3 years ago
5 appearances
Ms. Pat is a stand-up comic, host of “The Patdown” podcast, and star of the BET+ series “The Ms. Pat Show.” Her most recent special, “Y’all Wanna Hear Something Crazy?”, is streaming on Netflix. www.mspatcomedy.com
1 appearance
Jordan E. Cooper is a playwright, writer and co-creator & executive producer of "The Ms. Pat Show."
3 years ago
3 years ago
They developed these suits for people to wear around bears, these bear suits. They're like these big metal suits with spikes popping out of them. Have you ever seen any of that? See if we can find those. What's that for? They're bear-proof suits. They developed these, yeah, well, I think they've developed, I think they started out in Siberia. I think Kanye was wearing. It does. It's selling for $2,500. That's a Siberian bear hunting suit. So they literally developed a suit that's covered in spikes so that if the bear tries to bite you, it hurts his teeth. It hurts his mouth. I mean, you're going to have to ask that dude, but since we have his jacket, I doubt he's alive. That's a good point. They probably peeled him like an avocado. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. That's going to be a Yeezy outfit in six months. Literally, I wasn't joking when I said I look at his jacket. Oh, wow. That's hilarious. Oh, this was when he was on stage with the mask on. No, he had a stocking cap. He had a stocking cap on his face. That is what he's wearing. He's wearing a bear hunting jacket. Wow. That is crazy. And that jacket probably cost $3,000. $30,000. Yep. That is wild. What's so crazy is they're going to buy it too, Joe. Of course they will. And they're going to buy that. I keep telling black people, I say Kanye is rich. He's a fucking genius. Y'all can't walk around the United States being black with that shit on your head. It's like you got to rob a gas station. If Kanye had food stamps, black people would buy it for $3,000 a pop. Not me. Kanye is an unusual human. Have you ever met him? No. His brain is firing at a different RPM than everybody else's. It's just going. It's just going. He's probably simultaneously thinking about new products, always thinking about new songs, always thinking about re-imagine housing, wants to build houses. He wants to develop communities that are self-reliant communities where they grow their own food and use solar power. And the dude is just constantly going with new ideas, constantly. He's like, you know, there's people whose brains just don't work at the same speed as ours. And that's one of those people. And he's just constantly trying to process things. And he was saying that when they tried to get him on medication, they were like, listen, you got to get on medication. They tried to calm him down, but the medication made him... He started getting lethargic. He looked different. Yeah, he got a lot of weight. He looked different. He looked slow. He looked unhappy. Exactly. And, you know, like... Exactly. I mean, it was a droop in his to his face. And I remember the black community was like, what the fuck is Kanye on? They put him on some medication. And then when he got off of it, he came alive. I don't know why he put the stocking cap on his head. But I guarantee you, go out Yeezy across the top, and you gonna see a whole bunch of people with ski masks on. There's gonna be a lot of niggas in jail. Well, in this day and age where everybody has to wear a mask, that's the solution in his mind. That ain't the solution for us, Joe. Did you see Kim was wearing one, too? She was? Yeah, she wore one too. She wore the whole deal. Her kids are like, what the fuck are you wearing, Mommy? What is this? You gonna pay $3 off for your makeup, and now you got on a ski cap. I wonder how many people are gonna wear those bear hunting suits around now. Oh, people gonna buy them. 100%. If he makes them, they'll buy them. Well, when you like her, no, you buy them. Look, I'm not even Beyoncé sized, but I find myself waiting on the Ivy Park shoe. I can't wait. Shit, with Beyoncé shoes, she drop. But I find myself waiting on Ivy Park to drop some shit. You hear me? I have four phones and a laptop going. I gotta get me a pair of Ivy Park shoes. When Kanye came on the podcast, before he came on, there was one point in time where he wanted to redesign my studio. He's like, I want to redesign a studio. I want to do it somewhere else. We're gonna redesign. I was like, okay. But then Jamie got COVID. Jamie was not there for the Kanye interview, unfortunately. So he, so we had, look, man, we just lost our producer. We got to do it in our studio. So he did it in here, in our old studio, but he did not like it. He did not like the aesthetics of the old studio. Like his mind is always thinking about design. And when he told me this, I was like, okay. And so then all of a sudden we're on FaceTime. He starts showing me sketches that he already has of the new studio that he wants to design. He was making a studio like a womb, like this big crazy studio. He had these wild ideas. Like his brain is on, it's like he's on jet fuel, just constantly going. But that's why he can do all the shit that he does. It's not a normal mind. He had two listening part of it. Did he drop the album yet? I don't think so. And still ain't dropped the album. And people, well, what the fuck, Kanye? It's like crack to him now. Yeah, but that's what he does. He gets everybody excited about things. He's a fucking genius. Yeah.