6 years ago
10 appearances
Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a PhD in biomedical science, and an expert on nutritional health. She's also the host of the "Found My Fitness" podcast.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
You know just you're having your Brussels sprouts with your with your elk meat or whatever, you know, I don't think it's a problem So, you know it I do get a little I see I see like you mentioned dr. Sean Baker he's like he put out a video about like he mentioned me my name's talking about how I only talk about in vitro data And I'm like dude go watch my video or my interview with the expert at Johns Hopkins We're talking about human studies right the in vitro data is coming from what the opposite that it that you know The damaging effects it's in vitro Don't get on the culture. Yes. There's two things going on. There's one There's a real cursory examination of data where they in this confirmation bias and the combination of the two of those things They find one thing that sort of kind of vaguely supports what they want it to support and then they run with it and they talk About it as if they're experts very dangerous. Yes, and this is one of the reasons why I'm so happy that you're talking about this Because you can give people a real comprehensive understanding of all the different things at play and one of the things that I get from you when I talk to you about nutrition is its Mind-boggling how many different factors are going on simultaneously in the human body when it comes to nutrition Absorption when you know in the various stages of the body and how it can vary with with different people When there's so much going on. So when someone just sorts talking about vegetables are toxic like oh Jesus Christ You read any of the study have you just go look at the scientific data like you don't want it to be toxic This is what's crazy. It's this is an ideology that's akin to veganism. It's really it's a it's a just another side of the same Mindset it's almost like a religious mindset. They there's this hashtag I did say it look. I'm a fucking meat eater. Yeah, I know you can't you can't accuse me of being anti meat, but I sighed I eat more vegetables I think than I eat meat I Certainly, it's certainly like right up there and I'm not giving them up. I think that's stupid I just it doesn't make any sense to me and I like them there's this there's this weird push and You know if you look under hashtag meat heels There's all these people you know telling these stories about how they lost all this weight and did all this this But but but their health benefits and did it did it did it did it did it? But they only want it to be because of the consumption of meat only they think that it's because of the singular aspect of their diet and the fact they've eliminated everything else, but they're not they don't do any studying of elimination diets They don't do any study of the prolonged benefits of fasting and all these different things that you're talking about which I think are There these are all factors in this really complicated thing That's going on that most likely has something to do with their gut biome and their immune system, right? Absolutely, I mean those are two Major confounding like so major you know it's It's Important it's just important to approach this like a science You know and and not like a religion like you said where you want to believe something and so you just find You know this study that I also see circulating around around that why plants are really bad to eat It's like they're they're they're they're means that the insect anti nutrients or pesticides from my former mentor Okay, dr. Bruce Ames who spent his entire career Like advocating micronutrients from vegetables and from meat and from fish, okay It's like so ironic, but if you actually read the paper not only does it say it doesn't you know these these insect anti-feed ends Like sulfur if ain't don't cause cancer, but it also goes it has a whole section on heterocyclic amines from cooked meat So if you really want to use that paper as an argument why to not eat plants Then maybe read the paper and realize oh it's also talking about heterocyclic amines as well The point of the paper was like I'm getting a little motion. I'm sorry. I like it The point of your robot. Yeah, the point of the paper was basically Not to worry about like some of the amounts that you're being exposed to with some of these natural You know and insect anti-feed ends that are found in plants And some of the cooked things in meat and as well as some of the the pesticides that are found in synthetic passive sites So basically that they're in such small amounts. So that was kind of the point of the paper was back in the 90s And but I just think that it's a little I don't know hypocritical to use a paper You know as a as like and literally it's like I mean it's like Proliferated everywhere. That's I see this paper all the time. Yes, it's like well Did you read the paper because it has a whole section on? On the insect anti-feed it's from coffee which a lot of people drink and also from me what there's that thing that people do where they do have a I have a joke about it in my act about About I read a state a study that said that sperm can cure depression in women