched them. Okay, so do you think that people went into orbit? I don't know how high people are going. I don't know. I'm not sure. I know they're going high, but I don't know how high. So why would you assume that any of it is fake? They faked six moon missions. Okay, you keep saying that. No, but that's why. Yeah, but we're not talking about the same people, Eddie. But it doesn't matter. It's the same organization. The problem is... You turned them into they. As soon as you say they... But no, let me ask you something. Let me ask you, Brandon. Do you see how I can't trust NASA? Because even though it was different people in 1969 to 1973, even though the NASA of today aren't the ones that faked six moon missions and stole billions of dollars from American taxpayer, just because the guys from today... somehow they got weeded out and then NASA... I don't know that they got weeded out and NASA became this honest agency of the government. I don't know that. I'm going to assume... I'm going to assume, no, I think it's still part of the same shit. That's what I'm going to assume. I could be wrong. Let's say those six missions were all bullshit and was fake. You're going off the exception, not the general rule. So it's like me coming into your academy and some guy's a dick. I'm like, all those 10th planet guys are dicks. You're just lumping all of them in the same fucking... That was big shit, though. It wasn't like side project NASA employees. Do you understand what he's saying? No, I understand. He's saying the same thing you said. He's saying that just because... Dude, that was... The moon landings were so gigantic and so global and the greatest achievement of mankind. And they don't even have the records anymore. Joe, you know what I'm talking about. We're talking about this earlier, man. We're talking about this early. You know all that moon... So, imagery data is missing. Yeah. You know what the head of NASA... Our video says... He says, yeah, we don't have it. It's missing or maybe it's stolen. But even if we did... The head of NASA... Even if we did have the tapes, we don't have the machines to play them anymore. So it really doesn't matter. Come on, man. Come on, man. The dumbest retard detective on the planet would be suspicious. That just... I'm like, mission, but you can't just lump all... Oh, it's all bullshit then. You know what's the most... You want to see something, Brendan, that'll make you think this is the most suspicious thing. One of the weirdest things about the moon landing is the post-flight press conference. Have you ever seen it? No. It's really weird. It's real weird. Well, that would make sense if they did fake it. Conspiracy hippo. Conspiracy hippo. Sculptical hippos. Hmm. What the fuck is going on here? So you guys are open to the fact that maybe they faked it because now you're open to the fact that maybe they faked it. Maybe they did fake that, but you can't just lump... And I'm not even saying they did do that. That's the greatest achievement of mankind. Yeah, but it's still... It's a time. It's a reason to do it. There's a reason to do it. We got new people now? Come on, man. That's hilarious. So you're saying all of them are bad. How can you see how I can't trust shit from NASA? They faked sick... Do you understand this? They can't trust shit? Because maybe all those bad people have died and they're old, and the new NASA, they're the good NASA. They can't all be bad. You're going to believe that? How do we know they're bad? What's better? Believe in that or believe in a guy on YouTube that says the world's flat and dinosaurs aren't real? What's better? It's like that. Okay, all those guys. There's a lot of people in mental institutions. There's a lot of people in jail. There's a lot of people that are child molesters. There's a lot of people. A lot of racist people. If you gave those people videos, if you gave every racist person a video camera and made them a YouTube video, you'd be like, oh, YouTube's all filled with racists. Have you watched History of Flat Earth by Eric Dubin? Have you seen that? How long is it? How long? I don't have an hour for that. You're asking for a job. Listen, what is their side? What is their side? What is Eric Dubin? I don't know. What is their side? What is Eric Dubin's side? I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Fourth grade, my teacher. You know what? You don't care. And that's fine. I'm not going to be mad at you for not caring. Of course. Don't be mad at me for caring. I'm not. You don't look into what scientists say. Why are you getting mad? Because you don't look into what scientists say. You just automatically dismiss them all. Joe, is it fair to say the reason why you care so much about Eddie believing this shit and you know Eddie going, I'm crazy because he influences a lot of people. And you find out for yourself. Look for the truth. Look into it like you're investigating and just look into both sides. There's a reason why it's becoming huge. There's a reason. Yeah, because people don't really go to school. Okay. Yeah. They don't learn. They don't learn astrophysics. They don't study all these things. It's hard to learn. The entry barrier is fucking huge. If you want to study physics, you want to figure out. I can't. I can barely pay attention to it. I listen to these books on tape and I have to go back over them three, four times just to understand a