Joe Discusses Wine Fraud Documentary "Sour Grapes" with Maynard James Keenan


3 years ago



Maynard James Keenan is a musician, winemaker, and martial artist best known as the vocalist for the rock bands Tool, Puscifer, and A Perfect Circle. Look for the new Puscifer concert films "Parole Violator" and "V is for Versatile" on October 28.


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Have you seen Sour Grapes? The Dr. Banner? No. Yes. Parts of it haven't seen the whole... I haven't. It's pretty amazing. That's what I keep hearing. It's amazing. That this guy made fake wine that was supposed to be these really expensive bottles and duped all these like real one. Well, so when I first heard about the film, I was under the impression like that I sat next to that guy. I was at a Australian consulate wine dinner in Beverly Hills with Peter Gago from Penfold sitting next to me and that guy was sitting next to me. Who was that guy's name? Sour Grapes. Sour Grapes, the documentary. Ruby? Reuben At? No. Yeah, so he... I met that guy next to him. I didn't buy any wine from him. Luckily. But, you know, I met him. So initially I was like, you know, fuck that guy for like duping all these people. But the thing that they're basically saying was that, yeah, that aside, yeah, he fucked a lot of people up. But his ability to do what he was doing to put these wines in bottle and mimic what the palette, just the nature, the color, everything about it and being able to duplicate the what's in the bottle to the point where it would fool a Psalm. He was like, he's an alchemist. Like he was really good at like making it. He wasn't just like putting wine in a bottle and selling you the bottle. Like if you opened it and you tasted it... You really thought it was that wine. You really thought it was that wine. You would go, that seems like a... that seems like not a great version of that wine, but that's that wine. Oh, so you could tell that it was slightly off. In some cases. That's... Did you try any of this wine? No. No. I'm kind of going to try it. They were just saying the guy really was able to get close to mimicking the palettes and structures of these wines. So that's why... What's his name again, Brian? Rudy Kumoyima? Uh, Ruby... Kernawan. Or here, it's right here. Kern... Kerbila. Mm-hmm. How did he say that? Kernawan. Kern... Kerni... Kerniawan. Kerniawan. Rudy Kerniawan. Okay. Rudy. Interesting. So how did this guy do this? Like, if he... No idea. If it's such a fine art to create a great wine, and I know you... I've tried multiple different wines from you. Well, the thing is, you're just... But what he was doing, you know, and I'm just... I'm speculating on this. I haven't seen the film. But what he was doing was just to fool you right now. That wine might not last in that bottle once. Oh. So it's not going to... it's not going to hold up. It's not the structure... it's not the structure of wine. I mean, he was literally putting dirt and things in to create that initial impression so that when you taste it, to investigate it, you're like, okay, I think that's what that is. And then he write the check, and he's like, bitch! Episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience are now free on Spotify. That's right. They're free from September 1st to December 1st. They're going to be available everywhere. But after December 1st, they will only be available on Spotify, but they will be free. That includes the video. The video will also be there. It'll also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love. Bye-bye.