Colion Noir Reflects On His "Real Time with Bill Maher" Appearance


4 years ago



Colion Noir

5 appearances

Colion Noir is a second amendment advocate, attorney, and YouTuber.


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It's either one of two things. You either pivot, find something you're good at and go that direction, or if you're willing to put in the effort, figure out how to get better at what you're not good at. Right. And then apply those things. Now, it's going to be hard. It's going to suck. You still may not even get to the same level or degree as somebody else who's naturally talented in that sense. But what's the alternative? Bitch about it and like you said, complain that. Complain. When I see people, particularly this happens when you see people who are not very good commenting on people who are successful. They start saying this is one of the reasons why I could never make it because the people that made their sellouts or their this or their that and like, okay. You know who doesn't leave comments like that? Winners. This is so true. That's the facts. That's very true. That's the fact. Dave Chappelle's not going on fucking Twitter talking shit about people. This is that's the facts. The people who are really successful are the ones who are analyzing themselves, looking at their own work and keep moving. Doesn't mean you don't fail. Doesn't mean you don't fuck up. Doesn't mean you don't make mistakes. And the thing of the difference though is you do it publicly. Yeah. You mess up publicly. Oh, yeah. That's a lot to take in and like even like when I went on when I was on I mean when I was on Bill Martin was on a roundtable. I didn't think I did a good job. I don't. It's fucking almost impossible to do a good job in that goddamn roundtable. It was it was probably my work showings now for reasons that I think I went into it thinking I could I went into it like a lawyer. I thought I can go on reason and to be understand I was out class because they had a great command of using emotion and clapping. Well, there's that yeah, they're teachers. Yeah. You got a board for us. Yeah. I don't think it's a good way to communicate and I said it with Bill on the show and he's trying to talk me and doing the show and I think I agreed to it but then I found ways to get out of it. This is why man talking one-on-one is hard enough. Like you have a thought sometimes you're expanding and I have a thought I'm holding on to it. But then you keep talking and I don't know when to get it in there. Lose it now when there's three other fucking people and they're all trying to get sound bites. They're hoping are going to be on YouTube. It's all performative. It is a lot of it. A lot of his performative and then on top of it, it really is performative because there's a fucking audience. Yeah, you're right. And they're all liberal and they're all clapping and cheering and they're all in which they should be their his fans. There's nothing wrong with that. There are a couple of times I wanted to be like I'd make a point and I'm like really you're not going to clap. It's a bad way to communicate in front of people like that. One thing to perform if you're doing stand-up or singing a song or something like that in front of a large crowd. That's one thing. Yeah, but like having conversations in front of crowds. It's like a weird animal man weird added element and you're you're you're appealing to others to chime in and reinforce your thoughts. Yeah, no, no, you're absolutely right. Now I will forever ever ever be grateful that he gave me the opportunity to go into that lines then because it's a place that I think a lot of pro-gun people haven't been able to get going to. Hopefully I communicated in a manner that was that resonated with a lot of people in the same same way here. It's I'd be lying if I said I did not value the ability to have the time being within this two hour three hour space to have access to your audience at the same time because I don't understand why I mean I understand why but I'm just passionate about this in a way that sometimes even I have a hard time articulating. And so when I see all of these new people because I know your audience is very vast like I have a base. There's a base in my audience right that's gun people and a lot of them very conservative and with your audience it gives me the ability to speak to a wider gap of people who would otherwise never even look in my direction because of what I talk about. And so it aren't that many platforms that are available right now that are willing to open their doors to the opposite perspective because you got it you made your smart guy you know this this puts you in a very peculiar situation you you can end up looking really bad because you're literally confronting and testing out all of your ideas right in front of your audience that thinks you know everything right and so many people aren't willing to do that. Because they're worried about looking bad which is why I give mad props to Bill Maher as well because there aren't too many platform most people just want to sit in their echo chambers yell at the audience and say all right. Right yeah so I can't I have a hard press to think about any other type of platforms that may have a different perspective that would let me come on like this and that's just me being honest. Well I think it's important to talk to people that have all sorts of different ideas you know the thing there's a thing going on today where people talk about giving someone a platform you shouldn't be giving them access to your platform. Mike what the fuck is the purpose of a platform if it's not to test out ideas if it's not like if you want to talk to someone I mean I'm not talking about someone like who's in the KKK. Yeah yeah yeah but talking to people that have controversial viewpoints one of the best ways to sort those viewpoints out is to challenge them. And in fact there's a lot of people that would support a lot of people that I've had on where I've confronted them on their ideas and they lost a lot of fans because of it because these ideas now fall apart under scrutiny under someone who could talk to you for long periods of time. And just start go okay well why do you think that and then they say this and that and then you go but where's that coming from and then they see this and then as you get deeper and deeper you get to the basement and you go oh shit there's nothing in here.