America Doesn't Lead the World in Gun Deaths


3 years ago



Colion Noir

5 appearances

Colion Noir is a second amendment advocate, attorney, and YouTuber.


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Yeah, but there's also like gun culture that people don't like. The celebration of shooting things and blowing things up. People get angry at that because they feel like it's glorifying it and they feel like you're going to get those guns and put them in the hands of shitty toxic male people and they're going to want to shoot people. If 400 million guns in this country were a problem, you would know it. Yeah, but it's really that simple. There's so many guns, right? That's what's crazy. There's so many guns in people. And yet, and still, we don't lead the world in gun deaths. Who does? That's a good question. I think we were, because we came in like, we were like right, I think we're like at 12, number 12 or something like that. Really? Yeah, we're not. I thought we were number one. No, we're not. We need to work harder, boys. We're not. We're number one. No, but even still, again, 65% of those are suicides. I can hear people say all the time, they'll say, well, those suicides are more efficiently done because of guns. So I was like, so what's the solution? Bang guns. Make it harder to kill yourself? By banning guns. Yeah. Like I said at the beginning of this, the only logical conclusion is to ban guns. What's that? The United States is low if you're going per capita, but that like you take the top 10 and you add them all up and it's not as many as it happened in the United States. So we're number one? Number two behind Brazil. In terms of the actual like total number? Total deaths, yeah. Total deaths. Now what's the population of Brazil? Brazil's got a lot of people. Wow. We're number one, number two by 14,000? But per 100,000, we're number 25, 20? Which I think is a more accurate assessment if you take into account the number. What's the population of people in Brazil? So per capita, we're number 20. Brazil has a lot of people. Go back to the actual numbers again. What do we got there? This is of 2016. So there's 6,000-ish, yeah. So 6,000-ish more in Brazil per year than the United States, which is, that's surprising. But deaths per 100,000, they have 19, we have 10. That's a big jump. It's almost double. There's way more people in India, and they have way less. Yeah, way more people, right? They have like a billion people. And then Mexico's surprisingly low. Look at Mexico, that's really low. I'm just kind of shocked by that. They have less than half what we have. Huh, interesting. Deaths per 100,000. Are you talking about population? No, the amount of deaths they have total. Yeah, but what's the population of Mexico? Well, it says deaths per 100,000. They have 11.8 deaths. We have 10.6. So wouldn't that make them more than us? There's a total deaths. In terms of per capita. Yeah, per capita. But as far as total numbers. Bro, look at Venezuela, 38. Oh, yeah. Deaths per 100,000, they have a lot more. Holy shit. They're number one, or El Salvador. El Salvador's 39. It's only 2,500 people died, just comparatively. That's why it's still a little bit. Super dangerous. 13 in Greenland. Yeah. Yeah, but Greenland has a population of two people. Yeah, they just killed each other and they jumped up to number one. Yeah, it's... Wow, Puerto Rico's that high on the list? Go back up to that? I'm going to have to call John Donner. It's kind of separately. It's part of America. Because it's not. Same as the Virgin Islands. It is. It is not America. It's like neither is Hawaii. I mean, Hawaii is America, but let's be honest, we stole that shit. Not we, but somebody did. That's five hours by plane in the middle of the ocean. How the fuck is that America? Yeah, it's true. It's kind of like all cities in Houston. Yeah. This place, I mean, this chart is kind of surprising, seeing the death numbers. That is surprising. But so number one, all total deaths though is Brazil. So we're number two for all total deaths. But Brazil, I don't believe, has the same population as America. This is Brazil's total population. I want to say 100 million rather. That's my guess. 211. 211. And we have 300 million? Yeah. About, yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Brazil's dangerous as fuck though in some areas, like the favelas. You ever see City of God? Yes. Whoo! What a crazy movie that is. In an eerily way, very beautiful at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. It's a brilliant movie. Very well said. But yeah, Brazil's got a strange situation. I mean, I think recently they just think the new president just kind of loosened the grip on the gun laws in Brazil. Oh, yeah. But generally speaking, the gun laws in Brazil are very, very strict. It is interesting that places with the highest gun laws in America are the places with the most amount of gun violence. That's so strange. Well, I think because by and large the attempted solution for the violence, because those places also have the highest concentrations of inner cities. And so there are solutions for those things, which is always gun control. And in response to it, it's always more gun control. And if that doesn't work, add more gun control. If that doesn't work, sprinkle a little bit more gun control. And if that doesn't work, just put a little bit more gun control. This time I promise this gun control will work. And then it keeps happening. Gun control. Gun control, gun control, gun control. That's the point that I'm making. The answer is always going to be gun control. Catch new episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience for free only on Spotify. Watch back catalog JRE videos on Spotify, including clips, easily, seamlessly switch between video and audio experience. On Spotify, you can listen to the JRE in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data costs all for free. Spotify is absolutely free. You don't have to have a premium account to watch new JRE episodes. 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