Is America Still #1? | Joe Rogan & Killer Mike


5 years ago



Killer Mike

2 appearances

Killer Mike is a Grammy-nominated rapper, activist, and entrepreneur. His new album, "Michael," is available now.


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Does China make it to the moon they grew cotton on the moon apparently already right now They grew something in the moon, but it died. Yeah, it died quickly I was happy that it was that cotton because Seeing as how they're the biggest investor in Africa and China was growing cotton that didn't go well for black people 500 years ago So I was just like please don't let con grow on the moon I don't I don't want the trans moon land ex-slave trade to start and I have to learn Mandarin and shit. So you Do you think they actually set up shop before us or is America still number one because it feels like I feel like we lost That day we went China landed on the moon. Yeah, I feel like I feel like oh shit, you know, you know I've grown up being you know, like I'm black. I'm American, but I like I've I come here I like America America. Yeah, exactly. I feel like we're bad like Frederick Douglass when asked what he leave was I'm and I answered, you know, what the fuck am I gonna leave for when I see something like the moon landing the China With the growing the plants and landing there there what what exactly was it? Was it a what what was the kind of ship that they landed on the moon? I'm gonna put one on the moon apparently and some type of role on the dark side though Right on the side that we didn't make it to or just went and told me I know of it was a drone right? Is that what it was some sort of a drone? I think of that I honestly think about that as a win for science and for innovation I don't think about it in terms of like nations because I feel like that is done by scientists That's done by the Wizards and the G. So are we sorry you saying we're gonna steal the scientists because when Kennedy gave the fucking speech Kennedy made it seem like the moon landing was gonna make us the preeminent nation and I think that's the propaganda China's gonna ruin you don't think well, I think they have some fucking amazing technology to deny that would be ridiculous But I also think that it's important that everybody Everybody be competitive in this like if you really want to make things better You're not gonna you're not gonna do that in a vacuum What helps the technological innovation and one of the reasons why it's so accelerated is there's so many people working on it It's not just a few people trying to make cell phones better I got you fucking so many geniuses out there So when I see something like this like they landed on the moon, I go the geniuses one you just gave me hope Yeah, they're Chinese people, but they're just people we're all just people absolutely, you know And the idea that they're gonna all get those people on that side to think the same way is what we're worried about Right that we're it'd be us versus them and their technology is gonna impact our well, that's the way we frame it as a country Yeah, we always worry about that. Yeah, we have to admit that that's what that's the way we frame But if you look at the history of the world, that's been that happened so many times I think it makes sense to be worried about the rest of the world. I get it You know, I'm on and I'm on this side of the fence. So, you know and no problem with that, but you know So you definitely want to know if it's if raid October is gonna happen tomorrow fuck man I think Russians don't hate us. I don't think anybody has a quarrel with anybody over there It's the government's it's what the hustle is that the real interaction is between a very small amount of people that involves all these other People that are with them for some strange reason. I think they should just be thrown essentially in a stadium to fight to their death Putin would be the king of the world Fuck everybody up him and that other dude that runs the other little country next door that was on real touch. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, yes, that guy is a huge supporter of MMA Fucking badass. Yeah. Yeah, there's some beasts over there true You know bad Putin would fuck up Trump. Oh Christ You can't you a fight to the death? Yeah with Putin. I Would actually probably bet Putin versus Obama to yeah for sure Look Obama's probably better in a debate. Yeah, who's a real kid. That's what I'm saying He's a like a lid a real kid. I think you'd have to go all the way But one I think was badass maybe as a younger man, I mean you delete the CIA you gotta have some killer Yes, you know, but I tough guy But I probably have to get all the way back to Kennedy in terms of physical prowess and his back was bad I think you got to go to Abraham Lincoln. He's a guy. I went Lincoln. Yeah, he was a wire He had that farmer build farmer strength. He did