David Goggins: There Is No End, No Finish Line


6 years ago



David Goggins

3 appearances

David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL, public speaker, and author. Look for his new book "Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within" on December 6. www.davidgoggins.com


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One of the great parts about this book is that you you detail Exactly what was going through your mind in terms of like your weaknesses and how you had failed and and then you It's not just one time like you you do the thing in high school where you get your shit together and then You join the military and then you wind up getting fat again And then when you got you and you have to lose what was 106 pounds in three months. Yep to Qualify for SEAL training. Yep, that's insane Yeah, because I realized at that time once again, I failed again I thought so when you're talking about as I took this as-bab test, you know I didn't know how to read and write pretty much in high school. I was like a fourth grade reading level I took that test a few times and I finally passed it and when I passed it I actually drove my car to the to the Dagon Airport and watched planes take off Because I was like I'm gonna be on one of those planes one day going to Air Force boot camp So I I never I always fixed the things on the surface So if I couldn't read him right alone to read him, right? I Would always fix these things on the surface level and so whenever something hard would like raise ugly head. I Didn't have any kind of tools to handle it. I mean I thought I fixed this already man But nah, I didn't go deep into the dungeon of my soul to say okay. What is making you a quitter? What is making you a weak man? What is making you afraid? And so that's why I kept on quitting and going back to start or not knowing how to get through hard times And that's why I was telling people I'm not a theorist. I Didn't study like, you know, I didn't study a fucking book. I literally put myself in a fire Repeatedly like a sword you put a sword in a fire repeatedly and repeatedly if you keep on doing that You're gonna get a nice sword and then you keep on beating it. You gotta beat the shit out of it And that's what I am. I Became that much I said, okay, we can't quit. We got to figure out why you are this pussy Why are you this pussy man? What is wrong with you? What's going on here? So I kept on putting the sword back in the deck on fire and I just beat it harder and I beat it harder Before I knew I started realizing Hmm. All right, man. The brain is starting to get hard The brain is starting to get hard. I'm no longer a theorist. I'm now a practitioner. I put it in hell I dissect it while it's in hell because you can't dissect anything in a normal environment You can't dissect anything in 72 degree weather You must put it in the fucking freezer and freeze the fuck out of it And then you dissect it dissect it when it's miserable Dissect the brain when all this thinking about is I need to get out of here man I want to get out of the fucking freezer open the door and you said nah Five more seconds man five more seconds in the freezer and that's when you start to pick that brain apart And that's what all this stuff did to me I kept on putting myself back into the freezer or the fire and beaten the shit out of myself Mentally and physically before I knew it This is what happened Wow It's an interesting way to self-teach You know like most people that you know, you talked to that are disciplined They you know, they have something that they read that inspired them They have certain people that they look up to there's certain, you know coaches that taught them There's certain important moments in their life. But for you, it's a system of failure and and Reflection and then rebooting. That's it repeated failure and People think a lot of times about me that I'm angry. Oh my god. You sound so angry you cuss so much Oh my god, why you cuss so much? Why are you so crazy? If you read my book, I cannot explain my life by saying hey, it was a merry fucking Christmas, man No, it wasn't I want you I want you to go there with me. I'm taking you there with me. I'm a storyteller I want to take your ass down paradise We're I so the house I lived in in Buffalo, New York that got my ass beat every day funny We lived on Paradise Road and it was anything but fucking paradise So I want you to go there with me you want to learn from me. Let me take your ass home Let me take you there. So that's the whole thing about it, man. We're scared to dive into Our lives what made us who we are The beautiful people that we are we're all jacked up in so many ways. That's the beauty of us That's the beauty of me. I'm jacked up But I figured out my own little process and how to get on jacked up and how to I'm not gonna get the same You know, I'm not gonna get the same way you're gonna get there. You may get there by going point to point B I'm a go point C to D to E to F. I don't be there the same way you are just a little harder That's how I train my brain. So it's just different. I'm a different thinker When you stop and think about all the different times that you did have to reboot and how you you found like new goals And you found new inspiration and you fired up a new discipline and you became stronger and harder and you got One of the things that people always look for in life. They look for a point where they can rest I'm gonna retire You know, like people love they love that expression the golden years. I love that expression Yes They love the they love the idea of a struggle as long as it ends and then when it ends they're gonna have a nice Comfortable spot it must end the suffering must end. Yeah, you should relax man. You've done so much That's right. You've really done so much but this the idea of reaching this golden year is It's a very flawed idea because it's an idea that you're gonna you're gonna work hard But then you're gonna reach the finish line, but there's no finish line. No, it doesn't exist That's the scary thing about life my friend. That is a scary thing, right? And that's what fatigues me people go man. Why don't you ever smile? There's no fucking in my friend There's no end