The type of mercury in vaccines is called ethylmercury, it is FAR LESS toxic than methylmercury. Ethylmercury is water soluble and is easily excreted from the body, whereas methylmercury is not and has to be chelated with other metals to be flushed out of the body. Now get this...
One ounce of tuna can have more METHYLmercury (highly toxic) than a vaccine has ETHYLmercury (very little toxicity).
Do some people react to vaccines? Absolutely they do (people who react to vaccines would drop dead if they got the actual virus, the vaccine is merely a microdose of the virus in concern) and therefore, they shouldn't be mandated, but all this HORSE SHIT about vaccine safety is just that...HORSE SHIT...FDA regulates mercury levels in tuna and every other fish that's sold, and you don't think fucking vaccines aren't subjected to the same, if not more, stringent tests?! Stop taking medical advice from a fucking grifter who claims WIFI signals give us cancer! FFS!