5 years ago
9 appearances
Abby Martin is a journalist, host of "The Empire Files" video series, and director of the 2019 documentary "Gaza Fights for Freedom."
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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So Beto, no, let's not call him Beto anymore. His name's Robert. Robert, yeah. Robert actually has a really great idea, Joe. He wants to tax non-military families to pay for veterans' healthcare. What? And to pay for veterans. Yeah, isn't that nice? So punish the people who don't want to join the military. What? Very smart. Robert, 2020. How about punish the fucking people who make the weapons, who influence the politicians? Let's tax the defense contractors. Find out what the military industrial complex is really made of. Find out how much money they're really making and saying, hey, look at you guys. You made X amount of billions of dollars. And look at all these guys that we have to fund. We have to rely on charities and we have to rely on things like the Wounded Warrior Project and all these foundations that are taking care of these veterans when you're the ones who are profiting. Yeah. I mean, that's where the money should come from. It's not like they're poor. That's insane. These are fucking insanely rich organizations. Yeah, their stocks have tripled in the last four years. They're doing real well. When we had that situation where Dick Cheney, who was the CEO of Halliburton, was giving Halliburton no bid contracts to go over and fix places that we bombed, it's like, what? Yeah. That is like a doctor breaking people's legs so he can fix them. It's so crazy. And then driving around in a Porsche. It's fucking crazy. Yeah, well, Trump was sitting down at some table with all the head defense contractors a couple months ago and it was after the Khashoggi dismemberment in the embassy. And he was openly talking about how we cannot stop that $110 billion weapons deal. And you should see just the glee on these people's faces. I mean, it was just unbelievable how transparent it is, especially under Trump. That was a weird conversation where, who was he being interviewed by? Oh, Steve Hilton, my friend. I know Steve Hilton. I know that guy forever. We're actually family friends. Our families have gone on vacations together and shit. It's a good guy. Is that the Fox News guy? Is that the Hilton heir or is that just a... No, no, it's... Oh, where the fuck is... Paris Hilton's dad? Oh, okay. No, he's British. But he was interviewing Trump and they were talking about the military... Trump was openly discussing how these people want to go to war. The military industrial complex wants to go to war. I mean, Trump saying that he didn't want to have anything to do with this, but that they want to go to war. And it's like... Trump is a weird guy because he's such a loose cannon that he says shit like that, that Obama would keep in his cards. Obama would hide his cards. But Trump, hate him or love him, he gives you glimpses that you're not going to get as far as like, what kind of influence does the military industrial complex really have on policy change and decision making and whether or not they take action? And he was openly discussing it. He removes the mask. It's interesting because he... I think that he's talking out of both sides of his mouth because on one hand he says that kind of stuff. But then on the other hand, I mean, he hired all the most rabid war generals in his cabinet and also just John Bolton. I mean, come on, this is like a maniacal neoconservative who's been vying for war with Iran since the day he was born. So it's like, if you don't want war with Iran, I mean, he campaigned on it. So we know that he hates Iran, he campaigned on abolishing the nuclear deal with Iran. But then he picks John Bolton to lead all of these efforts. I mean, it's like starting a fire and then getting applauded and congratulated when you stop the fire at the last minute before it erupts and takes over the whole planet. And that's what would happen if we actually did bomb Iran. I think that people don't understand how precarious the situation is that Trump and these cronies have laid out. Not just is, but came so close to being a reality just a week ago. You mean you don't think we should go to war after bombing oil tankers and Saudi oil tankers? You don't think we should go to war over that? We're shooting down a robot? Yeah. They shot our robot. That's it. I would die from Saudi oil tankers and I'd be the first one to put my body on the line. There was a lot of people that were saying, this seems like the Gulf of Tonkin too. They were like, I'm not buying this at all. There were so many people that were like really kind of credible people who were openly saying, this stinks. It just seems staged. It seems like some bit ... Why would they do that? It's total false flag shit going on over and over and over again. They're just trying so hard because they want to provoke Iran to the point where Iran will be forced to respond. And this is after suffocating, ex-fixiating sanctions that are causing people's lives. What is it? For the folks at home that haven't been paying attention to this, what is it that makes them want to go to war with Iran? We have to just look at what Iran is. Iran just won its independence less than 100 years ago in an era of a wave of anti-colonial struggles and we immediately, the MI6 as well as the CIA, instigated a coup. We always talk about how we want Iran to have democracy. They had democracy. They had a revolution, a people's revolution that was overthrown. We overthrew Mohammad Mosaddegh and instated an absolute monarchy for decades. At the time, it had the highest human rights abuses