paragraph. Try to figure out exactly what the fuck they're quantifying. They're talking about really intense shit that thousands of people have been working on in conjunction. They all feed off of each other's innovation. There's so many people working on these things, Eddie. The idea that they're all in on some sort of a giant global lie is insane. Yeah. Yeah. That's what everyone thinks. Okay. There's no, I mean, it's, there's no winner here. No, there's no winner. We're flat earth. Look into it. No, definitely not. I can't, sir. I just can't. Why, Eddie? You watch Game of Thrones. That's not real. I don't watch Game of Thrones. You watch Game of Thrones. You watch Game of Thrones. You watch Game of Thrones. No, there's dragons in it. What do you watch? Breaking Bad? I don't watch Breaking Bad. Better Call Song? Nope. What do you watch? I watch real shit like First 48 and. But Eddie, you're not talking about. Is that a show? But if you watch his Game of Thrones, he knows it's fake. Yeah. You watch it in flat earth. It's fake. It's entertaining. But you don't. You're having fun. What do you think? Is the earth flat around? I don't know if it's flat around until we see a picture from space. You're saying this bitch could be squared. I don't know what it is. It could be round. It could be square. It could be square. iPhone, HD camera. With fish eyed lens. You guys are fooled by the fish eyed lens. Come on, man. There's plenty of pictures without the fish eyed lens that you could find. This fish eyed lens. You guys are getting fooled by some basic ass kindergarten. Do you understand perspective? I do. If that's that high, if you didn't have a fish eyed lens, you're looking at this tiny fraction of the surface. The reason why they do. This is from 1946. How do you know that's real? Because it's a picture. I read it on the internet. That's why I know it's real. I don't know. How do you know it's real? You're a photographer. I'm going higher on the map. I could do a selfie from space like this. Would you be real? Would you be real? Yes. That's real to you. Eddie, would you be open to talking to an actual? I don't care if you believe that's real. I don't care. Would you be into talking to an actual astrophysicist? Yes, I would love to. What would you do if Neil deGrasse Tyson was here? I would have questions for him. Would you keep these same arguments? I would have some questions. Would you listen to him? If he told you some shit that actually made sense. Or would you just think he's a part of this? No, totally. He's getting paid off for the round earth society. I think he's, you know, there's people that they push to be their spokespeople. And there's really brilliant people that are good at talking and they're educators like him and then they get on television and people love it. And so he comes back and then he does a hit show called Cosmos, a reenact the Carl Sagan show and everybody loves it. And more people understand science now than ever before. Because he breaks it down. It's hard, Eddie. You know, it's hard because you didn't go to school for this. I'm not mad. But look, I love you, man. I love you. You know, I just don't want I want to be able to talk about flat earth and have fun. Okay. But it's not fun for me because I think there's some 16 year old kids out there that are listening to this and they think you make sense. And the problem is, what's wrong with who cares about that? Because those poor kids are going to me. What's happening to me? Am I am I my life is going to wasting time? No, it's heavy. You're waiting. I think it's wasting time. Dude, you fucking come on. I do waste time. You would consider a waste of time if you do it. If someone was all over pool and he was obsessed with pool, you would say you're wasting your time. What are you getting out of it when I hit those? Okay. They're real. They're real. Okay. I hit those balls to go into the hole. It takes skill and concentration and it gives me something to occupy my mind. It's a game. It's a mind game and it's a body game. When you're watching a fake video, the guy made about you think it's a nuclear bombs not being real. It's fake. Okay. That's what you think. Okay. I mean, I just feel like all the people that study it and all the universities have come to a conclusion. And then one guy makes a YouTube video or 20 guys. There's a bunch of guys. There's a thousand Santos Bonacci. Why would you listen to them versus all the people for generations after generations of studying the science behind it? Repeatable science. There's a lot of shit. Repeatable science. Right. But you just told us about this one test and you parroted it out as some sort of a theory that we should look up. And when we did, it turns out it didn't even work. It wasn't repeatable. Okay. Whatever. Eddie, I love you, but I don't like the way you approach these things sometimes because I think it confuses the fuck out of people like I was when I was young. I was super gullible. I believed all kinds of stupid shit and I wasted a ton of time. Like what? Especially with successful guys saying certain stuff. Goddamn UFO people, man. All those UFO stories I bought and all that shit. I never got the information. Eddie, have you ever heard of the law of perspective? Yes. I know exactly. Do you know that's not real? That's not a law. What about it? That's the definition. They're giving the definition of what perspective