Joe Asks Former CIA Agent Mike Baker About UFO's


3 years ago



Mike Baker

19 appearances

Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer and current CEO of Portman Square Group, a global intelligence and security firm. He’s also the host of the popular "President’s Daily Brief" podcast: a twice daily news report on critical events happening around the globe available on all podcast platforms.


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The J.Rogan experience. What did you think about when they attached in the COVID relief bill 180 days for the CIA to release all the information they have about the UFOs? That's one of the things I love about this. We can go from there. Yeah. Oh my God. We can't be taken seriously that way. No, no, but I will say this. I tell people this all the time. They say, why is it so in a day? I say, because he's curious about everything. He's genuinely curious about everything. It's a good question. Look, I'm happy that when it comes to UFOs, there's a lot of things that the agency needs to keep off the radar for sources and methods. It's a need to know issue. And frankly, again, going back to what's in the US best interest, for that day when China decides to release all of their intel operations and information, then great. Maybe it's time for us to be transparent, but that's not the way the world works. A lot of it is just secret programs, defense, vehicles. Well, no, what I'm saying is, oh, in terms of the UFO thing. Yeah, a great portion of it is. Yeah, a great portion of it is- 50%. Oh, now the 47% actually, but don't tell anybody I said that. That's well known. Inside the community. No, look, I think it's good because I think the, look, it's for the same reason the Pentagon released the information about ATIP, about the Advanced Aeronautical Threaded Identification Program. I think it's actually good. There's no reason why we shouldn't, unless you are talking about developmental aircraft as an example, which is important because when you're talking about hypersonic aircraft or missiles or whatever it is, there's some stuff that needs to be kept off the radar screen because there is a tremendous competition going on right now for, particularly for things like control of space. That's going to be a huge issue because the weaponization of space, for a long time people were thinking, ah, space, it's a great exploration and it's good for mankind. Frankly, there is a race to figure out how to weaponize space. As an example of what we're talking about, the idea of just saying, oh, we're going to open the books as a country and reveal all our information about developmental aircraft as an example, that's the wrong move. But do you think there are any credible stories, whether it's from Commander David Fraver, who saw that Tic Tac vehicle off the coast of San Diego or whatever video? Yeah. If I had to point to one, I would say Fraver. I would say without a doubt, I'd say the one that if I were somebody who's looking for some redemption because I've been beating the drum about UFOs and nobody's ever believed me and they always roll their eyes, I would say the one thing that would give them comfort would be the incident with Commander Fraver and that sighting. That's one that I have yet to see an explanation for that makes any sense. Well, not only that, they tracked it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then also, it blocked their radar systems, which is an act of war, they're actively jammed radar systems. It's not simple as they saw something, they didn't know what it was. They tracked this thing going from, I think it was close to 80,000 feet above sea level to one in one second. No signs of propulsion, no heat signatures, nothing. And it was just, it was a ... Yeah, it's one of those things you look at and you go, okay. And look, the ATIP program made sense in the sense that if a nation is out there, if the Chinese are out there, the Russians, whomever, and they're developing a propulsion capability that we don't know about, then yeah, we should have a mechanism within the Pentagon, within the intel community to understand what that is. Let's research it, let's investigate. And so oftentimes, they come to a logical conclusion. The Fraver incident, I have yet to see any information that explains it. So that to me, and also, as you pointed out, the way that it was tracked, the verification of it from very credible individuals. That to me is like the prime example. And they have video footage of this thing too. On top of that- Yeah, they have gun camera footage, it's incredible. Yeah, and the Nimitz saying that these things are fairly common, that they're seeing them every couple of weeks. They were seeing them and when Fraver's like, hey guys, what the fuck is this? And they're like, yeah, you see it? We've been seeing these things. And there is no upside for somebody like that. A very well respected aviator with great experience. There's no upside for these guys to come forward. In fact, there's pressure to not because it's not necessarily good for your career to come in and say, I think I saw a UFO. What do you think is going on? I don't know, we've talked about that before. I'm not- You're trying to get the right answer out of your key. Yeah. Ask your auntie, forget what you said before. Yeah, I know, right? You forgot about the damn bed, I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I don't know. I know. People don't go back to that though. They would have called me out. If Trump comes back and runs, they would have said, oh, you owe him a thousand bucks. Can't wait to get that fucking screaming eagle in here that I'm going to buy. You know, I'm going to put, I'll buy it for you with the money and I'll put a little plaque on there to say where it came from. Big bronze eagle. I know, big. Oh, God. I've got one. I gave a speech one time for a Veterans Day event and they- They gave you an eagle? It was very kind of, they gave me this big eagle. I keep it in my office now. It's fantastic. I keep it in the background when I do new segments from my office and it's perched over my shoulder. Thanks. You got to have one in here. Anyway, I don't know. You think about it at all? Yeah, I do in the terms of, and like I said, with Black Files to Classify coming up, I just got another plug-in. We're going to do an episode- That's on the Discovery Channel, isn't it? It is on Discovery Channel. And you know what? You can see the entire first season on Discovery Plus. Oh, fair enough. I think it's foolish to discount these things because there's so much we don't know. And the idea of thinking that somehow we're the only credible life forms out there, I think is ridiculous. So I think there's a high possibility that there's- Yes, I do think that, but at the same time, then I also question sort of the way that- That's great. If some alien life force with amazing technology that we can't even fathom right now comes to visit us, then what the hell are they doing? Are they just sort of like watching us just for their entertainment value? So I'm always puzzled by that part, the idea that- Well, they probably want to observe, but they don't want to interfere. If they're super advanced, they probably realize there's a process that intelligent life goes through where there's stages of their evolutionary development in terms of use of technology, understanding of each other, mitigation of war and conflict, and then ultimately entrance into the galactic federation. Catch new episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience for free only on Spotify. Watch back catalog JRE videos on Spotify, including clips, easily, seamlessly switch between video and audio experience. On Spotify, you can listen to the JRE in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free. Spotify is absolutely free. You don't have to have a premium account to watch new JRE episodes. You just need to search for the JRE on your Spotify app. Go to Spotify now to get this full episode of The Joe Rogan Experience.