documented in the world. It was pretty unique in that sense. You can only imagine why Iran is the way it is today. There was such a suppression of the left and of the Communist Party in Iran that the Islamic Revolutionary Revolution happened and the Ayatollah was the leader of that political movement. That's why Iran has the political system it has today. But it's about the oil, man. It's always about the oil and it's always about the foreign domination of the region. They hate that Iran is an independent country and doesn't bow down to US imperialism and US capitalism and Iran also is allies with a lot of states that Israel and the US and Saudi Arabia do not want it to be allies with. Hezbollah, Hamas. That's a big problem for the US and it's getting in the way of a lot of goals in the region. It's really fascinating when you look at what actually happened because the nuclear deal was amazing. It was huge. Trump keeps belaboring the fact that Iran should not have nuclear weapons. They didn't have nuclear weapons. They never did and they were agreeing to never have them. That was the whole Iran nuclear deal. But Trump just immediately rescinded that, slapped insane sanctions on Iran and now sanctions every month just continuing to constrict their economy and even basically threatening sanctions on China and India and other countries that actually do deals with Iran now too, which is totally insane. Once you do that and then you say, you're hitting yourself, you're hitting yourself, why are you doing this? It's like, no, you're doing this to them. On top of that, John Bolton keeps saying, there's all these unique threats coming from Iran. We need to surround them with all these warships and they keep sending thousands of more troops, so you're getting to a position now and now the drone, right? We're flying a drone into Iranian airspace and expecting that they're not going to shoot that down. Why the fuck are we flying a drone in Iran? The fuck would we do if Iran flew a drone in here? I mean, it's just unbelievable the chauvinism and arrogance of the US to be doing all this shit and then be like, okay, now you guys are a belligerent threat. We have to do something. It's like, no, you guys are the ones encircling them and closing all of their, you know, basically just encapsulating their entire territory and threatening them over and over and over again, basically hoping for something to happen. And if you look back at the Gulf of Tonkin, there was a guy who was actually on the USS Maddox, the ship that was eventually attacked and got us into the war with Vietnam. And he even said, my dad was on the ship and he said, we had no idea why we were there. And one of the generals or captains on the ship just said, they want us to be hit. They want us to be attacked so they can get into a war that they want to get into. And that's exactly what's going on. And what's sad is whoever's in the Navy circling Iran, they're going to be the ones who fucking die when Iran does launch back. They're sacrificing themselves for these generals and defense contractors profits. Now there's some reason to believe that Iran is not being honest about its nuclear program. Right. I mean, that was one of the reasons why it wasn't that, what was the virus that the United States? Stuxnet. The virus that they put on the Iranian nuclear program to kill it while they were in the middle of doing whatever they do to uranium. Right. The centrifuges for the enriching uranium. I mean, yeah, that was also crazy. Cyber attacks, right? Right. But the cyber attacks, weren't they effective though in stopping the nuclear program? There was like a secret nuclear program that they were doing. I don't know what exactly they, I don't think that there ever was a nuclear program, but I know that that was another crazy thing that the US did was basically infect their thing and destroy all of this technology. But I mean, basically all we need to know is that they agreed to not develop nukes and it was all agreed from the international community. And then Trump gets in there and just unravels it all. And it's so dangerous because Iran would make Iraq look like child's play. It's not a joke. And I mean, it's literally so precarious at this point that anything can happen and erupt into a full blown war. And then when Trump says, oh, I pulled back the airstrike because I wanted to save 150 lives. No, dude, you're starting fires all over the world. And then you get applauded and you want to congratulate yourself because somehow he's still kind of appealing to this like non-interventionist line, which is just fake to me because you don't appoint the most rabid war hungry people to surround you and to carry out these policies if you don't want that to a certain extent. Well, it also created this really weird ideological rift where people were complaining that he didn't do anything and people were upset that he was going to take action. He didn't. There was even about the drone. Yeah. Well, that he will about the drone and about the attacking of the oil tankers and that he was ready to launch. Then he didn't. And what wasn't one of the Fox guys was talking about the consequences of taking no actions like Brian Kilmeade or one of those guys. The media is insane. But the media has been attacking him from the Democrats to the media and the Democrats always attack this administration from the right whenever there's some sort of military involvement. They always want him to bomb and go to war. It's pretty shocking. I mean, I guess not too shocking when you realize the corporate media is literally subsidized by like oil companies and banks and defense contractors. No, I know you didn't. That's pretty crazy. That's pretty crazy.