Here's Why There Won't Be a Smoking Gun in the Mueller Investigation - Joe Rogan and Mike Baker


5 years ago



Mike Baker

19 appearances

Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer and current CEO of Portman Square Group, a global intelligence and security firm. He’s also the host of the popular "President’s Daily Brief" podcast: a twice daily news report on critical events happening around the globe available on all podcast platforms.


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And today's world, anything's possible, right? And I wish we had somebody else in there who was more elegant and eloquent and sophisticated. Does anybody stand out? Not right now. No. I don't think anybody's going to challenge him from the Republican side. And on the Democratic side, I think they're going to get 18 or 20 potential candidates and they're going to end up eating their own. So it could be a real slugfest in their favorite Democrats. As they're trying to establish someone who's a viable candidate? Kind of like what the Republicans did, right? And we ended up with President Trump. And the Democrats, if they're not careful, you can end up with the same thing. Look, they're talking about Joe Biden. Now, Joe Biden's an excellent cat, right? He's 150 years old. He's 150 years old and he lost twice before. But everybody loves the person that's on the bench, right? Until they get in the game. And so, who knows where they're going to go with that? But this idea that they've got compromising information on him. Here's what I think is that if Mueller has figured this out, right? And he's been quiet about it and everything, then the most remarkable thing about this investigation will be that nobody leaked, right? Because you can't keep a secret in Washington. And so, the fact that for two years now, we don't have like that bullet, you know, that they think they're going to come up with at some point. My inclination is to think that, you know, Mueller's going to finish this investigation, issue some findings and nobody's going to be happy, right? Because there won't be a bullet. And so, the left won't be happy. The right won't be happy because he'll still be pointing out the fact that there was, you know, a lot of, you know, stupid moves on the campaigns part and that there was inappropriate activity by, you know, people like Manafort and others. But do I think there's going to be some smoking gun? I don't think so. Because, and my reason for saying that is because I've never known Washington to not be able to keep or to be able to keep a secret. Right. Is anyone like Mueller ever done one of these things before though? He seems uniquely calculated. Yeah, he's done this before. And he is. He's a very smart guy and a very seasoned operator, investigator. He's got good people working for him and it's absolutely correct to let him go with this and just let him finish it up, right? But when is that going to be? Who knows? Right? Nobody had, they've been talking about, oh, he's going to wrap it up next week. He's going to wrap it up this week. He's going to, no, he's not. What do you think he's going to wrap it up? Who knows? This literally could go on to, it's going to have to end before probably the end of this year. I don't think even he's going to want to for political calculations, let it go into too close to 2020 in the election. Right? So regardless, even though I don't think he's a particularly political individual, I think he's going to see the wisdom of wrapping it up before then and then letting the chips fall wherever they do.