Charlamagne Tha God Shares Magic Johnson Conspiracy Theory


5 years ago



Charlamagne tha God is a radio presenter, television personality, and author.

Andrew Schulz

8 appearances

Andrew Schulz is a stand-up comic, actor, and podcaster. He's the host of the "Flagrant" podcast with Akaash Singh, and the "Brilliant Idiots" podcast with Charlamagne Tha God. His latest special, "Infamous," is available on


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In my mind, if people, if you like somebody, right? You see them, you're gonna go up to them and speak to them. I just try to gauge things on how I would do it, right? For example, I was on the plane with Steve Nash this morning. Okay. Saw Steve Nash, I'm like, waxing's like, oh shit, waxing my boy, he's like, oh shit, that's Steve Nash. And I'm like, oh shit, that's Steve. I didn't speak to Steve. Did you say hello? No. Nothing. No, I didn't feel it. Even though I respect him. No, he's a great player. Matter of fact, John Stockton. That's a little bit. I'd be like, John, hey! That's a little different. You know what I'm saying? That's a little different. Steve, I didn't feel it. There's some people you have to say hi to. Say what? There's some people you have to say hi to. Rachel Dolezal. Get the fuck out of here. I said hi. Did you? I'm sorry? Seattle. Absolutely. Where was she? I saw her with, I think she had at least one kid, maybe another one, she was just at the airport. We're online. She's bisexual. No TSA pre-check. What? She's bisexual now too. Yeah, she's bisexual, biracial, she's, oh no, she's not biracial. Transracial. She is black. Transracial. She's not both. Transracial. I know, but what I'm saying is she's bi, so she's straight and gay with the thing. But I said hello, said what's up, amazing forehead. One of the best foreheads you'll ever see in a game. I would've ignored her. What? I would've ignored her. Rachel Dolezal? Yeah, yeah. You wouldn't have got the selfie? No. I saw Jesse Smollett. We took a picture of him. Oh my goodness. In Lafayette Bakery. What do you think is gonna happen with him? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing. It's amazing nothing legally. It's amazing legally. Oh, I think Chicago's coming after him though. You think so? Nah. Didn't they say that they were gonna get him for the money. For the money that they spent. That's not that much. There's no such thing as cancel culture no more. Cancel culture is absolute bullshit. Ooh. Really? OJ Simpson proved that. Ooh. You know what I'm saying? Like, when Bill Cobb becomes home, he'll be on the road doing motherfucking stand up. R. Kelly's still out here selling shows. Like, Charlie Sheen is still out here flourishing. Charlie Sheen ducked it all. Dude, what? Wait a minute. Not, wait a minute, not all. He did get that age. He's got age, buddy. He got the age. He got the good age. Today with medication. Exactly. He may weather this. Doesn't even. What does HIV mean? You wore a choc in the flu. Aw, man. What is HIV? Yeah, what is it? Some say the greatest endorsement deal Magic Johnson ever signed. Ha ha ha ha! What? I'm saying, we're not gonna act like his career didn't flush. Bro, what happened? And it looks great. Take this age, you gonna get some movie things. I was in my car the day they announced on the radio that Magic Johnson had HIV, and I was shitting my pants. I was like, oh my god, this is like the beginning of a zombie movie. We're all gonna get it. If Magic Johnson, with all his money and all his fame, if he's got it, I'm gonna get it. We're all gonna get it. I was terrified. Did you stop brawling? I remember in my car driving, and then I hear it on the radio. I'm like, holy shit. Holy shit, this is insane. 30 years later, he looks great. He looks amazing. He looks amazing. He looks great. He's on TV telling us why he left the motherfucking Lakers. He's like fuck the Lakers. Not once did somebody say, yo, you know Magic got HIV. Oh, I saw it. This is how you, yeah, I know you did. That's all I was thinking about. Every time I see him. He knocked it off. He looks incredible. He does look incredible. He does look incredible. Yeah. He does look incredible. He's not even positive in tests anymore. Wait, what? Yeah. I heard that. Yeah, if you give him a test for HIV, he comes up negative. Because apparently with these protease inhibitors and all these different things that they take to the different medications, you don't even test positive for HIV anymore. By the way, then listen, it was this older white dude and I forgot what TV show I was on the set of, but he was explaining to me the whole situation with Magic. And he was like, the reason that they chose Magic was because they wanted to erase a lot of these stigmas. People thought that HIV and AIDS was a gay disease and they needed like a alpha male, I guess, to have it, to kind of erase that stigma and to let people know that you can live with it. Like HIV and AIDS. And like they gave it to him? Well, this is what he told him. By the way, this is not a Charlemagne to God theory. All right, I'm telling you what somebody told me. What they said to me was Magic had got caught up in some type of scandal. Oh, I heard this. Under age, right? Yeah, and before the scandal came out, because the person that he was with was like some... Allegedly. Some big wigs child or something like that. And so they said, this is what you're gonna do so we don't ruin you. I'm not saying it's true. Now, Joe, before you take this in, he believes in Sasquatch. No, I'm not saying I believe this. He doesn't, he believes Sasquatch was real. That just started right now on this podcast. If I asked him yesterday, he'd dig 100% there. Sasquatch is unreal. I'm not saying I believe that Magic theory. I'm just repeating what I was told. That is a common rumor that's out there. I've heard that rumor as well. That he doesn't actually have it, but that it was either that or... But we just got done saying how you read rumors about you that are ridiculous and you go, what the fuck? And then you realize, oh, this is what happens. People just make shit up and then people repeat the shit that people make up. Because we can't fathom that he beat AIDS, bro. AIDS was bodying people back in the day. Like he got... Freddie Mercury. Freddie, gone. Yeah. Who else? Easy E. Easy E, my downstairs neighbor. Yeah. Was your downstairs neighbor? No, no, I had a downstairs neighbor who had AIDS. I just can't throw that in his sit-in. He didn't even know what it was. I'm not enough for my paws there. I learned about AIDS really young, my downstairs neighbor. I thought Andrew was in his 30s. I'm like, easy E was your downstairs neighbor. I was like, what the fuck? So look at Charlie Sheen. Look at him, yo. Book Charlie Sheen for 350 bucks. Book him where? On Cameo. Oh, oh, on Cameo. What the fuck is Cameo? Sunglasses on. Like, what? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? Sunglasses on. Like, what is happening here? What is he doing? Yeah, I don't care. This strange show. Somebody I was just showing you what he's up to. He aged very quickly. It's like he seemed to be fine when he was doing Two and a Half Men. When he stopped doing that show, he aged like a hundred years. Joe, he has HIV. We don't know how it's affecting him. That's true, too. I forgot he has HIV. Exactly. I forgot. Everybody's not Magic Johnson here, okay? I forgot he has it. I'm saying Magic. By the way, that is why I say Magic is like the greatest NBA player of all time. Why? Because of that, he played 13 seasons in the NBA, went to nine NBA Finals, won five of them, won in college, came in, won his rookie year, and went one-on-one with HIV and fucking won. Destroyed. He destroyed the stigma of HIV. He definitely did. Anybody that catches HIV right now, the first thing you're going to say to yourself is, give me a Magic stock. I can live through anything if Magic made it. You know what I'm saying? Magic's fine. That's it. 30 years later, he's okay. It's not a death sentence anymore. That's it.