and I Slam my laptop shut and I didn't read another word. I'm like I found the cure But this is this is what you read the title yeah, yeah This is essentially what these people are doing they will read or risk oftentimes not even read but recite from someone else's Reciting it in a video didn't read right which is what's going on with a lot of this stuff? And this is what I'm concerned with I keep seeing all these people like hey, I'm gonna try the carnivore diet Hey, try the carnivore diet. I tell you it's amazing, and I'm just sitting here shaking my head. I'm like This doesn't make any sense like I don't why would you want to eliminate a massive source of? bioavailable nutrients like and and then when they're talking about the negative consequences of consuming vegetables that there's you know different sort of Toxic elements I do remember you talking about how these stressors can actually have a positive and beneficial result when your body reacts to these Stressors yeah, that's exactly how exercise works. It's exactly how fasting works exactly how heat stress from the sauna works And it's how these phytochemicals I'm calling them phytochemicals. Just as like a generic You know category, but they're they're these they're compounds that are made by plants to ward off insects and and And we evolved eating them and they activate Amazing stress response pathways in in humans in our brain. You know in multiple in blood cells I mean, it's just human intervention trials showing this so it you know you're gonna miss out Like you're we evolved with we're supposed to be stressed by exercise by fasting Doing the time restricted eating like that's we're supposed to do that, and we're supposed to eat some plants I think they're trying to accomplish this they're trying to simplify something that's incredibly complicated And they're doing it with this sort of religious fervor It's very strange, and I can feel it when I talk about it where people get upset They're getting upset at me like I'm criticizing Jesus or something very weird and again. I'm not a vegan right I eat lots of meat. Yeah, you know I You and I have had conversations about the importance of meat yeah, so it's well It's it's a religious thing it really is it's the same sort of mindset that allows people to get just rabidly Republican or Anything else like fill in the blanks whatever it is you know look there's a there's a it's just a thing that people do There's for the longest there's two different camps in jujitsu when you're something crazy Yeah, there's gi and no gi a gi is the it's a kimono this white or you know multi-color you could wear different colors now, but it's their start out with white and a lot of people learn their jujitsu grabbing onto the gi you know like sort of a judo gi or you know karate gi and Utilizing it as part of the grappling technique and then no gi came along and what no gi is they use rash guards They don't grab the clothes and they concentrate on Control of the body with under hooks and over hooks and gable grips and things along those lines And it became a religious battle between gi and no gi and I remember sitting there watching this and it was a problem Because like people would get angry what can't be win bro, and I trained both I have a black belt in the gi I have a black belt no gi. I trained both of them I think there's benefits to both of them, but there was this weird thing where you were supposed to choose sides It's since alleviated and people realize how preposterous it is But for a long time like four years the jujitsu community was split where people were angry at people who wore the gi or Angry at people who wore no gi like my friend Eddie Eddie Bravo who teaches no gi people were angry at him for teaching a system Of jujitsu that didn't involve a certain type of clothing It's the same mindset people just want you to believe what they believe only and they get rabid about it They get crazy, and I'm seeing this with this carnivore diet And I think there's a psychological aspect of it to it that you were talking about when in terms of this placebo effect Then I think they feel like I've never felt better. I'm on this carnivore diet. I'm doing chin-ups I'm running around the block like when you read about everyone feeling better Yeah, I want in I want in I want in on this carnivore diet And then there's also well if you are doing this as opposed to the standard American diet I think you have the same sort of response that you have when people are talking about the positive benefits of the vegan diet I think if you have a pot if you have a vegan diet in comparison to eating chips and fries and soda Yeah, you're gonna feel fucking amazing and people talk about it It's just like they do the carnivore and they get and they want you to do I mean there's I'm seeing the same Patterns that I see with vegans where these carnivore people are putting meat and their screen name You know a meat eater Mike, you know carnivore Carl. There are other fucking crazy people They're doing the same thing the vegans do with like I'm the vegan warrior I'm carnivore Carl, you know, fuck you you plant eat poison eating assholes You don't even understand what you're doing your body Because I like plants You can't you have to pick a camp I'm not picking a camp I'm an omnivore