is. You know what the law of perspective is? I know what it is. I'm trying to tell you though real quick. There are laws of conservation of energy and such in physics. There are actual laws that can be translated without even speaking language. It's math. The law of perspective is not one of those. What is it? Tell me. It's just a definition of perspective. I'm asking you what the law of perspective is. I know what it is. What is it? Because it's not real. Maybe, well, maybe, so you're saying there's no law of perspective. I'm saying it's not a law. What is it then? It's a definition of the word perspective. Yes. That's not a law. Well the laws of perspective are the, one of the laws is the horizon. The horizon will always rise to high level. To high level. That's not a law. It always happens. It always happens. It's not a law. But it always happens. It's the law of it happens. That's not a law. This is where you don't understand part of the laws of science. That's not a law. That's a definition. Okay. And then what is the definition? The definition of a noun. It's a person, place, thing, or idea. That's not a law. Okay. That's just the definition. All right. Okay. You know what else is? I used to call this double lotus for years and years and years. And it's not double lotus. It's not a law though, right? But it's not, it's not double lotus either. It's not a law though. It's not double lotus either. That's just my point. Well you're saying you're talking about a different word for the same movie. What he's saying is. The rules of perspective. It's not better? No, no, no. The rules of perspective. It's not better because. Okay. The definition of perspective. Hold on. It's the same thing. Because whatever you call it. God, Allah, whatever you want. Well, when you look up this stuff online, I try to type in the law of perspective because I want to see what you and Eric Dubé believe that that is. The only thing I ever find with the law of perspective is the words flat earth with it. Or maybe there's actually, the Urban Dictionary has a definition for the law of perspective. Now let me ask you something. What is it matter if it's law, but it's not a law? It's not a law. It's not a law. It's not a law. It's defeci, defeci. It matters because it's science. But that, but that, but if the horizon always rises to a lie level. That's not a law though, my friend. You can consider that, what would you call it then? You don't believe in gravity though either. We're called a thing of perspective. I don't believe in gravity either. It falls at a constant of 9.82 meters per second. That is a, that's the law of gravity. The gravity is a theory. No, no, no. You guys have a theory of what gravity is. Density. That's another scientific word. You guys say that if it's more dense, it falls, but why does it fall? Why would it fall lower if it's denser? Because it's heavier than. Why is it heavier? Do you know what? Because it's denser. It's denser than the oxygen, so it falls. But helium, how come a helium? Because it's a gas. Helium is a gas. We're only heavy. It's lighter than the oxygen. That's why we're in the atmosphere. That's why we're in the atmosphere. It's lighter. It's lighter. It's less dense. I'll explain. It's lighter because we're in the atmosphere of Earth. Isn't it less dense though? If we were in space, there is no atmosphere. That's why everything floats. Gases and us. We're dense too, but we would float in space just like that. If you do float in space. If we got into space, you're correct. If you believe that. If we got out there. So can we not go to space? I don't know how far we can go up. I don't know. But Eddie, you know the space station. I'm not sure. You said the space shuttle went into orbit. I don't know how far it went up. I don't know how high it went. I don't know where it went. I knew it. I know it took off. Saw that. And then I see it landing. You see that. I don't know where it went. You know it went way higher than a plane, right? For sure. Are you not confused on what laws and stuff science are though? Do you not see that? Okay, we'll call it definition. What do we call it? What do we call it? We'll call whatever you want. And science should call these laws. I used to call these double-loaded. We don't call them definitions. In science, there are laws. So why does... Because... So what is that? That law, which is most... That horizon always rises to eye level. And most of them... What is that called? I'll agree with you. In most cases, it's math, the law. So that math, then, that formulaic equation can go to any country and work. I don't need to speak English to the guy in Germany to explain to him what I'm trying to get out of it. He can test it with the same things, the same variables, and get the same thing out of it. That's why all these things are laws, not definitions. Okay, I get that. That's fine. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Does that work? Do you accept that or no? Probably accept that. People use this verbose terminology because it makes them appear smarter than they really are. They're trying to get a point across. No, Eddie. They're trying to say it in a fancier way because they really didn't go to school for this shit. So they say a bunch of shit that's not real, like the law of perspective, and it's not a law, and it belies the real problem. They don't have an education in this stuff. They're just talking out of their ass. They get other people. We follow them. It's disrespectful to the fucking generations of people that have been studying that their whole lives, that one guy can figure out all these different things, that dinosaurs aren't real, nuclear bombs aren't real, the earth is flat. