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This is really sad ,seek help


Shes fucked up


Fuck the dsm


Its also no secret that alot of adult stars are dying from drugs and or sucides because it messing up there abity to find true love,the doctmentry brain heart world dives into that ,and two male performers explain the damage this does to viwers and performers in the industry,and former actress jenna presly ,britny birth name ,runs a sight to help person s recover from it ,and get person s out of the industry before they become a statsic like she almost did ,she became addcted to all kinds of drugs ,was called fat at 120 lbs,got implants to big for her frame ,got ghino first yr in because they dont wear condoms .Couldn't have relationship s that lasted,she now is a pastor and married a pastor whom could look past her faults.Porn kills love.A guy named Joshua broome on brain heart world did over one thousand sceans and it made him depressed ,empty and dead inside.A guy named greg on same doc.He said the industry took his abilty to feel love and he said he felt like a prostitute .Having sex for money .Its desroying anyone with internt connection,and person s in the industry as well,messing up adults,kids,preachers ,women ,a good book is beggar s daughter by Jessica harris,she became addcted at 13 and was addcted for a long time even in colledge ,she droped out ,wanted to be a doctor ,and when she was 17 sent nude pics to someone in a chat ,hello 17 is alled underage .And who knows how old the person was she sent them to?Probably lied about his age.She actually consdered becoming a adult actress because thats all she thought she was worth ..There are several recover forms on the nerobiolgy of addction.Most non relgion .This industry could give to rips on its harms,and porn hub and other mindgeek sights in mutiple lawsuits because of content on sights and serena k was 14 when someone posted things of her sex acts ,she had to seek counsling and fight tooth and nail to get it taken down .Several sights actually had sex traffic victims on sights,ddp had girls drugged and made to look like they enjoyed things they were forced to do.Gdp ceos serving twenty yrs.In prison ,one guy still on the lamb,performer ro jermey in trouble for sexual assulting several ,in cluding a minor,because of his profession,he thinks rules dont apply .This is damanging period,anyone whom thinks internt porn is harmless is in denial or funded by the industry to protect there brand much like tobacco companys did years ago.Warning labels and person s still smoke,knowing its harmfull.Porn sights have ads for boner pills ,so they must know its dangerous.Movies on its harms include bilogy 101 2011,don juan ,american reunioun ,ted 2 ,fire proof with kirk cameron ,and several recover forms ,again mostly non relgious..U control your dopamine with a mouse ,a real vagina cant compete to death grip masturbation or vibrator use or whatever. Spoify has therpasits and persons on its harms and even girls whom were traffcted etc.I hate unprofessional persons whom unethically attack forms.On a side note ,i hope nikki saught help because her relationship s probably suffered because of it and hopefully shell find love like we all deserve .And hopefully she smart enough to kerp her clothes on and doesn't become another whom shows the world her naked body on the internt .Save that for your bf or husband.Porn kills love period .



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