Inside the Steroid Use in Bodybuilding


3 years ago



Mariana van Zeller

4 appearances

Mariana van Zeller is the host and executive producer of National Geographic's "Trafficked with Mariana Van Zeller."


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But there's some sports like let's look at powerlifting or let's look at bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is the best one. Doesn't exist. It doesn't exist. What do you mean? Bodybuilding doesn't exist. Oh, right. Bodybuilding with steroids exists. Regular bodybuilding? I had a friend, my friend Brian, who lived in Boston was a natural bodybuilder and he was very dedicated and he was like legitimate natural bodybuilder. He worked out very hard. He ate very clean and he was like super, super dedicated. And you would swear he was on steroids. He was big. I mean like big giant arms, like really thick guy. But just really dedicated. He is nothing like those giants that you see at the gym that are on steroids. There are people that walk around like if you go to like a Gold's Gym in Venice in the heyday when all the elite bodybuilders would go there, they don't even look like Shelemans. They look like walls with feet. I saw it. I went to a bodybuilding competition in Vegas for the show where we were following this kid who was mostly not doing steroids at this time. Like your friend, he was trying to see if he could make it into this competition without the heavy use of or heavily using steroids and other PDs. And it was he went on stage and you could see the difference between him and the other guys. And the difference between him and the other guys was that he was heavily using PDs. And then you'd see him. We actually followed him. We were with this guy called Tony Huge who calls himself Tony Huge. Have you heard of this guy? He's pretty incredible. He has a huge following. Huge following. And he calls himself Dr. Tony Huge even though he's not a doctor, but he is a lawyer. And he's if anyone wants is interested in he's basically a spokesperson for steroids. He's people who are bodybuilders. He's also a bodybuilder himself and goes to gyms and competitions. And he was with this kid and kids adore him. I mean, we spoke to teenagers who look up to Tony Huge and want to do everything he does, which is mostly PDs. And this kid wanted to be he went to Vegas to help this kid out. And in the middle of this kid, he was like 19, I believe his name's Zach from Florida. Super nice kid, met his mom, all of it. But had had had tried steroids, had had sort of a bad experience with steroids, decided he was going to try and do it with other things, but not steroids, not testosterone itself, but other substances. Tony Huge was helping him out. He gets there a day of the competition. He goes on stage. And again, he looks like the others around him who have been doing steroids look so much stronger than him. And he comes out yet, you know, again, super dedicated kid. Like this is his life. He spends most of his time at the gym and eats right and all that. And in the middle of the competition, Tony Huge says, OK, it's time for us to go back to your apartment and get you ready for round two. And we go back and we filmed all of this and he opens up a big suitcase and inside this suitcase, it's like the Mary Poppins suitcase that more and more shit's coming out, you know, and and starts giving him injections of insulin and all sorts. I don't know, half of the things that he was giving. And the kids like, are you sure this is OK? Are you sure this is OK? And and I'm worried for him. He says, OK, I'm starting to feel my heart beating really fast. You know, you don't don't don't you worry. And then he goes back and you could actually see the transformation in this kid's body within an hour of him taking these drugs. I am not what is the transformation. What happened? His vessels, his blood veins, yes, were popping his veins. So that's something good, apparently, for these kind of competitions. You're funny, though. That's something good, apparently. I know. I know. That was my first time at a building competition. It's weird. It's so weird. But it's weird when you see those people in real life. Yeah, I love the world that look nothing like what I'm used to. I love. I'm so fascinated by them. I was watching a video last night on Vice of a woman who does bodybuilding. She's my height and my weight. She weighed one hundred and ninety six pounds. And so and she has like her neck is like my neck, but her traps are even bigger than mine. They start like here. They go straight down. Her shoulders were massive. And she was talking like this. This is what I eat. This is every morning. I have to consume six thousand cows. She sounded like The Rock. Yeah. Like it was crazy. Bizarre. It was so bizarre. It was so strange to see this weird upset. They're like sculptors. Right. And in a way it is kind of an art form. Totally. But what they're doing is freakish, but they're all into it. They all love it. Yeah. This Tony huge guy. I actually kind of grew very fond of him just because he's so honest about what he does. I don't think his message is very safe for kids, you know, especially. And you know, taking steroids, you know, the side effects. You have to be careful. But yet him saying, you know, I am basically a human experiment on myself and I'm trying all of these things and videos of him. Can we see what he looks like? Tony huge. Right. He's going to love this. Oh, Tony. No, he actually doesn't look ridiculous. He's a. Yeah. Tony huge. Well, there's a guy who's who died recently who was famous for looking ridiculous. His name was Rich Piana. Do you know who that is? I remember when I was doing research for this story. Yeah. I was hearing about that. They don't exactly know if steroids killed them. But it's like, you know, if you see a body and then there's a gun right next to the body like in the gun, the body has a bullet hole. Oh, he's pretty big. Yeah, he's big. Yeah. But he's tiny compared to Rich Piana. No. Yeah. He's very good. Yeah. See, he doesn't look preposterous. He looks like a very big strong guy, like right there with the shirt off picture. Yeah. Still, he looks great. Like that's that is a guy who's in very good shape. Yeah, doctor. So he says, OK, this is I used to be handsome. This is maybe six or seven years ago when I was 31 or 32. I was still full time and Laura wearing a suit, going to court, meeting clients, da, da, da. So yeah. So that is. He decided to start taking steroids. That's when he decided. OK, so that that can be achieved naturally. That absolutely can be achieved naturally, especially with good genetics. And that's one of the things that I had. Do you know who Ronnie Coleman is? No. Ronnie Coleman's if there's a Mount Rushmore of bodybuilding, he's on it 100 percent. It's like Arnold, Franco Colombo, Lee Haney. I mean, how many Mount Rushmore doesn't have enough heads? Right. Dorian Yates. But Ronnie Coleman is without doubt on there. He was a multiple time Mr. Olympia. Enormous guy with him. Yeah. With spectacular genetics, spectacular genetics. And Ronnie did the podcast and he said that when he was he's really in rough shape now, like he can barely walk. His back is really fucked up. He's had many, many surgeries and he's basically had every disc in his back fused except for one and has a really hard time walking and even standing up. But that's because he pushed himself so hard. So it wasn't just the steroids. He pushed himself through pain. So when he got injured, he didn't give a fuck. He just kept working out hard and stacking weights and squatting spectacular amounts of weight. But he was I believe he said he was 30 before he took steroids. So he was a full time cop and he was competing. Just like, I mean, perfect genetics, just perfect. I mean, he's just a stud. And then realize he couldn't beat these guys. There's no way tired of getting his ass kicked. And so then he got on like he had that's when he was a cop. You get pulled over by that guy. Yes, sir. Here's license, sir. Sir, sir, don't squeeze my head like a zit. He's just a really sweet guy, too. An awesome guy. But he was very honest about it. He's like, I couldn't compete. I was tired of getting my butt kicked. And then he started taking. So in the USC, it's not allowed now? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. A lot of people get busted. They get busted for trace amounts that are in supplements.