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Satellites aren't real. It's ridiculous. It's one guy. You must be the smartest person in the world. That one guy that your pal's with. I love that stuff. That guy's got videos on dinosaurs, on the fucking earth being flat. He figured it all out. He's my friend now. I had him on my podcast. After the most money he makes off the flat earth, I'd be interested to know that. He's written a lot of books off in a lot of YouTube videos. Isn't everybody making money? I don't know. Is NASA making billions? Listen, the bottom line is NASA lied six times about the moon missions. I don't believe it should come from them. That's it. But that's the root of it all. So don't be mad. That's why. You should understand that. That's one of them. But they're different now. Those guys are dead. Come on. The most preposterous idea available that every photo of the earth is fake and there's no photos. NASA tells you that. There's no photos. They make videos of the composite. They have special videos. They're telling you. They don't find a problem that there's no photos of the earth being flat. Not one. There's no photos of the earth being rounded either. There's plenty. There's no, there's not. There's not any fake photos. NASA will tell you. NASA will tell you they have a CGI artist. How come, how do we skip over that? I think we can't get any more of this. NASA can't even get a picture. I can't get a picture. That doesn't mean it's going to be pretty good in circles. That's CGI artists was never proved. It always goes back to that for me. You didn't see anything in there about the CGI. That article. He puts together data and makes photos out of it. He puts together data because it has to be interpreted because you're talking about 1.7 terabytes. You got to play the video. You said Trega Bites. Play the video of him talking. The video you just told me to play wasn't. No, that was the wrong one. Obviously. There's a, there's a, there's a terrible bunch where he's talking. Terabytes, like a thousand gigabytes. He says a word for word. He goes, well, it is photoshopped. It is photoshopped. It has to be. It's, it's, that's exactly what he says. Not meaning it's fake. It has to be. He's saying photoshopped. He didn't say it in that article, but he did. He did say coming out of his mouth. He just got to find the video. Okay. But when you're talking, you know, Photoshop doesn't mean that they're distorting the image. It also can mean that they're connecting a bunch of different images to make it. But when you watch him talking about how we put together the official picture of Earth from space, he's talking about cartoon animation type shit. He's talking about his own imagination. Well, maybe because he's talking about this insane amount of data, 1.7 terabytes, maybe we don't understand how the fuck that gets interpreted into an image in the first place. I don't even know if it's possible to do it in, you know, like to have an in perspective, well, you look at it like a 12 inch screen or 24 inch screen, whatever the fuck your monitor would be. And you're going to take this 1.7 terabyte image and shrink it down so it fits in there. I don't understand that mess with some shit. I don't know. All I see is the finished product. Is it admitted to CI, CGI composite? It's admitted. It's not even, but all of a sudden the Japanese got real ones. The Japanese got real ones, but NASA can't figure it out. Oh, come on. Eddie, Eddie, NASA does have one. That's what the problem is. They keep saying they don't from 1972. They're saying the only real one they have is from 1972. Pull up is up right now that there's pictures from today that discover when you said that you didn't know some pictures. I deleted it. I'll get it right. Okay. You guys can believe that. That's way cool. Why does it and what does he believe? Because they lie six times. He's believing the space shuttle, but you don't believe in anything else. That's where it ends. Even the space shuttle goes up and flies around. Direct TV. I don't know what it does. Dinosaurs. I don't know. Here it goes. That looks fake as fuck. April 16th, 2017. Anything you guys toss up, he's inside. I know. It looks fake. I'm being honest. They fake them all the time. I see the fake ones. Do you have evidence that you would accept as real? It looks just like the ones that were admitted that were fake. Let's say that. I don't know if it's fake, but they look exactly like the ones that were admitted fakes. Were you accepting anything? So they're all fake. If they're real, if they're real. Can I send you the space? And like, would you need a videographer with you to shoot the video? I just want to see something that's real, man. I just want to see something that's real. You want to send his ass up there. Okay. Let's try to. I seen a bunch of fake ones and then you show me that one. I got that. Looks like all the CGI ones I see. Okay. I don't believe it. Let's try to stick this lens. God damn. This is a motherfucker of a podcast. I worry about you, Eddie. I really do. You don't need to, man. I'm