Beer and Bourbon: Pat McNamara's Workout Recovery Plan | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Pat McNamara

1 appearance

Pat McNamara spent 22 years in the United States Army in many special operations units. He is currently training people in tactical marksmanship and combat strength.


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What do you do for recovery? Do you fuck around with cryotherapy or sauna? I do nothing. Do nothing? Really? No, I, nope. Nothing. How come? I don't know. Because I haven't really like needed it. Yeah. You should just get a sauna. Get a sauna in your gym. Yeah. Just that alone. Get a sauna in a fucking ice bath. Yeah. I drink, I think, you know, I drink beer for recovery. That's a, that's a nightly ritual. I will not be able to function if I don't get it. How many beers? Usually around four, but they're like good quality pints, you know? I'm not like chugging lugging NASCAR soda by the case. Right. Barley pops, but like good quality IPA, Stouts, Porters, you know, that kind of thing. You just live for it? Yeah, I love it. I'm a hobbyist, man. Right. Yeah, I'm a hobbyist. Is that a bourbon? So, I, I, I, I, I... That doesn't seem to go hand in hand in a lot of people's eyes. I know. With hard physical training. People are like, are you freaking kidding me? And it's like, hey, man, I have a policy. My wife and I have a policy. Every night is Saturday night, but every morning is Monday morning. Wow. Yep. I like it. Yep. So we go out almost every night. We go out. Just because if I'm at home, I'm going to work. I'm going to work until I fall asleep. So, you know, that clock hits six, seven at night. Like, all right, let me go meet my wife. She's getting off of work. We're going to go have a couple of pints, have a big old bourbon or something like that. And, uh, yep, I smoke cigars, um, dip. How do you keep up? But the thing is, well, that's what I'm going to, um, diet. It's all about diet. Mm-hmm. I mean, my diet's ridiculous. What do you eat? Predominantly, when I meal prep, um, it's collard greens, spinach, bell pepper, and chicken. That's it. And then spice it up with, you know, salt pepper and garlic. So do you prep for the week? Do you make like a bunch of- Yeah, but it doesn't, I don't have a pot big enough to prep for the week. So I prep for like two, three days at a whack and just chow down. And that's the other thing, diet, man. You know, there's this, what's, dude, what's the secret in diet? Eat food. And food doesn't come in a bag or a box. That's a product. Right. Shop at the periphery of a grocery store. If you go into the guts, all you're going in there is for coffee, olive oil, salt, and that's it. Yeah. Um, that's a good way of looking at it. Yeah, just stay right on- Stay on the outside. That's where the meat and vegetables are. Yep. Beware of the inside. Just beware. If you're going in there, go with a purpose. You know, don't get, uh- Don't get sucked into that cereal aisle. Be like, damn, cocoa puffs. I'm going to have cocoa puffs in so long. Oh my God. Yep. Because that, and then the older you get, the less you could proc- your body can't process that crap. Right. So diet for me, get up in the morning. It's habitual full quarter water, so I wake up full quarter water. Full quarter water. First thing. Power slam. Just don't even, don't even set it down. And then, um- Why is that? What's the thought process behind that? I'm getting that down. I'm getting it in me. No wasting time. It's there for a reason. I want to- because you wake up dehydrated, I just want to power slam that and get it all into me. Um, and then, you know, a clean- I eat a clean breakfast, like a couple boiled eggs and some bacon. Mm-hmm. And then, throughout the day, people say, well, is there a certain amount- because too many people follow too many, like, diets, which, good for them. If you're following a diet, kudos. Um, but like meal times and how many times a day. I eat when I'm hungry and I don't eat till I'm full. It's pretty freaking simple. Uh- You don't eat till you're full, so you back off. Right. When you- when you hit like 70%, 80%, something like that. Yeah, about that. About that. Yeah. And then, a portion of that is thinking, well, what if I got to sprint 400 yards, you know, or what if I got to kick somebody's ass- Right now. And if I'm 100%, I mean, it's going to be shooting out of both ends. Right. Um, so, diet is freaking huge, man, huge. But it allows me to drink those beers at night, you know. It allows me to do stuff like that. And then, make sure I'm hitting it every day, you know, the gym. Seven days? Um, I usually don't have time for seven days. Um, and I- even if I did, I probably wouldn't. I'd probably take at least one day off, maybe two. Um, but you know, as well as I do, that you are more in tuned when you get older to what your body's telling your brain. Yeah. Your body- when you get older says, you know what, back the fuck off today. You don't need to do that shit. Right. And I listen to that, man. I do listen to that.