3 years ago
9 appearances
Christina P is a stand-up comic and co-host of the "Your Mom's House" podcast with her husband and fellow comedian Tom Segura. Her new Netflix comedy special, "Mom Genes," is available now. http://www.christinaponline.com/
3 years ago
3 years ago
But I was gonna bring up, have you seen the new, um, The Batman? Yes. What? How do you feel? I loved it. You did? You hated it? Hated it. Tell me why. Okay. First of all, he's total limp dick. Like, he doesn't even bang fucking Zoe Kravitz at the end. Who's like the hot ass? He kissed her at least. Did they French? Did he French her? I mean it was like a real kiss. Very chaste. So here's what I think. He's got, he's got no dick and balls. He's a reluctant. Do you really think he has no dick and balls? No dick and balls. Because he's a reluctant hero and nothing aggravates me more. Here's who Batman is. He's fucking Bruce Wayne. He's a multi-millionaire. He enjoys being Batman. He enjoys his cars. He enjoys being the powerful hero. He puts on the suit. I'm Batman. Remember fucking, uh, Vicki Vale and the guy that, who's the Beetlejuice? When Beetlejuice was Batman? Yeah, Michael Keaton. Michael Keaton crushed it and he crushed puss and he was a virile male. This Batman is like, oh, good fucking feelings. His hair is in his eye and like, what are you doing? What? Wipe your pussy and go be a hero. Wow. Same with Spider-Man. Did you see that horse shit? You didn't like Spider-Man either? They're all fucking crying the whole time. I love it. Why are you crying? There's multiverse. There's multiple Spider-Mans. And they're all fucking having their periods at the same time. I don't want to see it. Show me men. I want my heroes. You like the Hulk. I love the Hulk. Because that's the dichotomy of human nature. That's Jekyll and Hyde. It's a very traditional story. I love the Hulk, his big green Hulk cock. I love him. Yeah. Look at him. Now, this is my... Michael Keaton. I liked him. Oh, you know who I love? The Christian Bale. Christian Bale was the best Batman. That was the best one. He was pretty good. I liked Robert Pattinson as Batman. So tell me... I thought it was good. I love Robert Pattinson. As the vampire. He was great in that too. I loved him. It's suspension of disbelief. You know, like you have this... It's you're watching a goofy ass movie about a weird fake world, you know, where a guy can like fucking shoot a grappling hook to the top of a building and it pulls him up. You know, it's like you have... There's a lot that you just like take for granted as nonsense. The thing about Batman has always been that Batman was just a rich guy that had access to all this money so he could buy all this shit and do these things. It's hot. Which works in a comic book. It really works in a comic book. Because in a comic book like you kind of got free license for him to create like a fucking nuclear reactor that he could put on a jet ski and you know, I mean, like Batman has all the money. He could do whatever he wants. But in movies, you're like, why is he kicking everybody's ass? How come nobody gets them? How come three guys don't gang up on them, take them down and stab them? And they're shooting rounds and rounds at him. They don't know one and fucking Gotham can shoot a gun. He's bulletproof. You just don't shoot him in the chin. Oh shit, that's right. Question. So Batman could have been Iron Man, but he chose not to be? Because that's all Iron Man is. That's a very good point. That's a good point. I don't think Batman is quite as smart as Iron Man. He doesn't have the heart thing which keeps his big thing. Yeah, Iron Man is smarter. Tony Stark is like a legit like super genius. Batman is just rich. He hired people to make it. Yeah, Tony Stark is a guy who became rich. What do you want? I want water. Oh, that's water in there. Tony Stark is a guy who became rich because he was brilliant. I like that. The Batman guy, he's just rich. Yeah, inherited. Yeah, he got it from his parents. But Drosselain is not like a brilliant. He's not a super genius. That's a good point. That's the most important. But here's the deal. So I also, I have a very hard time feeling bad for rich characters like, Oh, I mean, Orphan. Well, who cares? We all are, okay? A lot of us had shitty parents. So you've got millions of dollars. Go have fun. Go have fun with this Batman. I found him to be very just fey and like, I don't want to fight. But no one was having fun in the whole movie. The whole movie was my mom died. Everyone's dead. Cokes everywhere. That's what I'm saying. The whole movie was dark. Yeah, it's a fucking bummer, man. I don't want to be bummed out. I want fun. Show me some life. Who's your favorite like superhero character in films? That's such a good fucking question. I don't like Superman because he's too American pie. I like a little darkness. My favorite's Blade. Go ahead. Blade. Can you bring up Blade? I'm not even sure I've seen this. Yeah, yeah, he's dope. He killed vampires. I like vampires. I'm 100% on his side. Okay. Plus, he's a daywalker. He's part vampire. How does this work? So how does this work? His mother was bit while he was in the womb. So how did he can walk during the day? Yes, he can walk during the day. He's got vampire powers, but they have to keep giving him injections of blood. Oh, I like that. Because he wants to kill people and eat them, but he doesn't because he's a good guy. And he knows karate. Dude, I can see all of this lining up for you. Yeah, it's my 100% favorite of all those things. I like that, dude. Yeah. Wesley Snipes was fucking badasses, Blade, too. It was perfect because I was a fan of Blade the comic book where he had teak weapons. He used a really hard wood because vampires, you got to put steak through their heart. Yeah. So he had teak steaks that he carried with him. Yeah.