fucking better than ever. I know you're doing great, but I worry about you going down these rabbit holes and thawing. What's the big deal? Who cares if the earth is round or flat? It's entertaining to me. I understand. That's all. What's the big deal? I think you're very influential. Who cares if kids start looking into flat earth? Good. Start questioning shit. If you look into it and you have proof that it is round instead of going, oh, some scientist figured it out. Somebody figured it out. Somebody figured it out. But you figure it out. You try to figure it out. Okay. You know the one thing that all we know that we don't need scientists to figure out is we know a couple things. A compass. A compass points to north. It doesn't need a battery. There's this force. You know why? No, no, I know. Let me explain. This is all we know. This is all we know. It's pointing to the north. It's a magnetic force in the north. That's all. We know that for sure. I don't need a scientist to confirm that. I know that there's a force in the north, some kind of magnetic force. What else do? What else don't I need a government scientist confirmation from? The north star. It's right over the north. Let me finish. Let me just finish. The north pole, the north star Polaris is directly coincidentally over the north pole where all the compasses are pointing. All the compasses are pointing to the north pole. There's this magnetic force in the north pole. And coincidentally, the Polaris. That's not where the north star is, Eddie. No, I'm just saying the Polaris is directly over the north pole. There's been multiple north stars. Is Polaris directly above the north pole? Do you know that there's been more than one north star over the history of the earth? Where did you get that information from? From the internet. Exactly. So you don't believe that, Eddie? I don't know. I mean, is Polaris the north star? Is Polaris the north star? Let me read this, please. Let me read this, please, because I'll explain. Right now, earth's rotation axis happens to be pointing almost exactly at Polaris. But in the year 3000 BC, the north star was a star called Thuban, also known as Alpha Draconius. And in about 13,000 years from now, the procession of the rotation axis will mean that the bright star Vega will be the north star. That's according to NASA. That's according to every scientist that studies it, Eddie. How do you know that? Because that's why it's still up. How do you know every now? How do you know? You just said two steps. You don't know every scientist. I don't know. Listen, there's no dispute about this. I bet Jamie could pull up a hundred different fucking things that'll show you the same thing. On the internet. But it's not just on the internet, Eddie. It's okay if you get information on the internet, but it's not okay if I get information. It's an information war. That's what it is. It's you get your information. There's information on both sides. It's okay. When you guys look at it, but now when I look at it, North star changes over time. University of what is that? Michigan? It's only okay. Does that make sense? That doesn't make any sense. That's not science. Why does that not make sense? No, I said it doesn't make sense that the internet only works for you and not for me. No, it works when you, when you keep looking at it over and over and over again from all these multiple sources. Wouldn't you just assume you said over and over and over, you didn't say you'd said over and over and over and over. And then you said, why are you playing games? This is like you're playing tic tac toe. You're not looking at the truth. If you want to believe NASA after you know, they fake six. It's all government science. Why is it? Why? You tell me then, why does that compass point towards the North? I don't know. We, we know, we know it. There's a magnetic force in the North in the magic in the North pole, right? And we know the Polaris is right over the North pole and the constellations rotate around Polaris. Polaris is a fixed star. And they all wrote the constellations rotate around that and it's right over the North pole. How does that happen? How much time have you actually spent? Is that not true? Is that not true? No. Explain what did I say wrong? You guys, you and Eric may repeat that over and over again. Like the sky doesn't change at night. No, no, no, no. What I said, I never said that. I said, you said the stars don't move and yes, the Polaris star stay ahead of the North over the North pole. Yes or no. And do the constellations rotate around Polaris? No. The constellations don't rotate. No, no, they spin around. When you look at time elapsed photography of Polaris, you could, you can watch time on all the constellations going Polaris is the fixed star. That's why they, you know, you could find your way around and just find the North star. It doesn't move. Explain that. And if the earth is spinning like we know it is, what's directly above the earth would stay the same because the earth is spinning faster than spaces. Earth is spinning a thousand miles an hour in a circle. Even though the cosmos is spinning, the cosmos changes as well. There's a lot of things that change and the sky looks different. Polaris doesn't change. It says right over the North pole. But if you were spinning and you're talking about a small window of time when they're taking these time life, time lapse