5 years ago
92 appearances
Eddie Bravo is a champion martial artist, founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, musician, stand-up comic, and author. He's the host of "Look Into It - with Eddie Bravo" podcast. www.10thplanetjj.com
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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Maybe that's what Bigfoot's about. Maybe Bigfoot was about, dude, let's create this mythical monster and have people afraid. They don't want people to move in the woods. The thing about that though is- That's not good for the NWO, the New World Order. They want people to go into cities so they create these Bigfoots. So they create Bigfoots. And if they're not doing it, they should do it. Create another Bigfoot skin. That's an easy way. That is so ridiculous. Reason for believing in Bigfoot I've ever heard. That's so funny. Bigfoot's been around forever though, dude. They talked about it in like- The CIA's been around forever. Man, they were in the Native American culture before white people became here. I bet the Nazis did that too. I bet the Nazis like have- I bet if you go to Germany they have these mythical creatures that they created to scare people out of the woods. If they're not doing that, if they're not doing that, damn, they got to give me credit if they start doing it. Because that's a good Illuminati move right there, right? That's how crazy deep you have to be if you're a conspiracy theorist. If you go so deep, you think that the CIA was in the Native Americans before Columbus landed. You go, bro, you don't even understand. It had a different name. It was a secret Native American organization. They taught the Europeans- Maybe the CIA of the Apache, because you know they had to have some evil elites that lied to their people, right? Maybe they wanted to keep their tribes together so they said, they created these monsters that you can't go out there. We're going to protect you. You got to stay here. Wouldn't that be a good move for- That's probably exactly what happened. Right? And they got these crazy stories of these monsters. Yeah, man. You got to stay here. We'll protect you. Native American CIA. Yeah. Native American CIA. Maybe that's just building empires 101. You create, you scare them with aliens. We got a threat from up here, so we need to protect you. And then we got threats down here too. Jaws. Maybe Jaws is a CIA movie. Let's keep people out the ocean. We got to keep them in the cities. It's all CIA, bro. Everything. The CIA is all powerful. Imagine if they just worked for good. Instead of trying to infiltrate the Native American community. I'm sure most of the people in the CIA are really legitimately trying to stop communism. It's just like a few key- Cowboys. Yes. Cowboys. Yeah.