photographs, they're taking over a few hours. Yes. But do you understand that? That if you're looking up over a few hours and you have one light that's directly overhead and the other ones are circular, the one light that's directly overhead over a few hours is not going to move enough to register in the photograph. But the ones on the sides are when you're looking at a time lapse, you're looking at a time lapse over a few hours. If you were looking at a time lapse over months or years, you would see that thing spinning too. Polaris would still be in the same spot. No, you'd have the procession of the equinoxes. It changes the rotation of the earth. It wobbles on its axis. They've been tracking that forever. You could watch time and last photography on YouTube. I know you're not listening to me. Time and last photography is over a few hours. Over a few hours, you can see constellations. The earth moving a thousand miles an hour. You can see constellations circling around Polaris. That's one motion, right? You capture one motion in that time lapse photography. But science is telling us that there's four motions going on. There are. They're just much slower. You're talking about something that you're looking at that's very quick over a very short amount of time. Year after year, decade after decade, Polaris is in the same spot. None of these stars are staying in the same spot. You got to find one of Polaris. Where's Polaris? Find Polaris. Find the time lapse. Because that's the only one that isn't moving it. And everything's going around it. Eddie, what are you looking at right there? When you see that time lapse photo. I see ships spinning. Right. The earth in the sky is up there. Is the sky spinning or is the earth spinning? What do you think? I think the sky's spinning. Jesus Christ. Why would people be lying about that? I think I think I think those lights are moving. Look, right there. There's Polaris. Right. You're going to spin it, Eddie. Yeah, exactly. It's always there. No. 30 second picture. No, you're talking about something that happens very quickly. But all those other constellations are moving really quick. Eddie, it's the ones directly overhead. Okay. If you have a ball and you spin it on your finger like Michael Jordan, the outside equator of the ball is going to spin like fucking crazy in this big, long, wide loop. But the tip of the ball is going to spin in a very short, tight circle. Right. When you see the Harlem Globetrotters. You can test it yourself, Eddie. If you just point a camera in the same spot out of your window for like three months straight, take a photo, maybe even four or five. I'm talking about Polaris. I'm talking about Polaris. I'm going to give you an example to test it for yourself to show you that the stars in the sky that you'll see above your head, like you've claimed to go out and look out every night will be different throughout the year. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They won't be different. They're moving. They are rotating. They are rotating around Polaris. They're not going to be in the same spot. Because they're rotating. They are moving. Okay. They are moving. But you're always going to see Polaris. Why would you think that this is a conspiracy? Why would they lie about the earth spinning when it's really the universe spinning? Are they not stars? They're trying to control us. I don't know. What are they? I don't know. People. LEDs. People looking down. I don't think they're LEDs. Are they aliens? Happy people. They're souls. They're angels. You're telling me my grandma's out there? Flying unicorns, bro. Your grandma's flying unicorns. I haven't even told you the craziest shit. Oh, you're a new shirt. No, I haven't even had nothing to do with father. He's son of a bitch. I haven't shown. No, crazier than flat. Crazy as shit. Can't tell you. Crazier than flat earth? Crazier than flat earth. Why save it? I don't. Come on. I want you guys to make fun of me. Have I seen you make fun of me? Have I seen you make fun of me? You guys already making fun of me from flat earth? Yeah, but I'm trying. I just listen. I just don't. I just don't trust NASA. I don't trust NASA. I understand that. I don't trust. I understand that. You want to hear some crazy shit? Please. You promise? I'm scared. Can we end on this? Yeah, let's end. Okay. No, I want to end on this. I want to end on crazy. You sure? Yeah, just don't make it up. Drop it now. We'll never make it out of here. No, drop it and cut it. It's six o'clock. I know. I just want to drop it. Oh, shit. Yeah, it's six o'clock? Yeah, it's six o'clock. We'll save it for now. Unless you want to hear it now. I don't know. It's too crazy. It's too crazy. Let's go. Do it. Let's go. It's too crazy. It's really, really crazy. We'll talk off air about this. Holy shit. It's so crazy, it'll discredit the flat earth theory. My mind can't handle, Daddy. Everything is conspiracy. I like this one. You need a t-shirt that says everything is conspiracy. You make Alex Jones look fucking like Gandhi. The guy, the guy. Alex Jones is like, Alex Jones is like 90% of conspiracy theories. Like, well, that's all bullshit. But Eddie just fucking... He's full in. You got to appreciate the hustle by Eddie. Alex Jones is like a blue belt conspiracy theorist. You'd have the, wow, I can't believe you said that. Wow. Let's end on that. Let's end on that. Thanks for watching.